
The Big Feud

In the vibrant backdrop of their first year at university, Natasha Kaunda and James Phiri unexpectedly find love, sending ripples through their intertwined relationships with Richard Musonda and Evelyn Lesa. Natasha, hailing from privilege, and James, striving in the world of computer science, forge a connection that challenges societal expectations. However, jealousy and hidden desires lead to a tumultuous feud as Evelyn and Richard manipulate circumstances, setting the stage for a complex tale of love, betrayal, and redemption.

GabrielTembo · Adolescente
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5 Chs

Confrontation and Reconciliation

Steve was standing outside when he saw Richard and his group running in the direction of the ladies' boarding houses. He knew where they were heading, so he quickly shut his door and ran down the stairs. He was headed towards Natasha's boarding house.

Richard and his crew entered the room after seeing the door open and found Natasha lying on the floor. Steve also let himself in.

Richard: (rushes to Natasha) Natasha, are you okay?

Richard looked up only to see James shirtless while holding Evelyn back.

Richard: (To James) You? Wait, What the hell is going on here?

After observing James shirtless, Richard was able to discern the clothing that Natasha was wearing, and the pieces of the puzzle came together.

Richard: (Chuckles) No! It's not true! It's not possible. (To James) What happened to, "It's not what you think, man", man!?

James: It isn't what you --

Richard: Shut up!

Evelyn: Aren't you Richard?

Richard: Yes I am. 

Richard and James strode purposefully towards each other until they were standing face to face. Steve immediately noticed the tension in the air and was displeased with the impending confrontation. Despite his attempts to intervene, his crew stood in his way and prevented him from getting close.

Steve: Richard, don't do this!

Richard: Do what? Beat him up for sleeping with my girl?

James: Your girl? Y-You mean Natasha? Natasha isn't your girl. You're just someone who thinks she is but the truth is, she has rejected you over and over! And me? I won her in just two days. That just shows that you don't have game man.

Richard lunged forward with a ferocious punch aimed at James, but with lightning reflexes, James evaded the blow and retaliated with a devastating strike to Richard's face, sending him crashing to the ground. Seizing the moment, James unleashed a barrage of powerful kicks, each fueled by an overwhelming surge of adrenaline, leaving Richard sprawled on the floor, blood streaming from his battered nose.

Without hesitation, James pounced on Richard, raining down a relentless onslaught of punches, each one delivering a bone-crushing impact. As Richard writhed in agony, the echoes of Evelyn and Natasha's desperate pleas for James to cease echoed through the tumultuous scene.

In a frenzy, Richard's cohorts, Benji and Jack, surged forward to defend their fallen comrade. Benji engaged in a heated confrontation with Steve, while Jack launched into a frenzied assault on James. Steve, aware of James's propensity for violence, intervened swiftly, grappling with Benji to halt his onslaught.

Meanwhile, James found himself locked in a vicious struggle with Jack, their battle escalating into a brutal melee as each combatant fought tooth and nail for dominance. With every blow, the intensity of the confrontation reached a fever pitch, with the outcome hanging precariously in the balance.

Steve: James!

Despite Steve's repeated calls for James to stop, James allowed his anger to overpower him and ignored Steve's pleas. Even as Natasha and Evelyn continued to scream at him to stop, James remained unresponsive. Steve quickly took action, rushing towards James in an attempt to intervene, but it was too late. James had already grabbed Jack and recklessly thrown him out of the window.

Steve: James what have you done? What have you done!?

James stood up and was panting while Steve rushed to the window, only to find Jack's unconscious body.

Richard: (in pain) Is he --

Steve: No. H-He's still alive.

Richard: (To Natasha) And this is the guy you want to be with?

Richard stormed out of Natasha's room, leaving behind an air of tension. Steve scooped up little Benji and followed Evelyn, who was clearly upset and left too. Meanwhile, James stood tall, his eyes fixed on Natasha. She shuddered as she watched him, filled with fear and trembling with uncertainty in the wake of his violent outburst.

James: Natasha, let me explain.

Natasha: Get out.

James: Natasha, it's not--

Natasha: (Raises voice) I said get out! Leave!

James silently left Natasha's room. Natasha proceeded to clean up the mess that the men had made. Steve took Richard to his room while Jack and Benji were rushed to the hospital. James waited in Steve's room for his return. A few minutes later, Steve came back, closed the door and locked it.

