
The Ex- girlfriend

"Richard, how was your first kiss?" Tony smirked, directing his first question to me

" Bad " I honestly answered

" James, do you have a crush on Ava Dalton " Peter drawled as a smirk appeared on his face

" Yes, don't tell her " James responded glaring jokingly at me

I gasped, surprised and unsure of what to say. It's my turn

" Tony, what happened to your brothers "I asked, knowing his answer would be, him taking a glass of champagne

" I'll pass " a flicker of sadness and worry passed through his face as he changed his emotions quickly

Damn he was good at changing his emotions quickly.

He poured himself a drink as James got ready to ask his question

" Tony, Do you still love Myla? " James said with a half-crooked smile on his face

" Again! Seriously " Tony huffed as he poured for himself a second glass of champagne while Peter and James snickered among themselves

I was wondering who Myla was and does he still love her.

What the hell!, who cares if he loves her.

" You care about it " my subconscious said

Do I

" Richie, have you ever kissed a boy " Tony suddenly asked out of the blue, snapping me out of my thoughts

Why would he ask me that question or does he knows my secret

" hmm.... N-no " I stuttered

I was red because I lied. Oh gosh, I'm such a fool

" Richard, Who was your first kiss with "Peter directed his question to me

Oh for the sake of God. Why me

" It's personal " I said as I drank from the bottle, I could feel the taste of grape on my tongue

The look on their faces was nothing to write about, they were watching my every move as I dumped the bottle on the table.

I moved closer and whispered " is there something on my face"

" No " Peter and James simultaneously said looking away, except from those blue eyes that kept staring at me

" Tony, Why do you dislike me? " I gazed at him

" I don't, I just hate being around you" he replied

" My turn " James said as he snapped his fingers

" Peter, do you have balls " James teased as he tried to break the tension surrounding us

" Fuck off " Peter said as he hit James on the arm

After asking and answering unimportant questions about ourselves for the third and fourth round. It was time for the last round

" Richard, do you have a friend in your previous school " Tony asked

" I'll pass " I drank my third glass of champagne

" Tony, can we practice at my house tomorrow " Peter pleaded

" Sure "

" Tony, have you ever had a crush on a boy " I asked feeling tipsy

" No " he answered frowning

" Richard, have you also ever had a crush on a boy " James asked the last question for the night

" I think I have to take this " I drank the fourth glass as I emptied the bottle.

They passed themselves a knowing look, nodding their heads while staring at me.

I stood up abruptly as the DJ switched to " Go crazy " by Chris Brown. I screamed, dancing to the beat.

" I think he is drunk " James laughed running his fingers through his hair

" No, I'm not " I mumbled to myself, as the cap I had on fell down, when I jumped up and down.

" Will you stop dancing " Tony shouted, glaring at me as his blue eyes darkened

I sat down and rested my head on the table.

" Hey, let's take you home " Tony said sweetly as he tapped my back

He carried me in a bridal style and whispered some words to James, we passed the back door and went straight to the area his bike was parked.

He dropped me gently and quickly got in behind me on the bike. He biked slowly across the street.

As we got on the road, the cool air made me feel sleepy. I snuggled deeper into his chest and inhaled the manly scent coming from him.

" My night was good, thanks to you " these were the words that came out of my mouth before I fell into a deep slumber

" Wake up, sleepy head " Ava shouted into my ears

" Go away " I pushed her as my forehead burned

" Tracy is almost here " she whispered

" What! " I stood up sluggishly, making my way to the bathroom

I was done in a few minutes, dressed in a blue denim shirt and jeans. I rushed to the dining room

" Good morning, Ava "

" Hi. How was your night? " Ava asked

" Good, who dropped me off yesterday"

" Tony " she smirked

" What, did anything happen? "

" A lot, you don't remember "

" No, I hope it wasn't bad "

" You didn't want to leave Tony's arms. He carried you inside "

" Oh my goodness! " I screamed

" But...." Ava was cut short by the sound of a familiar horn outside

" Thanks for the ride " I greeted Tracy as I alighted from Marie

I plopped down beside Tony as I settled for English Literature class.

" Hi " I smiled at him

" Hey, No hangover " he asked

" Yeah. Thank you for taking me home last night and I'm also sorry for the trouble I caused you "

" It is my duty to make sure you get home safely " he smiled sincerely for the first time, not even a fake one

I was surprised because he showed me his true emotion.

" Good morning, everyone " Mrs Montreal greeted as she entered, followed by a blonde girl dressed in a red top and denim midi skirt

" We have a new student or let me say old student in our midst" she laughed and continued "introduce yourself, girl"

" I'm Myla Scott " she smiled

Myla, that name sounds familiar.

" Can I have my old seat back " she asked, staring at Mrs Montreal with puppy eyes

" Sure dear. Richard, please sit with Mark " Mrs Montreal and the girl stared at me

" Don't go, please " Tony whispered

He begged me for the first time. What can I do

" You asked me to sit here" I retorted

" And I want you to leave, is there a problem with that " She glared

" No" I grabbed my books and stood up reluctantly, walking to Mark's side.

Myla jogged down happily to Tony's side.

" Hi Tony, did you miss me " she fake smiled. He glared at her and brought his eyes to meet mine, I looked away.

" Have a nice day, everyone " Mrs Montreal packed her bag and left the class

I was part of the first people to leave the class after Mrs Montreal left. I went straight to my locker.

As I was about to open the locker, a hand stopped me

" I see you are new here " Myla's bitchy voice stormed out

" What do you want "

" Your name " she said

" Didn't you get it in class! " I spat

" Richard, is it? "

" Yeah, if you would excuse me, I need to be somewhere " I walked past her and rushed to my next class

After more classes, the bell for lunch was ringed. I met a few faces on the way to the cafeteria, before I bumped into Ava.

" Hi, sister " I ruffled her hair

" Stop it! " she swatted my hand

" Do you by any chance know who Myla Scott is "

" Ah! That Bitch. She was the cheerleaders Captain before traveling to Paris, we thought she wasn't coming back and was gone for good "

" Oh! Poor Tracy. How is she to Tony " I whispered

" She is he's girlfriend "

" Oh! " I exclaimed sadly, hating the fact that Tony might still like her

I took my ordered tray of food which consists of apple pie and cola drink to a secluded area in the cafeteria

I wanted to be alone for today but I think that's impossible, because from the corner of my eyes, Tony's tall legs strode to my table.

" Hi " he dropped his tray on the table and dragged a chair for him to sit

" Hey " I answered, sipping from the drink

" Why are you here " I asked

" I'm here to talk "

" Talk! About what "

" Cool down, I won't have the chance to take you home today "

" Why " I prodded

" I have an appointment " he replied "

" When " I pressed

" It's personal "

" Alright, is that all " I deadpanned

" No! " a familiar voice interjected

" What are you doing here, were you eavesdropping " I glared at Myla

" No, I was actually searching for you" She smiled

" What do you want? " I said glancing at Tony who hasn't spoken a word since she came

" I am having a party at my house tomorrow night and I want you to be there "

" Why? "

" This is my address, the party starts at 8 " She handed a paper to me that has few words scribbled on it and flashed Tony a fake smile before leaving our table.