
The Adventures Of The Arsenal Spider

In the country of Britain a young teenage boy called Lewis Hussain only about 15 years old tries to protect his country and his people using his unique spider like powers to defeat criminals and villains alike along with help now and again.

ArsenalSpider · Ciencia y ficción
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2 Chs

The Origin part 2

Maria shut the door to her room as Lewis walked away to his room. He walked in then shoot the door behind him. He took off the clothes he slept in put on deodorant a pair of pants, some trainer socks. He then put on black jogger shorts, a grey shirt and a blue and white zip up jacket. He grabbed his grey school bag and headed down stairs, Faiza in normal clothes walked past him as he put on his black trainers.

Faiza:Bye mum, bye dad.

Hassan & Valeria:Bye sweetheart.

Lewis:Bye guys.

Valeria:Wait Lewis.

Lewis turned around confused.

Valeria:Can't forget your water and lunch.

Lewis:Almost did.

Lewis grabbed his stuff shoved it in his bag before hugging his mum and dad.

Lewis:Okay bye.

Lewis started to head to school and after about half an hour of walking through town he made it to his school gates of Rempten High School for about 8:30am. He went in and walked to the back part of the school where his year was standing around, he was walking through the crowds of people looking for someone. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder he turned around and saw a white boy with ginger hair it was his friend Ethan.

Ethan:Hey you alright mate?

Lewis:Yeah you?

Ethan:Fine just tired.

Lewis:Who isn't at this time in the morning.

They both have off a little laugh.

Lewis:So gingey you ready for the trip?

Ethan:Yeah could not be bothered with an actual day at school.

Lewis:Me neither.

Suddenly a whistle went off, both Lewis and Ethan said bye to each other and started heading into different buildings and headed to their form rooms.

Lewis was sat at his place by the window as the teacher called the students names for the register.

Once he was done he told everyone to head to the front of the school's and wait for the coaches to arrive with the rest of their year. The class headed out and waited until they arrived once they had everyone got on a coach designated for their forms. Lewis got on his coach and sat about the middle of his coach by the window, everyone got on and Lewis was sat on his own, the coach started to head off and Lewis just grabbed his Bluetooth earbuds and played some music on his way down to the university. Almost 2 hours had past and they finally arrived.

Teacher:Everyone got off and line up.

Everyone headed off and lined up in their classes, once everyone was off the coach they headed inside where the students were given free roam of the labs. Lewis met up with Ethan and they both started to walk around. They looked at some of the exhibits, they walked other to an exhibit showing off genetically modified spiders.

Lewis:Genetically modified spiders.

Ethan:Can't believe someone would touch some of these things let alone experiment on them.

Lewis:Spiders aren't that bad but some of these are massive, I can't believe they went near some of these things.

They both kept looking around talking about how frightening big some of them were or how cool some of them looked, they eventually came up to a sign saying 'Ultimate genetically modified spider'

Ethan:Ultimate genetically modified spider?

Lewis:I wonder which one it is?

Suddenly a woman in a lab coat walked up to them.

Woman in lab coat:Hi there.

Both Lewis and Ethan looked at her.

Woman in lab coat:I'm sorry to say but the spider is not currently on display, it's in containment at the moment.

Lewis:Oh okay thanks for letting us know.

Woman in lab coat:It's fine let me know if you need help with anything.

Ethan:Maybe it's a good thing we didn't see it, maybe it would be massive like the rest and even more creepy looking.


Ethan:I'm gonna have a look around, catch up to me when your down here.

Lewis:Will do.

Ethan then started waking away.

Lewis:Still wish I could have seen it though.

???:Of course a freak like you would want to see it.

Lewis turned around, once he turned around he was splashed with a cup of water, he was soaked as a group of boys and a couple of girls laughed.

Lewis:What the hell was that for Fin?

Fin:Oh shut up freak.

Lewis just glared at him.

Fin:Who do you think your looking at mate?

Lewis just stayed quite.

Fin:Fucking dickhead.

Lewis:Says you.

