
The Alpha's Dead Mate

After being buried alive for 642 years by her vampire coven for going astray, Sarah is finally revived by a group of curious teenagers who had come across her coffin. Fangless and hungry, Sarah runs into Adam Richards, a twenty-five years old werewolf, who as she would find out later, happens to be her mate. The two are so different, yet so alike, but can not be together as the werewolves had a strong dislike for the vampires, so a new girl is brought to be Adam's mate, but Sarah doesn't plan to be replaced so easily.

Blood_Ink_9438 · Fantasía
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146 Chs


His phone beeped, he read the message and saw that all money had been withdrawn fr his bank accounts. William threw a fit in the air and stamped his foot on the ground in fury. Passers-by thought he was a maniac. None of them knew he was a prince.

Samantha looked up at the building and gave a sigh. Julie patted her on the back lovingly. They both went to go get a parking spot in the ramp and it was crowded at the time. Despite the state Samantha was in, she found it quite interesting to look down and see all that happened from the very top of building. It reminded her of the bird's eye view she usually had whenever she was atop the palace roof.

It was always cold and windy up there, even on the hottest days. The thought sent an unusual chill down her smile for no reason.

"Let's go," Julie urged as they went inside and took the elevator to get down to the destination floor.