After years of enduring abuse and betrayal, Harry Potter learns the devastating truth: Dumbledore, not Voldemort, is the true dark wizard who has manipulated the entire wizarding world. With no one left to trust, Harry's magic erupts in a desperate moment, transforming a nearby car into *Tempest*, a Transformer who calls Harry "Creator" and pledges to protect him. Fleeing Britain with Tempest at his side, Harry becomes entangled in a war between the Autobots and the Decepticons. But the AllSpark-the source of all Cybertronian life-begins to call to Harry, recognizing his unique ability to create and give life. As the AllSpark merges with his magic, Harry is transformed into more than just a powerful wizard; he becomes a god-like figure to the Cybertronians, a new *Creator* destined to reshape their future.