Fin:Shut up bitch.

Fin punched Lewis in the chest, Lewis felt like he couldn't breath. He started to walk away covering up the tears in his eye.

Fin:*laughs*Fucking pussy.

Fin and the rest of his group just laughed at Lewis as he continued to walk away.


Lewis headed to a near by toilet and tried to catch his breath but failed and started to pant frantically.

Lewis:*panting and gasping for air* Breath!… Breath!…

Lewis eventually calmed down and caught his breath.

Lewis:That twat, why did he do that? Who am I kidding he's a dick of course he would do that.

Lewis grabbed his water bottle from his bag and started to take a sip of it. Above him a blue, purple and black spider started to crawl down to him from its web, it jumped on top of Lewis, he felt this happen and looked up and saw a massive spider the size of his head on top of his head.

Lewis:*panicking and scared*Ahh, what the fuck is that?

Lewis tried to shake it off but it wouldn't move, it started to crawl down to his neck then to his arm.

Lewis:*still scared and panicking*Get off me.

He started to try and shake it off again but it wouldn't come off, it instead crawled under his arm and to his back. Suddenly it's mouth expanded into four parts as stingers shot out the end of its 14 legs, it proceeded to stab into his back and biting the top of his spinal cord. Venom started to secrete from its stingers and fangs, it burned into Lewis's body and went into his blood stream and bones, and other places across his back as the venomous poison spread to his entire body. The whole time Lewis was screaming in pain as if the spider was putting acid into him. Suddenly the spider started to be surrounded by electricity before it was engulfed in a green smoke like gas, soon the spider started to release itself from Lewis before falling to the ground. Lewis stopped screaming from pain and collapsed to his knees just panting, he turned around to look at the spider. It was smoking but the gas was green, Lewis reached for it but before he could touch it an electrical shock from the spider's corpse zapped his finger making him pull back. He looked at it again and it started to dissolve leaving nothing but a pile of ash. Lewis was confused and didn't know what to do.

Lewis:*scared and confused*I gotta get out of here.

Lewis started to run out of the bathroom going quickly through the exhibits trying to get away from the bathroom as soon as possible.

Lewis:(What the hell was that thing? Some sort of Australian spider?)

Not paying attention to his surroundings he accidentally bumped into someone, he turned and saw it was a man in a lab coat.

Man in lab coat:Oh I'm sorry I should have watched where I was going.

Lewis:It's alright I'm the one who ran into you, are you okay.

Man in a lab coat:I'm perfectly fine thanks for asking.

Out of nowhere a man in an armour like suit walked up to the man in the lab coat.

Man in an armoured suit:Sir we have a problem.

Man in lab coat:*looking at Lewis*I'm sorry but I need to go deal with this.

Both the man in the lab coat and the man in the armoured suit walked away. Lewis followed them staying a few feet distance so they wouldn't notice him. They turned a corner to a more isolated part of the exhibits, Lewis just stayed hiding behind the corner trying to listen to what they were talking about.

Man in lab coat:What's the problem you were talking about before?

Man in armoured suit:Experiment S3-Z52 has escaped containment.

Man in lab coat:*angrily*How did this happen?

Man in armoured suit:One of the new recruits was guarding it and it turned invisible, when the guard turned and saw it was gone they opened its container and then it escaped.

Lewis:(What are they on about? Something escaped containment, but what was it?)

Main in lab coat:*frustrated*Get as many guards as you can out here looking for it, but try not to arouse to much suspicion we don't want to cause people to panic, understood.

Man in armoured suit:Yes sir.

He then pressed the side of his helmet.

Man in armoured suit:All security in the vicinity be alert, the ultimate genetically modified spider has escaped.

Lewis:(The spider escaped.)

Lewis then started to think about the spiders in the exhibit and how it was the only one missing, he then remembered the one that attacked him.

Lewis:*scared and confused*(Nah there's no way, but it's to much of a coincidence otherwise, was I really bitten by the ultimate genetically modified spider?)

