
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · Cómic
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72 Chs

The Best Man of Groom

As the wedding festivities came to a close, Sasuke gathered with the Big 3 – Ichigo, Luffy, and Naruto – to discuss the looming threat of war and their future missions.

Ichigo spoke first, his tone grave with the weight of their impending challenges.

Ichigo: We need to be prepared. A big war is on the horizon, and we can't afford to let our guard down.

Luffy, ever the straightforward one, chimed in with a determined expression.

Luffy: Yeah, I'll make sure to tell Zoro to sharpen his swords. We'll need all the strength we can get.

Sasuke listened intently, his mind already racing with plans and strategies.

Sasuke: Aqua mentioned gathering intel on Umbrella. We need to stay ahead of the game and be ready for whatever comes our way.

Naruto's expression darkened slightly as he considered the gravity of their situation.

Naruto: It's not easy knowing I've involved Aqua in all of this. He's still young, only 22, but we don't have a choice.

Luffy, munching on a piece of meat, offered his straightforward perspective.

Luffy: We can't avoid it any longer, Naruto. War is inevitable, and we have to face it head-on.

Ichigo, reflecting on Aqua's growth, added his thoughts to the conversation.

Ichigo: Aqua's proven himself time and time again. He's grown from a kid to a formidable soldier. We can trust him to handle himself in the upcoming battles.

With their resolve strengthened and their minds focused, the Big 3 prepared to face the challenges ahead, united in their determination to protect their world.

As the Big 3 discussed their plans, Aqua suddenly appeared, catching them by surprise but bringing a welcomed smile to their faces.

Aqua: Well, well, well, look who's here. I didn't expect to find the legendary Big 3 Commandos in one place. What a pleasant surprise.

Luffy, his mouth full of meat as usual, responded with a hearty laugh.

Luffy: We figured we'd crash the party, Aqua. Can't let Sasuke have all the fun by himself.

Ichigo chuckled at Luffy's remark, nodding in agreement.

Ichigo: The wedding was fantastic. Looks like Sasuke's days of bachelorhood are numbered now.

Sasuke, slightly embarrassed by the attention, blushed and responded modestly.

Sasuke: Well, it's not like I'm the one who's still single, right? Let's focus on the future and see what it holds for all of us.

Turning his attention to Aqua, Luffy couldn't contain his curiosity.

Luffy: Heard you gave Doflamingo a run for his money. Made him wet his pants, didn't you? Haha, that's my boy!

Ichigo, equally intrigued, posed a question to Aqua.

Ichigo: So, you got your hands on a hate stone from him and used it on Sasuke's daughter, huh? That's quite the bold move, Aqua.

Aqua's expression turned serious as he responded to Ichigo's inquiry.

Aqua: Ichigo-san, I only did what I thought was best for her happiness. Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made, even if they're painful.

Upon Aqua's statement, everyone present fell silent, acknowledging the weight of his sacrifice.

Sasuke, with a solemn expression, spoke first.

Sasuke: Sacrifices indeed. It takes courage to make such decisions, Aqua. I admire your resolve.

Naruto, his gaze softening, nodded in agreement.

Naruto: You've grown into a fine soldier, Aqua. Your willingness to put others before yourself speaks volumes about your character.

Luffy, finishing his meat with a satisfied grin, chimed in with his trademark enthusiasm.

Luffy: Aqua, you're a true hero, mate! Willing to do whatever it takes to protect the ones you care about. That's what being a Commando is all about!

Ichigo, his demeanor serious yet respectful, added his thoughts to the conversation.

Ichigo: Your actions may seem harsh, Aqua, but sometimes, the path to happiness is paved with difficult choices. I believe you did what you felt was necessary.

Aqua, grateful for their understanding, nodded in acknowledgment.

Aqua: Thank you, everyone. It means a lot to me to have your support. Let's continue to work together and face whatever challenges lie ahead.

With a sense of unity and determination, the Big 3 Commandos reaffirmed their bond and commitment to each other, ready to face whatever trials awaited them.

