
The Average

Ron was as average as one could be. There wasn't a thing that he excelled in, but he wasn't that bad in anything either. He was simply average. His family were not that rich but also not that poor. His parents were always trying to better their lives, so they were always busy working. He had an older sister but she had left home early due to some mishaps with their father. He did not know what had happened as he was only four years at that time and her sister's topic was a taboo to discuss at home. His parents were always busy handling their business. So he was left alone in the house most of the times. He had many friends but they were simply that, he had no close friends that he could confide his worries and burdens to. So, Ron was always alone be it at home or school. He was lonely and a little depressed, but he never let it show on the outside. As brittle and delicate he was in the inside, on the outside he always projected a strong and confident personality.

This average lifestyle of our hero ended abruptly when he turned sixteen. After his sixteenth birthday he realised that he may not be that average after all.