Man in armoured suit:All available security has been deployed, they are all on high alert and thermal sensors and motion sensors have been activated, that spider isn't going anywhere.

Man in lab coat:Good, now then I best head off I have some stuff I need to do before the exhibits close.

The man in the lab coat started to approach Lewis's position, Lewis started to back up but as he did someone tapped on his shoulder, Lewis turned around quickly and saw it was Ethan.

Ethan:Mate you alright, your fucking sweating like hell.

Lewis:*nervously*Yeah I'm fine, just never been one for the heat,*jokingly*Im surprised your not sweating considering how pale you are gingy.

Ethan:*Jokingly*Shut it cripple, anyway we better be going and getting some scran.

Both Lewis and Ethan walked away and went to go and eat, they both just talked and looked around as the rest of the day went on, Lewis just kept trying to act like everything was fine but his nervous twitching and laughing was not helping, luckily he managed to hide it from his friend or at least make up an excuse to why it was happening. Once the trip was over everyone got back on the coaches and went back to their school, Lewis tried to relax on the way back but he could help but think what had happened. Once he arrived at school he headed home.

Lewis:*Look I'll just go in and pretend like none of the spider stuff happened, though I will need to check were it bit me, luckily it has gotten swollen but I still need to check for anything that might have been caused by the bite and stab wounds.*

He took some deep breaths opened the door and went through. He walked around looking to see if anyone was home when he saw his Hassan and Valeria in the living room watching tv.

Lewis:Hi mum, hi dad.

Valeria got up and hugged him.

Valeria:Welcome home, how was the trip?

Lewis:Fun, lots of cool things there.

Hassan:Glad to hear you enjoyed it.

Lewis:Yeah, I better go and put my stuff away. Also isn't it about time one of you heads over to pick up Maria from school.

Hassan:I was just about to head out, I'll see you in a bit.

He then hugged Lewis and walked to the front door then he left.

Lewis:Well, I guess ill head up stairs.

Valeria:Okay, I know it's a Friday but please try not spend all night in your room.

Lewis:Okay mum.

He then headed upstairs.

Lewis:*Better check on the spider bite and what ever it stabbed me with.*

He headed into the bathroom and shut the door behind him and locked it. Taking off his bag, jacket and shirt he pointed his back towards the mirror, he pulled out his phone and took a photo off his back in the mirror.

Lewis:*putting the phone in front of him*I hope the marks aren't too ba-

Lewis looked at the photo and was shocked.

Lewis:*suprised* There's no marks.

He put his hands on his back near where he was bitten and started to feel around, he couldn't feel anything there was no mark.

Lewis:Ha, nice now I don't have to explain anything to anyone, I can forget it ever happened. *confused* I do wonder though how it healed so fast.

He just thought he may as well not worry about it, he went and spent the rest of the night relieved it was all over, just relaxed and had some food and watched a film with his family. However he started to get tired about half way through, he could barely keep his eyes open.

Lewis:*yawn* I'm gonna go bed.

Hassan:You alright mate you look exhausted.

Lewis:Yeah just really tired for some reason.*he stood up* I'll see you in the morning.

He then hugged his parents and left to go take his medicine in the kitchen.

Valeria:*concerned*Is he okay?

Hassan:Probably just tired from the field trip.


Once Lewis took his meds he went up stairs grabbed his retainer then headed into the bathroom to wash the retainer and brush his teeth. When he was done he locked his door, got changed into the black pair of jogger shorts he wore to bed the night before, put on his retainer and went to sleep.

—Time skip to a few hours after midnight—

Lewis was sound asleep dreaming, but it was no ordinary dream, he could see flashes of the spider that bit him and the scientists talking about the spider, it was like his memories about today were becoming one big flashing mix. While that was going on his body started to glow a luminescent green where he was bitten and stabbed by the spider. Lewis suddenly woke up his body feeling like it was burning. He began to yell and scream from pain. Soon his bones, organs and veins were green as well, his body was glowing revealing what lied beneath his skin. He tried to muffle his screams in his pillow but he stood up on his knees as his body began to expand his bones grew, his muscles got bigger, even his organs began to increase in size. Once that had happened he keeled over, he felt his heart burning as well as his lungs, he felt as if he couldn't breathe he thought he was about to die but the burning soon stopped and he collapsed back down onto his bed as a green gas expelled from his body, he then passed out from exhaustion.

