
The Billionaire She loved ' The heart breaker

Drake Andreas had always wanted Lisa Grey. But she was his best friend's sister..... too young, and innocent. she is definitely off-limits. Lisa had been in love with Drake for as long as she could remember, And now, in just forty-eight hours, her Greek handsome devil was getting married to another woman, a beautiful model, her cousin. But when her cousin left him stranded at the altar Lisa was there to pick up the pieces. she knew Drake had always thought of her as a little sister, but this night he needed her. And she had never stopped looking forward to having him. In one night of unforgettable passion, their lives were inextricably joined. This led to her bitter circumstances in her marriage with Drake, He had been flagrantly unfaithful to her, she gave up her love for him and divorced him. Five years later, Drake comes back dramatically into her life. An accident leads to his lost memory and was asking for her, under the impression that she was still his wife.

Anosike_nneamaka_8591 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Jessica's decision

She was going through the celebrities magazine, looking at the beautiful models, how she had wished she could be one of them, that had been her earnest desire, to be the most celebrity model in the whole universe, she has the face, the figure, the height, and the talent. just luck is what she needed, boom! her ten years of ambition will come to life. but she had never given up. It seems as if she is giving up on her career, because of her marriage with the most eligible bachelor in town. Drake Andreas is a Greek billionaire. they met after her return from New York City at her cousin's house three months ago, where Lisa introduces them, they date for some weeks and fell in love with each, and after some months drake proposed to her and she accepted. he introduced her to his family members, they liked her and she thinks she liked them too. Drake's parents were happy that he had finally found someone to settle down with, a beautiful woman, a devoted mother to his future children.

Jessica would never settle down and be the kind of wife he's looking for, but she don't want to be too rude to him, when she gets to the bridge, she will cross it


her phone rang and she checked the caller's identity, it was her agent from New York City. Mr johnson.

" Hello miss Grey, good to hear from you again, how have you been,"

"am good and you..."

"good, our agencies want to offer The face of Queen's assignment. he goes straight to the point. So, are in ?" he asked her

"Of course am in," Jessica's answered immediately without giving a second thought of her marriage with Drake. she had been waiting for this life-changing opportunity, and she not going to let it slip away from her.

"Okay, I will let the agency know, see you by tomorrow then. bye...."

"bye..." she said.

"by tomorrow that's the day before my wedding day." what am going to do?"

she hurry and called her parents and break the good news to them. they were very happy and gives me their support. they've been very supportive to her since she was a child, always being there to grant her desires. she knew she would not have a problem convincing them, but Drake, he Will is a very hard nut to crack. though her mind had been already made up, he would not make her change it.

after she must have arranged her clothes and traveling bags, she called, his company and his secretary picked her call, she told her that they were in a board meeting and he couldn't attend to her right now. Jessica told the Secretary to inform Mr. Andreas, to call after the meeting as she had important issue to discuss with him . and it's urgent.

Two hours later, after the meeting, Drake call her.

"Hello, Jessica," his deep voice comes online, Trish drops your message honey," what's troubling my beautiful bride this afternoon."

"Sweet" it's not what I can tell you on phone, can we meet your apartment now."

"You sound worried; I'll be there in the next few minutes."

"Oh, Thanks my sweet."

they decided to meet at him his penthouse where they can not be disturbed and find solutions. maybe, just maybe, they would come up with new plans. She knew Drake would never support my modeling, he had been urging her to resign after their marriage and be his wife fully, he promised to give her anything she want including buying a beach house for her.

But this is exactly what she wanted and she doesn't think she could give it out for anything.

Later in the day, in his penthouse after their lovemaking, she was playing with the hairs in his chest, thinking how to come up with the issue for him to understand how important it is to her. his deep voice brings her back to his presence.

"Darling, what's it that you wanted to tell me,"

" honey, she said getting up on her elbow to look down on him. "I got a contract from my agency this morning and I accepted the offer...I was thinking maybe we will find a way to adjust our wedding plans,"

"No way to adjust any fucking thing Jessica !" he raged as he swung his two legs by the side of the bed, he walked to his bar and pure vodka for himself, he stood stack necked drinking as he was looking outside the window.

she put on her clothes and went to him not minding his nudity, his body build is very beautiful, he had nothing to be ashamed of.

"Honey... this had been my wildest dreams since I entered modeling agency, my earnest desire, please can we...."

he turned and kissed her deeply. "darling

our marriage is next forty-eight hours. please can we stop this? "I've promised to give you anything. but this had to be stopped, please... I don't wish to discuss it again. understood ?" he said. she nodded slowly, she knew that their discussion had ended and no need of saying any other thing to change his mind.

she called Lisa immediately after Drake dropped her off at her apartment and left for his office. "Lisa, I need to see you at once. meet me at your apartment in an hour, and for God's sake don't be late. This is important,"

As she turned the corner, of the house she saw her coming towards my car as she noticed my new ferries brand new car, parked at the curb of the big old building that had been converted into four apartments. after waiting for good fifty minutes, she had advice Lisa to get herself a car even the cheapest one to make things easier for her, it's seen to be very hard for her, saying that she can't afford the premium parking rate. she was never bothered by trivial things such as premium parking rates or the lack of a steady income. she always assumed that everything would work out, and somehow for her, It always did.