With a smile, Aqua suggested they head to the reception, where the festivities awaited.

Aqua: Shall we head to the reception now? Oh, and who's going to be the groom's best man?

Sasuke chuckled, considering the question.

Sasuke: Well, considering you're the one who brought it up, Aqua, how about you take on the role?

Naruto nodded in agreement.

Naruto: Sounds like a plan. Aqua, you've earned it.

Luffy, ever enthusiastic, threw his support behind the idea.

Luffy: Yeah! Aqua, you're gonna be the best best man ever!

Ichigo, with a smirk, teased Aqua lightly.

Ichigo: Looks like you've got yourself a new responsibility, Aqua. Don't mess it up!

Aqua laughed, feeling a sense of camaraderie among his comrades.

Aqua: Alright then, it's settled. Let's make this reception one to remember!

With their roles for the reception decided, the Big 3 Commandos headed towards the festivities, ready to celebrate Sasuke and Rose's union in style.

As the reception unfolded, Akane's gaze fell upon Aqua, and a flicker of annoyance crossed her features.

Akane: (muttering to herself) Why does he have to be here?

Ruby, noticing Akane's reaction, leaned over and whispered to her.

Ruby: What's wrong, Akane? You seem a bit bothered.

Akane glanced at Ruby and sighed softly.

Akane: It's nothing, Ruby. I just... don't want to deal with him right now.

Ruby nodded in understanding, realizing the tension between Akane and Aqua.

Ruby: Okay, if you say so. Let's focus on enjoying the celebration.

Akane forced a smile, trying to shake off her irritation as she redirected her attention to the festivities.

Akane: Yeah, you're right. Let's make the most of it.

Despite her efforts, Akane couldn't shake off the unease she felt in Aqua's presence, and she kept a cautious eye on him throughout the reception.

As Aqua rose to deliver his speech as Sasuke's best man, Akane abruptly stood up, halting him in his tracks. Her expression was stern, her gaze unwavering as she addressed Aqua directly.

Akane: I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to be my father's best man. You're not fit for that role.

The room fell into a hushed silence, everyone's attention drawn to the unexpected interruption. Sasuke looked at his daughter, a mixture of surprise and concern in his eyes.

Sasuke: Akane, what's the matter? Aqua is my student, he's earned this position.

Rose, standing beside Sasuke, reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Akane's shoulder.

Rose: Sweetheart, Aqua is important to your father. He deserves to stand by his side today.

Akane remained firm, her resolve unyielding despite the pressure from her parents and the curious stares of the guests.

Akane: I understand, but I can't let this happen. There's something about him that doesn't sit right with me.

Aqua, sensing the tension, stepped back slightly, his expression a mix of understanding and regret. He knew that Akane's reaction was a result of the hate stone's influence, but he couldn't deny the validity of her feelings.

Aqua: It's okay, Akane. I respect your decision.

With those words, Aqua gracefully stepped aside, allowing the ceremony to proceed without further interruption. Despite the unexpected turn of events, the celebration continued, albeit with a somber undertone lingering in the air.

Feeling the weight of Akane's decision, Aqua turned his attention to his younger twin brother, Kota, and his dedicated student, Izumi. With a solemn nod, he gestured for them to join him at the front of the room to deliver the speech in Sasuke's honor.

Aqua: Kota, Izumi, please join me. We have a duty to fulfill.

Kota and Izumi exchanged a glance before moving to Aqua's side, ready to offer their support during this unexpected turn of events.

Kota: Whatever you need, Aqua. We're here for you.

Izumi: Count on us to help you through this.

Together, the three of them stood before the gathered guests, their presence a testament to the bonds forged through shared experiences and unwavering loyalty.

Aqua: Thank you, both of you. Let's make this moment one to remember.

With determination in their eyes, Aqua, Kota, and Izumi took their places, ready to honor Sasuke with heartfelt words that would resonate long after the celebration had ended.