—Time skip to the morning—

*knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Lewis started to open his eyes as he was waking up from the sound of someone knocking on his door.

Faiza:Lewis you up? It's almost 12, mum wants you to get up.

Lewis:Okay I'm coming.

He got up and walked to his front door, as he did he remembered the dream he had last night.

Lewis:(That was a crazy dream last night though it felt more like a nightmare.)

Faiza:Come on Lewis get out, *Suddenly Lewis opened the door* Here…

Faiza looked up to see a 6'4 muscular man towering over her. She suddenly screamed. The rest of the family ran towards the stairs to look up and see what happened.

Hassan:*concerned*Faiza you okay?

Valeria:*Concerned*Why did you scream?

They all looked up and were shocked.

Lewis:*Confused and half asleep*Why are you all so loud, and why do you all look smaller?

Hassan:It's not us who are smaller mate, you've just gotten a growth spurt and quite a big one at that.

Faiza:Along with some other changes.

Lewis:*Still confused* What are you on about Fai?

Faiza:Just go look for yourself.

Lewis was still confused what all the fuss was about but he was still half asleep so he couldn't be bothered to figure it out. He headed to the bathroom so he could see why they were all saying he had changed. But he did feel like everything was smaller now even going through doors he felt as if they had shrunk. He turned towards the mirror, it took him a second for his eyes to adjust to the light but once they had he looked at his reflection and couldn't believe what he saw.

Lewis:*confused*What the hell?

He saw he was taller and his body was very different he had massive muscles plus more defined features.

Lewis:*Confused*(How could this have happened?)

He stared to think when he remembered the 'dream' he had last night.

Lewis:(That wasn't a dream, it actually happened the screaming, the burning it felt like I was dying and my body was being stretched out. I guess this must be the effects of the spider bite and it stabbing me.)

Lewis then left the bathroom, he saw his family waiting outside the door.

Lewis:*jokingly*I guess you were right I did have quite a growth spurt.

Faiza:No kidding.

Valeria:*Concerned*We better get you too a hospital, something like this doesn't doesn't just happen over night.

Lewis:Don't worry I'll be fine, it maybe be unusual but I do usually look fitter when I have growth spurts. So it seems right for such a big growth spurt to result in a big change in looks.

Valeria:*concerned*I don't know maybe we should go just incase.

Hassan:Wish we could but due to a riot last week the local hospital is still shit down for now, plus the other hospitals are to far away. I have to get to work and you need to go to the restaurant so we probably wouldn't be able to go anyway.

Valeria:I guess your right.

Lewis:Well I'm still a bit confused and startled by all this so I'm gonna head out if that's okay?

Hassan:That's fine but make sure to message us every hour or two so we know where you are.

Lewis:Will do.

He then walked by everyone and headed into his room, trying to find something to wear he realised his sudden growth spurt has made him out grow most of his clothes. Luckily he was able to find and outfit, a pair of black thin joggers, a plain grey shirt and the blue and white jacket he had on yesterday. Once done he grabbed his stuff like his phone keys and some other things, then he headed down stairs grabbed a green apple and said goodbye to his parents before leaving. Lewis headed off into town with his hood up eating his apple just thinking to himself.

Lewis:(I can't believe that spider did this too me, its cool but don't get how it works.)

He stopped by a cross walk near a round about. He could see no one was coming so he started to walk across.

Lewis:(Don't know why I'm questioning it, I mean I only have to worry about going the hospital incase they learn about the what the spider did, apart from that I should be fine.)

Suddenly he could feel a sharp painful buzzing in his head. He grabbed his head.

Lewis:(Ahh what is this? Make it stop.)

