
The Ascent of God

Before Issei found out about the love of OPPAI, he was met by one creature

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12 Chs

Chapter 1 Trening and Infinity

- Coach ? why do I need a coach?" Issei asked the man named Axis blankly

"You've seen a lot of anime characters and movies where they have to save the world, right?" Axsis said

"Yes, many times"

"Then know that you are destined to be the hero and savior of this entire universe," Axis said, throwing up his hands.

"Something is not particularly impressed"

Axsis makes a ball of destruction in her hand, and stars appear in Issei's eyes

"What is it ?""

"This is the magic of destruction, one of the powers I can teach you, but it's still a long way off, so will you say you're willing to be a hero and a savior, or will you miss this chance?"

"But what will my parents say"

"And you won't tell them that just live the life you're living now, I'll take your spirit body away at night without harming your personal life"

This is how Issei's coaching began needless to say, Issei's foster parents were multi-millionaires, and their home in Kuo was huge, up to a 5-story building, our Axsis made every effort to ensure that Issei didn't need anything

During his 3 months of training in the spiritual realm, Issei learned a lot about the world he lives in, about the Angels, Demons, Gods, and Dragons that he read myths about, but he was even more struck by the fact that his teacher was the same Axis, who in many myths was described as the God of Gods, so he realized that he needed a receiver after he received it.

Axis was amazed at how Issei could counteract the spiritual energy on the first attempt Issei could calmly concentrate the Spiritual Energy in any area of his body and release it on the first attempt

Issei didn't know how he did it, but he followed his teacher's instructions

Axsis taught Issei not only energy control, but also martial arts, which Issei also excelled at for 3 months

This speed in training is just fantastic

"It's not enough to have just the muscles, Issei, you still need to have the knowledge," Axis said, looking at the student practicing the technique

"Knowledge?"" Issei asked

- History, physics. The ability to communicate and the knowledge of combat is only a small part of what you will need in the future, what you are promised from this day on you must read one book that I am milking you, and the deadline for reading is a week " maybe now he will not be able to remember all of the books, but it will give him a good start

And of course do not forget about the vacation on which Issei went with his parents on vacation to Hawaii

While Issei was resting on the Moon, the following happened

Axsis was sitting on a chaise longue with a beer in his hand and the US flag next to him now he's watching Isseyam

"You didn't teach him to restrain his spiritual energy ?" the gray-haired man asked his brother

"This will be more interesting," said the brown-haired man and took a sip right in space, forgetting about the rules of the universe when these gods are in the frame (the cameraman cursed the author for being so cold)

Issei in the first person

Issei walked through the hotel, where he was checked in with a spare V. I. P. ticket that says he can go wherever he wants Issei goes to the roof of the 10-story hotel

Climbing to the roof, he sees the entire hotel from a height

"What are you doing?"??

Issei slipped and almost fell when he turned around and saw the person who called out to him, it was a girl of his age with black hair and eyes as black as the abyss, who was dressed in a strange outfit for her age

"I'm just watching," Issei replied.

"Watching ?"" milo tilted her head to the side and asked the girl

The girl came close to Issei and looked into his eyes they were the same height

"Are you the bearer of the Red Dragon Emperor?"" "what is it?" she asked curiously

"HOW DO YOU KNOW?" Issei shouted.

"Just asking you, I had a hunch," I just said

"But who are you, obviously not an ordinary person?" Issei asked

"I am the Office Dragon God of Infinity"

Now Issei was on the verge of breaking the most powerful being in this universe in front of him

Where is his teacher when he is needed

Axsis takes another sip of beer

"You want to help me kill Buck Red when you grow up?" "What is it?" she asked.

"What do you want from the great red?" Issei asked.

"He took my home away from me and broke my silence, I want peace between the world where he now lives"

"Silence ?""

"With my power, I always hear the voices of those who live in this world, not just the people in general.""

Issei thought about it and started putting together a puzzle all of it from her infinite mana can if

He walked over, reached out, and placed his hand on the head of the girl, who didn't resist and was even taken aback by the warm feel of his hand on her head

Issei entered the inner world of the Office in his spiritual body, and many waves and pulses of magic passed through his body

He saw the source of this infinite energy it was a ball the size of his fist but it was rolling out an infinite amount of mana

Like a black hole, but in reverse

There was only one thing Issei could do for the Office right now

"I can divide your power into 2 parts, one will be in the spiritual realm and the other with you, what do you say, you can always take the power from the spiritual realm, I will let you connect to it," Issei asked with his eyes closed.

"I don't mind," she said simply.

Issei put the spiritual energy into the ball and


His spiritual energy just shattered into pieces

Then plan B

Issei once again gathers Spiritual energy now in large quantities compressing it into a ball

Pointing the Ball at the central Office, he began to compress it, then an energy office formed around the Ball of his energy

After Issei compressed his Orb to about half the core of the office

He separated her inner core into the spiritual realm, thus preserving the outer part of her core

Now 50 % of the Office's capacity can be locked at will, and the other half will always be with it

After this procedure, Issei simply passed out

On the Moon

"The kid is still not a miss, he came up with something clever, so my training was not in vain"

Axis followed Issei's progress

Issei opened her eyes and saw the Office's eyes, which were now glowing purple for some reason, and she had a beautiful smile on her face that even 10-year-old Issei was mesmerized by

"I see you like it," she said.

Issei realized that he was lying on something soft, as if it were his knees, and he quickly wanted to jump up, but her hands wouldn't let him

"Don't lie down, you've only been lying down for 3 minutes, your parents are still on the beach and won't be back at the hotel for 9 minutes," she said with a smile.

"Okay, but you know you're a different person," Issei was surprised that the Office could say that and be as handsome as it turned out to be.

"I myself did not think that I could be the person I turned out to be because of the huge power gained from the infinity core over time, I became too stupid and even self-confident," she said with a red face

"And now, as if I was born again thanks to you, I think that in the future you will cause quite a few changes in this world, Draiga"

The office kissed Issei on the forehead and shone breaking up into particles of light

"I have important things to do, and I'll be back soon, so wait," she said, and left Issei alone on the roof.

"Did you like it?""





- "What Teacher ?" Issei shouted, noticing his teacher, who was looking at him with a smile, his right hand propping up his face.

"You even managed to ruin the Office, not bad at all, now you don't regret reading the Spiritual Arts Book ?"

"No, I didn't mean to, and that means I did, we're just friends.""

"Yes, of course, tell your readers about it"

"To whom ?"" Issei tilted his head to the side

"Forget it, I don't know."

At this time, in the lower part of the underworld, a portal opened next to the huge dark castle that was the headquarters of the Chaos Brigade

The office clenched its small fists, which radiated energy

"I can't believe I let them turn me around like a little girl, but now"

She remembered Issei and smiled now she has what she wanted

Silence and A New Goal

"I'll be responsible for everything now," she threw out a stream of energy and stormed into the citadel like a methiorite.

The next day, the entire supernatural world was in a state of excitement

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