

WARNING 18+: it contains extremely sexual content like: BDSM LGBTQ extreme sex scenes. After Melissa destroyed the Dante pack, she wasn't expecting any spoil of war, but she was able to get herself a submissive slave husband, not just any man, a man possessing the bloodline of Dante, and yet to awaken his bloodline. Love bloom, but doom is groom, subjecting Romeo to the sins of his family, making him go through pains and unbearable hardship didn't heal the wounded part of Melissa, but only made her fall in love with him. "Mate" Melissa's wolf called out to Dante suddenly, Melissa eyes widened in shock, it was too late, Romeo hated her, and wish nothing to do with her, but to run far away from a demon who enjoys hearing his wails and enjoys torturing him. when Melissa discovered that Dante family were not the one who were responsible for her parents, will she be able to make Romeo love her back, or the love will remain a one sided story? will he return his love after the guilt he have bear were never his to bear.

victor_enuka · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: The Challenges

Hearing the voice Melissa turned around, and saw a lady leading a group of men, a sunny smile appeared on her face "Erica!" she called out to the lady, Erica beamed "Alpha Melissa, I have heard of your exploit" she replied.

The two of them embraced each other, Erica and Melissa have been best of friends, "your father asked you to represent him in the assembly?" Melissa asked in surprise, the Packs assembly have been patriarchal ever since its establishment, and yet women are not given standing in the assembly, she was shocked that Erica's father who is an Alpha of a little pack could make such a decision.

Erica nodded with a smile "my dad wishes I could be like you, you have taken over NY by storm" she said and sighed emotionally.

Melissa looked towards the big plaque at the temple of the Assembly of the Packs, a determined look appeared on her face, "it is time to change a lot of things" she vowed.

Erica nodded in agreement, "we will see after the convergence" Melissa told Erica, before leaving with her entourage.

After she left, the smile on Erica's face vanished and it was replaced with bitterness and coldness "Miss Erica, is everything within your expectation?" one of her entourage inquired.

Erica nodded "of course, except for her taking Romeo, I wasn't expecting her to marry Romeo," she said and clenched her fists.

"you don't intend to fight her, do you? she is too powerful, and the wolves under her wings are too strong, attacking her will bring us no benefits" the man standing right beside her reminded.

"Uncle Cole, you worry too much, I am not stupid, Melissa is still under my control, and I will still have Romeo, there is nothing Melissa could do about it" she replied and turned around, the moment her gaze fell on the beggar on the floor, it became cold, "take the beggar away" she instructed.

Inside the temple of the Pack Assembly was bustling, many people were moving up and do, and soon, a large number of people took their seats.

The structure was like Ancient Rome Assembly, and an opening was carved at the top like the shape of the full moon.

When Melissa entered with her entourage, the hall was already filled to the brim, except for the space of the Dante family, which was at the forefront of the assembly.

The men inside started whispering amongst themselves, "is she the one who murdered the entire Moon pack?"

"a rogue pack can never change, once a rogue pack is always a rogue pack"

Melissa could hear everything they were saying, she wasn't bothered by it, she walked directly towards the Dante seats, and occupied them with her entourage ignoring the icy gazes she was getting from everyone present.

The presiding president of the Assembly stood on his feet and said in a deep voice "since the creation of this assembly, a woman has never stepped into this assembly, not even a lady from a prestigious pack, less a rogue pack."

Melissa locked her gaze with him "that has to change, change is the only thing constant, from today onward, I am going to represent the Dante family, I am lawfully married into the family" she dumped the seal of the marriage on the floor.

Everyone present could see the seal on the floor from their seats, and could easily hear whatever anyone say without much ado, due to their perfect hearing abilities and their sharp visions, "I am Romeo Dante's wife" she dumped the marriage certificate on the front of the Assembly.

An uproar broke out, so many pack members tried to get their daughters to marry Romeo but they were all brutally rejected by Old Dante, Romeo was the only one who possess the perfect Dante bloodline, rumour has it that, he alone could destroy an entire coalition of packs, although Romeo has not fully awakened the bloodline, he is still a rare diamond in rough.

Everyone present was angry that Old Dante allowed his precious son to marry a rogue Pack leader, "I don't believe you, where is Romeo?" the President of the Assembly demanded coldly after he pounded his fists on the table, he didn't expect Old Dante to betray him, they have been friends, he would have helped the Moon Pack but Old Dante didn't even call him to help when he was under attack.

Melissa frowned, she wasn't expecting everyone to be more concerned about her marriage, than her violating their long-standing egoistic patriarchal law "he is my husband, and you have no right to see him, or demand to know his whereabouts, I am not here to negotiate with any of you, I am here to claim what belongs to me, and if anyone thinks he could snatch it from me, feel free to step forward" Melissa said in a domineering manner.

The Assembly became strangely quiet, if looks could kill, Melissa would have long been killed "I, Edward Campbell, challenge Melissa Dante to life and death duel, if I defeat her, I will claim Dante's prestigious seat in the Assembly" a man announced shamelessly while standing on his feet.

Eyes turned to him, they were not expecting the Campbell family to be that shameless, and sharp to snatch such a good opportunity to increase their standing in the assembly right before their nose.

"I, challenge Dante Melissa too, for the stake of the Dante family seat"

more and more challenges were thrown in, Melissa didn't even blink her eyes, "it will be boring going against you all one after the other, you can come in twos and threes, the more the better"


People present gulped and looked at her strangely, they have never witnessed such a level of shameless boastful display before, Melissa turned around and was about leaving "you can't leave" the president of the Assembly of the Packs said coldly.

Melissa cocked her head to the side and looked at him directly "why can't I?" she asked sternly, the temperature of the hall plummeting.