He turned his head and saw a car barely even a meter away from him. Out of pure instinct he jumped, as he leaped out of the way he could see he was just getting higher and higher until he landed on a the side of a building just stuck to its wall. People started at him in amazement.

Civilian 1:*amazed*Did you see that?

Civilian 2:*confused*How did he do that?

Lewis just looked around confused and a bit frightened.

Lewis:*scared and confused*(What the fuck just happened?)

Civilian 3:Who are you?

Lewis just ignored them trying to figure out what was happening.

Lewis:(I need to get out of here.)

He then jumped over to a near by alleyway and ran down it trying to hide. Once he could see no one around he stopped to think about what had happened.

Lewis:*confused and scared*(How did I do that? I jumped so high and stuck to a wall…)

He thought about the spider and how it changed his body and he quickly had a moment of realisation.

Lewis:(Did the spider do more than just change my body? Did it actually give me powers?)

He looked at a near by wall and headed towards it, he looked at his hand he looked hesitant but then he put his hand on the wall. He could feel hand sticking to the wall, he then put his other hand on the wall he then started to climb the wall crawling along it. Lewis was amazed it was working, he kept going up but he turned around and saw he had gone a lot higher than he thought.

Lewis:*scared*(Fuck I'm high up, I'll just head towards one of the fire escapes and go back down.)

He tried to move his hands and feet but they were stuck he couldn't move them, he tried to pull himself back trying to pry himself from the wall but it wasn't working. He kept pulling his arms legs and his entire body but nothing. After a bit more trying he heard something cracking, he looked at the wall and saw it was breaking at his hands and feet, not even a second later the parts of the wall he was attached to were coming out of the wall. They quickly got loose and before he knew it they broke off the wall and he was now falling.

Lewis:*scared and panicking*(Shit, shit, shit I'm falling, I need to do something quick or I'm gonna die.)

He tried to stop sticking to the broken parts of the wall but he failed. He turned and saw he was quickly getting closer to the ground, out of fear he closed his eyes and tried clenched his hands into fists, his hands started to clench destroying the parts of the wall they were holding and then once his fingers clenched to his palm a white web substance released from his wrist and quickly shot up to the top of the fire escape and stool onto it.

Lewis:*scared and panicking*(Im so fucked I had so much left I wanted to do and this time a how it ends.)

Lewis was scared waiting for his impending death with his eyes still closed. He was mere feet away from the ground when he suddenly stopped. Lewis was confused, he opened his eyes and looked around.

Lewis:*surprised*(Im alive. Why can't I feel the ground.)

He looked down and saw his feet hanging inches from the ground.

Lewis:(how the hell am I hanging here?)

He looked up and saw the spider web coming from his wrist that was keeping him hanging in the air.

Lewis:I have spider webs, cool.

He tried pulling his arm and the web snapped off from his wrist.

Lewis:How did I do that though?

He thought about where the web came from and pointed his wrist towards a wall.

Lewis:*Switching hand positions*No, nope, not that one. *Confused*How do I make it come out?

Lewis then pointed his index and little finger as well as his thumb outwards while curling his middle and ring finger into his palm, suddenly a sting of web shot out from his wrist and stuck to the wall.

Lewis:*excited and shaking his hands up and down*I did it.

He pulled off the string of webs.

Lewis:Let's try that again.

He pointed his hand out again towards a roof and pointed out his thumb and fingers except the ring and middle finger that he pressed into his palm. The web shot out straight to the roof and it attached itself to the roof.

Lewis:Let's see if I can climb the wall better now.

He waked up the wall on his two feet using the web as a rope to make sure he didn't fall. After a few seconds he reached the roof.

Lewis:Well at least I know they can support me and I can walk on the side of buildings on two feet.

He then tore off the web from his wrist and walked over to another side of the roof where no one could see him. He looked around at the view.

Lewis:Damn the view ain't to bad from up here.

As he looked around at the buildings he got an idea, he stood up and pointed his wrist towards another building.

Lewis:(Please work.)