Steve: What was that?

James: (Calmly) What was what?

Steve: You nearly killed a man dawg.

James: Don't act like he didn't deserve it.

Steve: What cut between you and Natasha?

James: Is that even important? L-Let me just ask you this. Exactly, how did Evelyn know about Natasha and I?

Steve: (guiltily) Shit, I got no idea homie.

James: You know what I'm thinking?

Steve: Nah bro.

James: Nigga, you tuned Evelyn about what was cutting between Natasha and I. 

Steve: I thought Evelyn already knew. I was shocked when I saw that she didn't know anything.

James: Screw you, man!

So then, James walked over to the bed to chill out for a bit.

The Following Day...

As Natasha, Evelyn, and Richard sat in the classroom, a palpable tension hung in the air, heightened by the eerie silence that enveloped the room. Suddenly, the heavy creak of the door echoed through the space, drawing their attention like moths to a flame. With a sense of dread, they turned to behold an unexpected figure standing in the doorway – the university's Chancellor.

His presence seemed to cast a sinister shadow over the room, his imposing stature and piercing gaze sending shivers down their spines. As he stepped into the room, the atmosphere grew colder, as if the very air had turned to ice around them. Natasha, Evelyn, and Richard exchanged nervous glances, their hearts pounding in their chests as they braced themselves for whatever ominous revelation the Chancellor might bring.

Chancellor: Lesa Evelyn, Musonda Richard and Kaunda Natasha to my office, right now.

As the trio exited the classroom, a hush fell over their classmates, who cast curious glances their way, their expressions a mix of confusion and knowing. Some whispered among themselves, speculating about the events that had transpired, while others remained silent, already privy to the details.

Upon arriving at the Chancellor's office, they were met by the unexpected sight of James and Steve awaiting them. With a terse instruction to wait, the Chancellor departed to assess the condition of Benji and Jack before reconvening with them.

Seated in a sombre row, the five individuals exchanged awkward glances, the tension thickening with each passing moment. Steve, positioned between James and Natasha on one side, and Richard and Evelyn on the other, broke the stifling silence, his voice cutting through the unease like a knife.

Steve: So, how's everyone doing? James, Natasha, Richard, Evelyn?

Richard: Good! As for me, I'm good. Someone's just lucky that Jack's parents didn't have him arrested and yes, in case you're wondering, Jack is alive.

James: No one asked. None of this would've happened if you minded your own business.

Richard: But then, Natasha wouldn't have seen how violent you are.

Evelyn: Don't talk about my James that way

James: Excuse me?

Natasha: Your James?

Evelyn: Yes! My James.

Natasha: James doesn't even love you. He's mine!

Richard: Yours? What about me?

James: She doesn't love you, bro! Just accept it.

The four individuals continued arguing while Steve grew increasingly frustrated with their petty bickering.

Steve: Shut up! Will you shut up? Shut up! Shut up. Until the Chancellor returns, will you just shut up?

Richard: It's James' fau--

Steve: Shut--up.

The four of them just sat there, keeping quiet and waiting for the chancellor to come back. They didn't say anything for about five minutes until Steve finally spoke up.

Steve: Is this man showing up?

Evelyn: I thought you said shut up.

Steve: Yes, I did, but, look, we have all met under very awkward circumstances. I know people like Richard and Natasha have grown up together. Well, the same applies to James, Evelyn and I. So why don't we put our differences aside and start over? I'm Steven Tembo, Steve for short.

Natasha: Kaunda Natasha. Tasha for short.

James: I'm--

Richard: --Bullshit! I'm Richard Musonda.

Natasha: What is wrong with you Richard?

Richard: Nothing, I'm fine, how are you?

Natasha: Tsk. Continue James.

James: Thank you, Natasha. I'm James Phiri.

Evelyn: I'm Evelyn Lesa.

Steve: Good, now we know each other and let's not let boys or girls ruin the friendship we've started building. Deal? James, Evelyn, Natasha, Richard?

James: Sure thing homie

Evelyn: Yeah

Natasha: Yep

Richard: Whatever you say, man.

When the group of five sat down to talk, Richard's intentions were far from genuine. He pretended to be interested in the conversation solely for Natasha's sake, while secretly harbouring ill feelings towards James. In short, Richard had some malicious intentions towards James.



Gabriel Tembo

FEBRUARY 21, 2024

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