

Alex made a promise to Diandra

Entering the room seeing her in tears, "What is wrong, is your foot paining? look from now on you will not be doing any work again. And sleeping in that lumpy couch is out of the question."

Going to her side, Alex stooping before her holding her hand, "I want you to stay right here in my bed.

And Diandra I promise you I will not touch you unless you give me permission.

And another thing there is nothing to worry about, we are not committing any sin and my bed is undefiled.

You may not trust me, and I had made many mistakes in the pass, but I continue to be faithful.

Now relax and tell me what you need?" Seeing the fear in her eyes Alex stroke her hand gently.

"You might feel I am just saying this, but it is the truth. I love you Diandra and I promise that I will not do anything to hurt you."

"You promise me?"

"Yes, I promise you."

"Then help me to the bathroom, I need to take a bath."

Alex did what she asks, seeing how she was struggling to bath with her feet resting on the wall.

Alex went to her assistant, having to close his eyes many times feeling as though his hands were on fire, every time his hand touches her body.

My God, she is so beautiful," wondering if she was feeling the same way as himself.

Looking at her only to see the way she kept her head bent, as thought she was shy.

We are husband and wife and she is so shy, I know she is not like those other women throwing themselves on him.

Taking the towel Alex wrap her, about to lift her up he notices her face as white as a sheet.

As fear fill his heart, he knew immediately something was wrong.

Lifting her up thinking the pain was unbearable, but as we step out the door she reaches out and hold the door lintel.

Turning so her face was over the face basin and she began vomiting.

Resting her to lean over the sink Alex hurried to get her a chair.

'Boy one thing I cannot stand is vomiting, it makes me vomit as well.

Having no choice seeing how weak she has become he stood behind her rubbing her back, but my mouth began spring up water.

Just like her I rush to the face basin in the wash room and all that I have eaten was out in about two minutes.

Rinsing his mouth Alex return to her, asking, "Are you feeling better now?" Seeing the nod, "Didn't you eat earlier today?"

Seeing the nod wondering, 'If the medication the doctor gives her is causing this discomfort.

Giving her, her tooth brush, while she was brushing her teeth Alex notices the bandage was soak with blood.

Maybe the way her foot is hanging down it is causing the bleeding.

Realizing she had seen the foot the way she opens her eyes in terror then close it once more.

Without saying a word knowing she was scared and she might panic, Alex lifts her up, taking her to the bed, thinking, 'She looks frail.

Pulling the covers over her, then remove the covers from over her foot and rest two pillow under her foot as he removes the bandage.

Seeing the hole in her foot he just cleans the wound, and full it with the anti- biotic powder and bandage it just as the doctor did.

Returning to her Alex, gets her night gown and dress her, but she seems motionless, 'Oh my God, has she fainted?'

The night was long, twice he had to take her to vomit, and she had a high fever.

Her clothes were soak with sweat, having to change her clothes twice.

Thinking to himself, 'If the fever doesn't leave by the morning, he will have to take her to the doctor.'

She only settled down after three in the morning then he was able to get a little shut eye.

Waking to the sound of the gate bell, about to get of the bed only to see her sick foot was over my leg and her hand was over his chest.

Easing her hand off him, then the same with her foot as Alex slide of the bed, and went to open the window.

Opening the gate for Mr. Alwin then throw the key for him to open the front door.

Calling out to him, "I will be down in a while." Then Alex crawl back into bed and pull the covers.

With his back facing her he slept. When the phone ring Johnny answer.

"Hello good morning, yes this is Mr. Mellford resident, I am sorry ma'am, but Mr. Mellford is resting.

Yes ma'am, the madam is also resting, what? When did that happen?

Okay thanks, I will let him know when he wakes up. Resting down the phone Johnny was saddened by the news.

When Frank came to him who was listening to the conversation, "Boss, are you all right?"

"Yes, but the madam hurt her foot yesterday, so we will have to put one of the men to clean up as we finish an area.

And the place has to straighten out before we leave on evening."

"You are right Boss, but she was such a great help to us."

"Yes, but the job is ours Frank."

"I know Boss, but she made it so much easier for us."

Ten-o-clock Johnny saw Alex alight the stairs and walk towards him.

Johnny went and met him, "Boss, your secretary call and said for you to call the office as soon as you wake up."

"Thanks Mr. Alvin."

"Mr. Mellford, I heard the madam hurt her foot, how bad is it? And how she is doing?"

"Mr. Alvin, Diandra will not be able to walk for a few days so the job was yours, so will have to complete the job by yourself now.

She was having so much fun helping you, but look at the outcome?"

Alex then went to the study and calls the office. After Melissa report for the morning.

Alex then instructed her to call a meeting for five o clock with all the Sergeants at his home.

I will also need you to make arrangement for refreshment for the men.

And Melissa, will you order lunch for us. and I will need you to please forward all my calls to my home.

As you know I cannot leave her unattended, so after you set the office in order you can come here and work. and bring the lunch."

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