He then shot out a web towards a building and it managed to reach the roof and attach to it.

Lewis:Yes it worked, only one more thing left to do.

He took a deep breath and leaped forward and off the side of the building. He kept falling and falling towards the ground, but he suddenly began to swing upward.

Lewis:Yes it worked.

He kept getting higher but he then started to swing back down.

Lewis:*panicking*Oh no.

As he was panicking he tried to think of what to do, he then quickly made another web to another building and pulled on it and started to move towards the building.

Lewis:*relieved*That was close.

He then started to swing forwards sending out the web and pulling off the webs and kept going.

Lewis:*excited*This is so cool.

Looking around he got excited and amazed by the view he got from swinging around, as he was distracted by the views he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing, once he turned around he saw he was going to swing into a building. He panicked and started to get his hand into position as he pressed onto his palm for moment but all that came out was a single web they went flying and attached to the side of the building.

Lewis*confused*What the hell was that?

He saw he was getting closer he kept tapping onto his palm but all that's would come out was small singular webs.

Lewis:*confused and panicking*Why isn't this working?

He tried once again pressing down on his palm this time and then a line of webbing shot form his wrist and attached to the building. He quickly pulled on it sending himself upwards. He then safely landed onto the side of the building.

Lewis*relieved*That was close luckily I managed to stick to the building instead of going splat on it.

He then saw people were looking at him form the widows on the wall.

Lewis:(Crap better move it.)

He got onto his feet and started to run along the building heading straight towards the roof, once he got close he jumped up and shot a web and pulled on it to send himself onto the roof.

Lewis:*sigh*That was close, but why didn't my webs work?

He got up and headed towards a wall to the roofs emergency exit.

Lewis:Let's try this again and see why I almost died.

He pointed his arm out with his hand in position, he pressed down on his palm and a line of spider web came out.

Lewis:*confused*(It came out like normal so why did it not work right just then?)

He thought about what he was doing behemoth the small webs shot out.

Lewis:(Wait is it because I wasn't pressing down on my palm?)

He pointed his arm back out with his hand in position, he pressed down on his palm but took his fingers of his palm the second they touched, this made a small singular spider web shoot out from his wrist.

Lewis:Well that's interesting.

He then pointed both arms out with hands in position and began to repeatedly tap his palms causing multiple waves to shoot out form both his wrists.

Lewis:*excited*:This is amazing I can do trip how the webs come out depending on how I press on my palm.

He thought about everything he could do and got an idea.

Lewis:*excited and shaking his hands up and down rapidly*With my powers I could be a superhero!

He calmed down and had a look around.

Lewis:If I'm gonna be a hero I will need a costume.(Although can't really get one from out the blue.)

He sat and thought to himself about this.

Lewis:I guess what I'm wearing is fine but I should at least get a mask though.

He continued to look around, quickly spotting a shop that appeared to have clothes and costumes.

Lewis:Better go check that place out.

Lewis then jumped onto the side of the building and started to walk down to the alley beneath him. Once he got down he headed towards the shop and had a look around it.

Lewis:Not looking at costumes right now a mask is just fine.

He kept looking around until he saw a black mask with filters on the side of it.

Lewis:This'll do.

Once Lewis grabbed the mask he headed towards the tills but on his way he saw a pair of black climbing gloves.

Lewis:(I am going to be climbing around a lot because of the while spider thing so maybe those will be useful.)

He then grabbed the gloves and payed for both it and the mask and headed outside and ran towards another alleyway.

Lewis:Let's just hope these fit well.

He put the mask over his faces and strapped it on using the velcro straps on the back of the mask then he put the gloves on and strapped them on as well using the velcro straps on the back of the gloves.

Lewis:Don't feel that bad, let's see how they do with a bit of climbing.

He then started to crawl up the wall of a near by building and went to the roof and had a look around.

Lewis:Not bad, now then. I've got the powers, I've sorta got the costume now I just need to find some crime.

He looked around but couldn't see anything, after a quick lap of the roof top looking around he decided to keep looking and began to swing around.

