
Chapter 161. FORGIVENESS.

  Vetta was in her bedroom with her heart in her throat. She'd heard that today, the fate of those women she'd hired to mess Danika up will be decided.

  She couldn't sit still, so she paced around the bedroom. Karandy had told her that he will make sure those women do not spill the beans, and she had paid dearly to make sure he gets that side of his job done.

  She just hopes that nothing goes wrong. She needs to come out of this without really being inside of it.

  And then she will deal with that bastard for having the effrontery to threaten her and use her body that way without respect. It had taken more than a few days for her body to heal, and because she was given house arrest, she hadn't been able to get pills to stop the ache.

  She'd kept her fertility pills aside just to be sure that the idiot's seed do not take root first, before she can continue her pursuit of carrying the King's seed.