
A Ball?

He is a rotund tall man, a great leonine head with a cherub face, and dark red eyes with a glint of blue.

Feared from around the empire, a man of great deal.

He is the Alpha King of the Werewolves.

His footsteps echoed along the hallway as he passed, the servants withdrew from sight. Afraid of being seen by him and getting punished.

He was rumored to be cursed.

He hastened up, his Beta Sebastian Baron, a tall man with dark curly hair and a narrowed face and gray eyes hurried up to keep up with his pace. The Alpha king could be dreadful or worse, and he was the least person to get on his Alpha's bad side.

"Hurry up!" Sebastian urged the old men behind him.

The council of elders were five feet away from their King with their head tilted downward grumbled among themselves.

The door of the court room flew open, he marched into the courtroom with his hands crossed at his back.

"...Alpha we have to think about the pack, you need a child to continue your legacy, I do not want to remind you of your age. This is just..." The Chief elder began his appeal.

"Enough!" He snapped and lifted a hand at the elder who had spoken, without turning to them he muttered. "Not another word from you."

The council of elders followed behind him slowly.

He sat down on the throne set across the courtroom, the elders remained standing with their hands folded in front of them, their gaze was lowered to their feet.

"Sit." He ordered.

They bowed and sat respectively in a row.

The chief elders stood up and cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry for..."

"Tell me the reason you requested a sudden meeting." He snapped.

The chief elder trembled, and stepped forward.

"We request that you consider Sara. She's the daughter of an Alpha, she's strong and versatile. A powerful She-wolf and would make a good Luna. She's a perfect match." The chief elder muttered with a shaking voice.

"She's perfect, Alpha. She would make a strong leader. That's fit to rule beside you." One of the elders countered.

"You do not sit and talk to me!" He snarled. The elder stood up abruptly and said a few words of apology which he didn't acknowledge but tapped his lithe fingers on his lap.

"The pack needs a Luna, Alpha. It's been ten years since you ascended the throne, we have searched everywhere for your mate and are still unable to find her. We have suggested that you decide on our affairs and take on a chosen mate." The chief elder continued while rubbing his hands nervously together.

"We need a Luna." The others murmured among themselves.

"I said do not sit and talk to me!"

The elders stood up, and bowed at him.

"I have heard." He remarked and placed his hand on the handle of the chair.

"Is that all?" He asked.

"Yes, Alpha King." They chorused.

He nodded slowly and rubbed a hand over his jaw as if giving it a thought.

He had no intentions to go as they had planned and have the Alpha's daughter as his mate. He has decided he will not let them choose a mate for him but he would rather pick someone unfit to be Luna.

Someone who lacks the attributes of what they have listed.

"We have picked a date and arranged the wedding between you. All you have to do is meet with..." The voice of the Chief elder trailed off.

"No." He spat out with a sneered.

The chief elder clamped his lips shut and raised a questioning brow at him.

"You want me to have a mate, then I will choose."

The elders nodded and a sound of yes erupted in the air.

"As long as you have decided to take a mate. We will let you choose Alpha." Chief Elder smiled, he turned to the others and nodded at them, beaming widely.

"If you have to choose, Sara is the most eligible wolf you could ever find. She's most benefiting to be Luna Queen." He laughed, and it stopped when he met the face of the Alpha scowling at him.

"Prepare for a royal ball. All none mates she-wolf...." his head swirled to the side, and he beckoned on his Beta, who was beside him to speak. Sebastian stepped forward to address the elder while bringing out a scroll.

"The Alpha would conduct a Royal ball for all she-wolves at the age of eighteen to twenty-five that have no mate and have not mated with another wolf. Every she-wolf that falls under this category, is eligible to attend the ball. The Royal Ball will commence tomorrow at the palace's grand hall. This message is to be passed to every werewolf in the pack and other packs." He read the words in one breath, rolled the scroll, and kept it under his arms. He returned to his stand, guarding the Alpha.

"You have heard, go on, tell your daughters and everyone. I will be choosing my mate tomorrow night. The most beautiful, eligible lady." The Alpha King smirked and rose from his chair.

"Yes, Alpha King." The elders responded.

He walked out of the courtroom, with a a sly smile dancing on his lips, leaving the elders to murmur among themselves.

"There would be a lot of she-wolf at the ball, Alpha." Sebastian mumbled when they were out of the courtroom.

"And I would be able to pick one. The one I want." He states firmly, walking down to his bedroom.

"The one you want." He repeated the word after him.

"Go and prepare, join the others, and make plans. Bring me a report, and tell me everything you need. I will see to it that it's sorted out." He lifts his hand to stop Sebastian from following him down to the bedroom. Sebastian bowed and retreated his steps, taking the stairs that led to the kitchen area.

Alpha Jaziel entered his bedroom and took off his clothes, he stripped himself naked and walked into the bathroom. He turned on the shower, and stared at the scar on his shoulders that drew down to his left breast, the water running down his body slowly.

His finger tails down the scar, and he shivered a little as if sheering the hurtful memories off his head.

He left the bathroom with a robe on when he heard a knock on the front door and trudged towards it.

"Alpha it's your Beta."

Jaziel exhaled and opened the door, staring at the pale face of his Beta.

"Brought you good news." He grinned showing off his upper teeth.

"Spill," Jaziel states as if he doesn't have the whole time to spare.

"We are having a ball, and of course, we would be expecting a lot of she-wolves in the pack. Since it wasn't by any status, some of the omegas will be present." He gestures with a bow.

Chuckling softly, Jaziel stuffed his hands into his pocket, he couldn't wait to see the look on the faces of the elders when he would eventually choose his bride.

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