
The Billionaire's Secretary is a Stud

CHAPTER 97-147 ARE CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN F×M Book 1 Intimacy Contract Pregnancy Engagement Marriage As the old adage goes, marriage has never been easy Book 2 whips WiFi contracts true love submission invasion

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147 Chs


After that, it was no longer the case. There was a change in the realm, and the breeze had become cold, she realised. But nothing had ever sparked her attention in the evolution of a voice quite like this. The person who caught her interest had gorgeous brown eyes, a goofy grin on their face, a babbling mouth, and a good vibe. Due to her social anxiety, she was unable to approach this person for conversation, so I advised that she stay at home. than make a fool of herself. After those four years, they'll play a crucial role. No one knows how or why the friendship began. When questioned further, though, she insists that she enjoyed every single moment of the journey. During those years, they accumulated a wealth of memories. While the past has been kept, the future is uncertain. and they have no idea what will happen because they are so preoccupied with the biggest enigma in the universe. She will always treasure the fact that she has that person on her side.

I appreciate you very much, sweetie.

I finished reading that letter right before I had to start getting ready for my meeting.


Right Now

The number of alcoholic beverages I consumed has given me a severe headache. Tell me the truth about yesterday. This is not where I sleep.

Which room am I in now?

If nothing else, "at least you're awake." The words of a mysterious man bring up old thoughts and feelings.

At that time

I'm sorry, but I'm really occupied at the moment. In a terse response, Damien

He smiled and sat down across from her, saying, "I'll take a seat then."

"Hi, I'm Dare; I invited you to this meeting. What you're doing with the booze is exactly what I came in here to do, only with a woman," he added, grinning. Damien stared at him angrily until he realised what he was saying.

To quote a friend: "So you pick the most pitiful one in sight, right?" She said, her eyes fixed on his while she twirled the wine glass between her knees.

And you have everything I want, so you're more like the one that drew my eye in the first place. Then, are you on board? Dare, still smiling, stared back at her and promised to be sober enough to drive.

"Sure. Because "you're cute and I can barely think, and also because we don't need to wait, we can leave now," Damien stated as he finished off the wine in the glass and gathered her belongings.

Dare stood up and remarked, "Well then, I've got myself a feisty one." They went downstairs, where Dare gave one of the bartenders Damien's car keys.

To this I object, "Why are you giving him my keys!" In disbelief at his own actions, Damien asked.

A cool and collected Dare said, "Well, he'll drive your car home and leave drop the key of at my place."

Cool it... you can pay for that kind of assistance. In a humorous turn of phrase, Damien remarked, "How convenient for people looking to meet and fuck."


Aish! Was I really just that careless?

Oh, what possessed me.

Intimate: "Dare..did we do the deed last night?" I wonder because I want to make sure I retain all of my recollections.

We can't say for sure. His Reaction

"I need to get going." After chatting for a while, I excuse myself to go home and shower.

As I get ready for work, I quickly erase dares number. And how could I have let that happen? I should have had Christian along at the very least.

To prepare myself for Christian's fury, I take out a letter.

Miss D

You look at me as if I've draped the sky over you whenever we're alone. You can make me forget all about the times I've been hurt or broken. You stare at me as if I'd hung the night sky with care. When I'm with you, my feathers get a much-needed breath of fresh air. Your pleasant expression has dispelled my fears. When I look at you, I see a web of liberation. Love cannot be put into words. Neither shape nor form can be ascribed to it. Love does not exist. In a strange way, love defies the norms. True love finds us. Our conception is a watershed moment in our lives. From the womb to the grave, love is always present. Love is like a light that dims every now and then but never goes completely out. It's possible that love can go undetected even when it's staring you in the face.

Sex can either fill you up or leave you wanting more.

Love is an integral aspect of who you are, and it has the power to transform your life or destroy it. You have an abundance of love in both your heart and your head. Love never sees colour or creed or sexual orientation or gender. Love is the universal language that binds us all together. No matter where you are in the world, love speaks its own language. Feel the love that surrounds you. Plenty of affection can be shared. Love is all around you, even if you can't see it or feel it. Love, despite being the most potent force on Earth, is utterly inconsequential. God has given us the capacity to love, and it is our duty to do so.

I wish I could put a pause on this feeling. The fact that it was buried in my inbox makes me weak in the knees. My motivation comes from my unending affection for you. When you're by my side, I know that bad things simply cannot occur. Everything I feel for you is on the table. You were able to capture my heart in the end. We finally got together when the time was right. But just now, my love is at its highest point. I give gratitude to God, for He is the source of my happiness. He is our very own personal God. He trusted me enough to give you to me, and I trust him enough to give you to you. There will be instances when we disagree. However, as time goes on and we gain more knowledge, we will eventually be able to see. If our hearts remain joined, there is no way that we can ever be apart.

Until we meet again, know that I adore you.


Christian and I talk about what transpired in my office.

The question, "You did what?" Christian, indignant, asks me.

I felt compelled to finally meet him. That's why I had to answer.

I want to strike a deal with you, Damien. I'll play the role of your sham spouse. Begin a relationship, will we?