
Qu Xing Xu's Decision (1)

Gu Yan raised his hand to his face, the wrinkles on the skin of his disguise started to grow more as he moved. 


The sound of leather getting ripped resounded through the bamboo forest they were in along with the rustling of the leaves when the wind started to blow towards their direction. 

Once he was finally able to get rid of every leather skin he had to wear on top of his real skin, Gu Yan didn't change his expression that didn't show his disgust for wearing that dirty old bastard's skin. 

"How was it?" Qu Xing Xu asked his right-hand man who was slowly standing up from his kneeling position.

Gu Yan stuck his tongue out to wet his dry lips and said, "Several nobles have banded together to bring you down. They did want to inform the Emperor, but that man from the Song family decided to forego with it and proceed with the plan."

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