As Lisa walked toward the car, she swung the door on the driver's side opened and stepped out. "If you'd buy a car like everybody else it wouldn't take you forever to get places. Hurry up, I've got a lot to say and not much time in which to say it."

Lisa joined her and together they went into the house and up the stairs to her apartment. She

turned up the thermostat and took her silver fox fur coat to hang in the closet, then went into the kitchen to

make coffee. Jessica paced around the three small rooms, she am tense, Strained, nervous, at anxious, Lisa is the only person that can help her now, she doesn't have any other choice.

"Jessica, Lisa said as she poured the hot, freshly brewed liquid into thick mugs, "for heaven's sake calm

down and tell me what's happened. It can't be too much of a disaster, the dressmaker has your dress finished,

pressed, and ready to put on, the caterers are preparing the buffet luncheon for the reception, and you'll never convince me that Drake has changed his mind. So what's the problem that couldn't wait until we see each other tonight at the rehearsal?"

she opened the cupboard door, found a bottle of whiskey and liberally laced her coffee with it, then took a swallow before she told her about the contract she had accepted it"

Lisa blinked. "you what? I don't understand,"

"The face of Queen's assignment. You know, the cosmetic company. They're restarting a new ad campaign featuring The face of Queens girl. Sort of the all-American glamour girl type that every woman dreams of being. Well, I'm it! The head of the ad agency called

my agent and offered me a contract. It's to be a worldwide promotion, and they'll be photographing me at all the exciting and glamorous landmarks. The Eiffel

Tower in Paris, St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, the Parthenon in Greece...."

"Now just a minute," Lisa interrupted, "you are marrying Drake on Saturday. How are you going to juggle an around the world modeling assignment and your responsibilities as Drake's wife?"

she took another long swig of her whiskey-laced coffee."That's what I had to talk to you about. I'm not going to marry Mr. Andreas, Lisa."

Lisa stared, at her open mouth and disbelieving. You're what?" she finally gasped, convinced she'd misunderstood.

Jessica looked away. "I can't marry Drake. He'd never agree to me taking this assignment, but it's the shot of

adrenaline that will save my career. Oh, don't you see, this one assignment will open doors for me for years to

come. To say nothing of the money. You wouldn't believe how lucrative something like this can be. I'll be a

celebrity. Everyone will recognize The face of Queens girl?"

"But what about Drake? Lisa asked with a surprised look, still on her face. Jessica's expression changed to one of distress. "You know it breaks my heart to call off our wedding plans.

"I love Drake. That's why I've decided against marrying him. He'd never be happy with a dedicated career woman for a wife, and we both knew that's what I'll always be. Now that I have this chance I couldn't possibly turn it down. It's what I've been working for all my life."

she noticed Lisa trembling as she took the few steps towards the yellow

Formica table and sank on one of the chairs.

"How could you?" she hissed.

"Dammit, Jessica how can you do this to Drake?" Her voice was rising. "He loves you. I've never seen a man

so much in love. If you walk away from him he'll be shattered."

Jessica took another swig of her spilled coffee. "Do you think this is easy for me?" I know he loves me. I know he'll be hurt, but there's nothing else I can do. I'm

just glad the offer came before we were married. At least we won't have to go through the mess of a divorce. He'll get over it, Lisa, and someday a sweet, submissive woman who will clean his house and give him babies and be the perfect corporate wife. Then he'll be thankful that I had the good sense to walk away and leave him."

"I just don't believe this," Lisa raged. The wedding is only two days away. The gifts have been received and acknowledged. The caterers will have to be paid whether the food is served or not. It's too late to cancel the flowers Jessica how can you be so heartless?"

Jessica slammed her cup down on the counter. "Oh, come off it, Lisa. I'm not Cinderella and Drake's not Prince Charming. You always did believe in fairy tales, but you've got to grow up sometime. Drake and I haven't exactly been waiting for the marriage vow to start the honeymoon. We've already sated a lot of the passion we felt for each other. I'm not cheating him... he got what he wanted from me." she told her. " though I knew that Drake had been instantly and captivated by me. Swept off his feet, the moment we met, He'd showered me with expensive gifts and taken me to glamorous and exciting places where

we were spotlighted and talked about the beautiful model and the handsome billionaire, The former Michigan State football star. When I'd finally agreed to marry him he'd positively glowed with happiness. It would devastate him to lose me now. he will come over it in no time. its batter this way"

"Have you told Drake yet ?" Lisa asked her after some minutes with her eyes closed

"Well...uh...no, not yet," she opened her eyes and looked at Jessica . "That's another thing wanted to talk to you about, Lisa. I was hoping maybe.....I mean, you and Drake have known each other so long and are such good friends. What I'm trying to say is....I.....I want you to tell him for me."