
The Bellrose Did Not Bloom Today, Maybe Tomorrow

Due to the misfortune of being born into the powerful family of Baskervilles, Lactiflora and Roosevelt are forced to participate in the most horrendous tradition their family have, fighting for the head position, pulling hairs, dooming your cousin’s fate, nothing special. The uninterested pair decided that the sick tradition has to end. Pulling the string in the Vitrum manor, the twins found out that their fate is inevitable, but as persistent and as stubborn as their father, Lactiflora and Roosevelt, along with their cousins, discovered the secret their ancestors hid below the manor. A journey into the entrance of the abyss, into their hearts and soul. Their past, present and future. Into the unknown... Their journey will bore holes into their hearts, break their spirits, and deform the way they see the world, no matter what they gain, what they lose, they have each other. Like how they entered the manor, Lactiflora and Roosevelt will always be together.

Atropa_Acuminata · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Hello Bellrose

It's already been a month since his children left their estate, Gabriel sat in front of a window with a book in hand. The Bellrose lord almost sob, the moon looks like it's mocking him. He wants to curse, but cursing something not sentient is low, especially for him.

"How gloomy, missing your little guppies. Hello dear Bellrose" Gabriel was not surprised at his arrival. Of course his dear best friend will come to him first.

"Hello to you too, Von." There sat on the balustrade of his balcony, Von Estralle Demitricus, a Lord with no king.

"Come now, let us celebrate. I completely missed your children's birthdays, yours as well. You know how much it pains me, I am not the godfather of my best friend's children." Despite his cheery attitude, Von managed to move with grace, putting an arm around Gabriel's shoulder.

"Of course you are my children's godfather, after all there is no one else in this world I would trust my children with, other than you." Gabriel now with a smile, tilted his head towards Von, whose eyes are wide, despite expecting those words from Gabriel.

"Mmm, yes. Now I would like to drink with you and reminisce about our adventures like old people." Von pulls him towards the door, which he does not resist.

"We're a hundred and fifty years old Von, we are old."

"Pish posh, you know what I mean."

The night runs its course, neither got drunk, probably because of how low the alcohol is, in their drinks or because they barely took a sip on their drinks, too occupied with their conversation.

"Before our little chat ends, is there something you wish for, my friend?"

Von does not need to ask, but he wants to see hopeful gleam in Gabriel's eyes. Von left the Bellrose manor with a letter in hand. He's very excited, this will be the first time he'll be meeting Gabriel's children, after all.

They should be sleeping, but there is something inside Roosevelt that asked her to visit their little white bellrose plant with him.

"No flowers yet." Lactiflora sighed, almost disappointed at the tiny sprout on the ground. It looks so pitiful that plucking it will be more merciful, but decided against it, afraid of angering Roosevelt who's been taking care of it religiously.

"Be patient, dear sister. It's a white bellrose give it a chance."

"Baaahh, i want the flower now, i will eat it." There are times Lactiflora gets into Roosevelt's nerves, acting childish whether they are alone, he will definitely hit her if she plucks the plant.

While the twin bickers, they did not notice the puddle of shadow forming just a few meters away from them. Almost unnoticed, a man emerged from it.

"Hello, little Bellroses. It's nice to finally meet you too." the two almost jumped hearing the voice of the undetected intruder.

"Hello, is there something you need from us?" Lactiflora's voice is calm, and it's almost like she's unfazed by the other's presence. Despite her composure, she stealthily pushed Roosevelt behind her, flexing her right hand, ready to pull her sword from the mana inventory.

"No need to be tense, children. I came on the behalf of your father, i'm a friend of his." Like a magician, with a snap of his finger an envelope appeared between his index and middle finger. "Unless you don't trust me enough, I will not give this to you." changing the position of the envelope in his fingers, he shows the wax seal with the symbol of Bellrose.

"What do you want us to do?" It's Roosevelt's turn to speak, still hiding behind his sister.

"Mmm, let's start with your names, what are they?" the man's purple eyes squinted as he smile towards the twins, which creeped the two out.

"Aren't you a rude one, came here unannounced, scared my brother," Roosevelt snarled, saying ' I'm not scared.' before letting his sister continue. "Tried to bribe our trust with a letter, then demanded our names. I believe you should tell us your name first." Taken aback, the stranger's smile grew wider.

"Aren't you a smart one, but don't you want to read your daddy's letter? He kinda misses you two." Now the stranger speaks in a faked coy voice, trying to tempt the twins even more.

