

Astral Serenade is an Era in time that is happening 670 years after Magic has been discovered, with the Astral Serenade Era only being 2 years old as of now (Not the Novel), The Great Ashu Centuries has taken place 370 - 600 years, as no one knows much about the Centuries taken place within the 370 - 170 years ago. Due to most of the time being lost in that era, creating a mystery that our MC wants to know about, and to know these mysteries he'll need to figure out how to manipulate his magic and find a way to figure out the history of time in that lost era.

Tokan · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Devilish Combo


𒊳悪魔のようなコンボ┃ March


While walking on the street after 2 months of not doing much but texting with Pablo, who was the boy she meant a month ago with blooming blue hair, so on her walk. Pablo encountered her and greeted the woman, Clemency. "Ay-hay! Clemmy... How are you right now?" He said as if he was such an extrovert and able to talk freely in the air. The sight was at peace, the wind was colder then warm but just enough to go with in a simple shirt. As Clemency grinned at Pablo. "Nothing different from online then?" She said right back at him.

As they began walking with one another, Pablo took multiple screenshots of their journey. Even catching a stray cat that jumped on Clemency's head for a good selfie. As while walking, the two can hear a scream come from the police station. "Oh... Yeah, aren't we supposed to check on your pops?" Pablo stated, giving them a reason to investigate. As they walked over, wanting to talk to Clemency's father. As they saw 3 dead bodies, blood hanging out of them. It was as if it was a blood parade.

The gore can only be left to imagination, as guts and other body parts were thrown around. "Holy... Fucking hell!" Clemency was having a panicked reaction to the scene, as Pablo was just frozen and unable to open his mouth. With a man coming out the rumble, his hair was blonde and had tints of pink that seemed so dark it was almost purple due to the dust and rumble. As he was holding Clemency's father's head. Letting his head hit the ground. "He talked bad about my group... I guess this means jail break!" He was about to get away but somehow, he couldn't move further, and out of what seemed like thin air...

It was Kyusu! He used his space manipulation to target the man at all sides, "State your name!" He screamed at the man, as he saw the two civilians being Pablo and Clemency, looking at them to get out of there. As so they did, just slowly and unable to process what truly happened. "My name... My name, oh. That's just perfect!" Suddenly it felt as if the atmosphere darkened, and light was burning away. A loophole of despair rained but before anything more can happen a Knight showed up, he was flying from the air using his Allure's Control.

"Pa-fucking-thetic." The knight said, looking at the scene, then he revealed himself. "Knight of Nimbu City, Knight of Justice and service. Knight of freedom, Alexis Hope... Knight of Piety." After stating his status, he looked at the man. Who already felt defeated "And my name... Is Tu-" before he spoke, he was dead. A sword that was glowing of black killed the man, it was black because it moved so fast light couldn't even reflect off it, passing the speed of light completely. And with that friction, even a slight hit on the man would have combusted his molecules, resulting into his body turning flammable soon after.

It purely just got worse and worse, as Kyusu tried to get up. But affected by the rubble, it harmed his legs too even try. So as the knight saw this, he picked Kyusu up and flew him to a rooftop of an apartment building, ready to leave. However, Kyusu shouted these words to the Knight. "I... Wanna be someone like you! I wanna become a Knight, not just a Knight but one of the best... The Supre Knights! And then... I can do things you do!" Kyusu sounded very energetic as he said this, nearly as if he was some 5-year-old talking about a park they wanted to go too. Even after the event he was just placed in, it was like his mind just moved on from it.

As to talk with Kyusu, noticing there's nothing big happening at the given moment. The Knight descended, looking at Kyusu. "Do you even know how to control your Allure?" The Knight, Alexis said to Kyusu, like it was a trick question. "Of course! Mine is space manipulation, so..." But before Kyusu can continue he was cut off. "Err! Wrong, Allure control is different from Allure Manipulation. You're manipulating what your Allure can do, but not controlling what the concept of an Allure is in itself." Said the Knight.

"That's how I can fly without it being my Allure! By manipulating the Allure around me, you wanna be a knight. This is something you'll learn after a good week in that academy, however. So don't even stress it, once you get the hang of it... Becomes second nature!" Alexis was talking so open as if the person in front of him was a long-lost friend of years.

"But..." Now, his voice shifted into a more serious and focused one. Right onto the topic and wanting to know if Kyusu is serious about this himself. "Why do you wish to become a knight? After all, you're charging into battle... You might just die." Alexis said, without holding a single punch of words behind him. Hitting Kyusu with his words completely. "I... Wanna become a Knight so I can figure out what happened in the lost period of time, I wanna become a knight so I can gain access to tools and try to time travel and figure out what the real world is about!"

Kyusu was about to talk to the top of his lungs, but he calmed down, backing up his reasoning with his next saying. "It's... It's like, I wanna know where magic, which is Allures came from, and more things about well... Everything! You can say I just wanna be a scientist but have faith in me." As Kyusu stated his reason, Alexis eyes turned to float into one of pure happiness. It was like he just heard a fantastic and marvelous speech. "Well! There goes that, it should be 2 months till the Knight Las Academy, correct? Train... I hope you can get down here by yourself, that's your first task."

And with that, a top Knight such as Alexis gave Kyusu an order, Kyusu had never felt any happier than that. Being ready to take on what the world had to offer him next with open arms.