


My head hurts a lot from all the voices and memories that I had encountered, but far more than how much my head hurts, my heart does a lot more. No, scratch that. My heart didn't hurt, my heart bled and it is still bleeding as I stood by the lake. How could a single person have gone through all those pains that came as memories to me? How could a clan be so wicked to treat one of their own in such a callous way?

"Aaahhh!" I screamed at the intensity of the pain I felt from merely thinking about it.

Worse, each time the memories hit, it always felt like it had happened to me and not to someone else. After that, I would calm down for a while and I would realize that it hadn't happened to me but to the person whose voice is in my head. Between those times when the memories hit me like they were mine and the time I realized that they weren't mine, I went on a full-scale killing agenda. I take out the life of anyone and anything I come across.