"I'm sorry, but we will not risk it. If you are a friend of my father you would give the letter to us right away if it's urgent, what kind of friend would you be, if you are stalling to mess with his children." Lactiflora's statement earned them a melodious laugh from the stranger. Lactiflora gritted her teeth, she's about to launch on to the man when Roosevelt helb her back.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you my name," The man took a few steps forward, taking a good look. Roosevelt recognized the man. The long silver white hair, the purple eyes and even the body structure, it's no doubt Roosevelt saw this man's portrait before. " My name is Von Estralle Demitricus, Lord of Anyana. As I said before, I am a friend of Gabriel."

"You're the Lord of the Land with no king? I've seen you before, My name is Roosevelt, and this is my twin, Lactiflora." Now it's Roosevelt's turn to gently push Lactiflora aside who's still protective of him.

" I suggested your names, I am your godfather." Von's grin shifted into a gentle smile, looking at his best friend's children fondly. Back then, during the war, he never imagined that he'll ever meet these children, but he hoped, he prayed even if he did not believe in god. just a glimpse of Gabriel's happiness.

"Oh, ohhhh, you're Von, yep, i've heard of you before too, I heard you stupidly ate an obviously poisonous flower before, father said that." Both Roosevelt and Von looked at the young lady with an unamused face, with Roosevelt knowing that the other was used as a bad example because of her habit, eating every flower that looked tasty to her and Von who cannot believe Gabriel would tell them that when he explicitly promised not to say a word to anyone.

"Alright children, don't you want to read your father's letter? It's quite a lengthy one, your father could have written a novel for you, but I don't have the patience to wait for it." Von handed the envelope to Roosevelt.

Von didn't miss it when Roosevelt used an enchantment when opening the letter, but he didn't say anything. he's glad that his godchildren aren't as stupid and naive as their peers, he's proud actually.

"Those are my father's handwriting." Lactiflora whispered to one, her features softened as they read the contents of the letter, and soon enough tears started welling up on their crystal blue eyes.

The twins are young, and only had their father as a parent, and their aunt and uncle. It must be hard for them to be away from the family they are used to. As soon as the twins finished reading, the two embraced each other. Von's hands move on its own and gently pets the twins' head, he does not know how to comfort children, he doesn't have anyone, but he remembered he felt better when Gabriel does it, maybe they will feel better too.

unbeknownst to them, it was already time for the butlers to wake up and start their day, 4 in the morning. Von turns only to meet Benjamin in the eye, not a word but they exchange bows before the butler left once again to leave them for themselves.

"As much as I want to get to know you two more, I think it's time for you to go to bed." Von gave the children another pat in the back and watched them until they got to enter the manor.

"I mean no harm, I simply want to meet them." Von tries to reason, Elijah and Rei appear behind him.

"Of course you don't, but I'm afraid you can't be here. and the order is to eliminate any intruder." Rei is afraid that they may not follow the schedule today, but this is a priority. The three engaged into a fight, but with the power indifference, Von came in the top. he made sure not to injure them much, after all they will be on duty later, they need to be in the best shape to serve his godchildren.

As soon as Lactiflora and Roosevelt closed the giant door behind them, they turned to see Benjamin, with a lamp in hand. the butler walks closer to them, and hands them both a handkerchief.

"A face messed up by tears, I'm afraid, is unbecoming of the elegance of Baskerville. Young Master and Young Mistress should cease their tears, I don't believe anyone has left this world yet." The butler guides the two back to their rooms, but before Benjamin leaves Lactiflora wants to ask something.

"You saw him." Benjamin smiles at his young mistress.

"Yes my lady, I'm afraid I did." Lactiflora clenched the door frame, face turned complicated. "But it is information for me to share. I am a butler, my job is to serve, not to say what i saw. if you wish you can order me to forget what i saw." That eases the younger a little, she stifled a little yawn before waving a hand to the butler.

"It's alright, there is no need to come to that, we're going to sleep now." The butler bowed for the last time and waited for the mistress to close the door before leaving.

As she expected, Roosevelt is now asleep, with the letter still in hand. He must have been so exhausted. She carefully took the letter off his hand, and reread the letter once again. her eyes lingers on the last sentence, 'I will be waiting for you two, with my arms wide open ready to embrace me beloved children, I love you, do not forget.'

The girl folds the letter and puts it on the bedside table. Tonight she decided she'll sleep on Roosevelt's bed.

Helloooo, I decide to use friday as my update time, hehe. I changed the title, because its fits more, i guess. Thank you for reading, let me know what you think of my story if you enjoy it

Atropa_Acuminatacreators' thoughts