
Chapter 81 Conclusion

("Hallo it's me, today i have an announcement.

Unfortunately i will not be able to upload a new chapter tomorrow, due to the fact that i am very busy right now and tomorrow, our practical research gave our research back to us so that we can revise some of the wrong inputs our pr teacher found in our chapter 1 and chapter 2")

(DISCLAIMER: i will also be unable to upload new chapters for the whole next week because next week is our midterm exam and a world religion group film project, i hope you readers understand my inability to upload new chapters for the moment so…..i guess let's head on with the new chapter")


Kurai and Akai continues to trade blows after blows

It had become a battle of attrition, instead of resources, it was willpower and stamina and as time pass Kurai slowly gets into a disadvantage

It has been a few minutes now since Kurai got poisoned by Akai's poisonous spit dipped claws, the effects of the poison are clearly showing as Kurai now has lesser speed, weaker strength, and takes deep and heavy breaths

With this disadvantage, Akai continuously goes on the offensive, not allowing Kurai time to think or even recover a little bit

Akai tries to hit him with a roundhouse kick but Kurai catches and breaks his leg before kicking him in the solar plexus

Akai coughs up blood and falls to the ground, Kurai walks up to him and is about to deal the final blow but Akai does a poisonous spit with his blood towards Kurai's eyes, blinding him and poisoning him

It directly hits Kurai's eyes, making him fall to the ground, the corrosiveness of the poison was enough for him to feel like his eyes is being doused in alcohol making him feel great pain

Kurai wipes the poisonous blood from his eyes and takes a few seconds to rest before standing up again

Kurai walks towards Akai, his eyes red and his face with an expression of anger

"Like i said, you don't get to decided whether i lose or not" said Kurai


"It seems like you have forgotten about me, Kurai" said Victor

Kurai turns around and sees Victor with a pre-casted Fireball, aimed directly at him

".....Oh come on!!!" shouted Kurai

The fireball hits Kurai and sends him flying a few meters away

Small burnt marks and smoke appears on Kurai's body, his body was injured, poisoned, and now burnt

Kurai tries to get up which he succeeded but it was all for naught as he falls unconscious, succumbing to the poison

"Prisoner Kurai Himitsuno has been defeated!!!" shouted The Head of Security

"Prisoners Victor Baltazar and Akai Calex are the winners!!!" said The Warden

"Guards!!! Immediately give all of them healing concoctions before sending them to the medical ward" said The Head of Staff

The guards quickly gives the prisoners healing concoctions and then carries them to head to the medical ward

The three heads stands on the middle of The Octagon, alone

"In the end the most promising individual has lost" said The Head of Security

"If it wasn't for the Prisoner Akai's poison, he would've won" said The Head of Staff "He did not expect for the lizardman's claws to still have poison"

"Lack of judgement" said The Head of Security

"Indeed" said The Head of Staff "what do you think warden?"

"Hmm....along with Prisoner Kurai we shall also try to recruit Prisoner Akai" said The Warden

"But it's a lizardmen" said The Head of Security

"Now now Michael, this isn't the Hegemonic Era" said The Warden "The Serpentine Queen has long since perished along with the golden age of the Lizardmen Kingdom"

"But it was just 457 years ago, you never know they might still harbor anger against The Tripartite Alliance for the death of the Lizardmen Kingdom's greatest queen" said the Head of Security

"The death of the Serpentine Queen was justified, it was her order in annihilating the Dryad race to near extinction for their territories" said The Head of Staff "if the Lizardmen Kingdom tries to do anything, The Tripartite Alliance will respond quickly and fiercely"

"Tsk...fine i guess, we'll try to recruit the lizardman as well" said The Head of Security

"I'm glad we could all get into a happy conclusion" said The Warden....

End of Chapter

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