Lewis:Don't really know what I'm expecting to find, its not like much crime goes on around here, I mean I never see anything in the news anyway.

As Lewis kept swing around he noticed something in the corner of his eye in the back of a bank.

Lewis:*curious*(What was that?)

He quickly swung back around and landed onto the roof top behind the bank. He saw men with bags of money and guns standing at the back of the bank starting to load the money into the back of a few vans.

Lewis:It looks like a robbery.

Robber 1:Time to go.

Lewis then jumped onto the top of the van crouching at the end of it above the robbers.

Robber 2:*confused*What the hell.

Lewis:Sorry boys but these don't belong to you.

Robber 2:I suggest you get moving mate or your dead ya.

Lewis:*laughing*Funny (He then flips and lands behind them) I'd like to see you try.

Robber 3:*angry*Your dead.

Robber 3 then tried to attack Lewis but he just dodged his barrage.

Lewis:That all you got?

Robber 2:Your quick but not that quick.

He then pointed at pistol at Lewis but it was then webbed out of his hand and onto the truck.

Robber 1:*confused* What the hell was that?

Robber 3:Your some kind of freak.

Lewis:*offended* Hey I'm ok freak, I'm the Spiderling? Spider kid? *Hmm* I'll have to work on a name.

Robber 1:I don't care what you call your self desk because all that'll be left of ya will be a mushed up corpse.

Lewis:Yeah how about no?

He then jumped at one of the robbers and punched him across the face. The robber flinched from fear until it made contact when he realised it didn't hurt.

Robber 1:*laughing* You call that a punch? I barely get a thing.

Lewis:(I know I need to hold back but not that much.)

He then got kicked in the gut and hit the ground. The robbers surrounded him, he quickly got up and swung again but the robber dodged, Lewis kept going forward due to momentum and accidentally picked through a wall getting his arm stuck.

Lewis:(Okay maybe not that hard, possibly somewhere in the middle.)

He then pulled his arm out as well as some of the wall. The robbers stood shocked by his strength.

Lewis:Sorry about that still not use to my own strength yet.

Robber 3:*scared* He really is a freak.

Robber 2:*Scared* Are you sure we should fight this guy?

Robber 1:Snap out of it he maybe strong but tote the three of us against the one of him.

Lewis:Your right Thai ain't really a fair fight, for you that is.

Robber 1:*Angrily and grunting* Get him!

They started to run at Lewis but he just jumped over them and shot two strands of webs at the heads of the robbers on his left and right. Once he landed he yanked the webs sending the two robbers flying over his shoulder hitting a wall, he then quickly pressed down on his palms multiple times and webs shot out towards the robbers and stuck them to the wall. The last robber tried to sneak up from behind and swing at Lewis with his pistol but Lewis felt the same tingle as he did that warned him of the car from earlier. Once he felt this tingle he turned around and jumped up, he then still in mid air kicked the robbers hand making him drop the gun and right after kicked him on the face making him fly into the wall behind him. Lewis then just webbed him to the wall.

Lewis:Nice try with the sneak attack but didn't work thanks to my spiders sense, spidery sense? No that doesn't sound right. Maybe just spider sense, yeah that sounds right. Anyway better calm the police so they can arrest you.

Lewis then pulled out his phone and noticed a couple of miss call messages from hi parents from 10 minutes ago.

Lewis:Shit I forgot to update them on where I was, I'll just call the police and call them back.

Lewis quickly called the police and told them to head to his location, then he zipped away to the roof tops and called his parents back. He got a bit of a scalding but nothing to bad, once that was finished and he hung up he started to swig around the city.

Lewis:*excited*Just took down my first bad guys it was so cool. I was like a total badass, although if I'm gonna do this whole hero thing I'm gonna need to finally come up with a name. I should also think about how to get more people to know who I am.

He then stopped on the wall of a building to think.

Lewis:But how?

He looked around and saw fliers, he then jumped down and went to go have a look. He ran to the posters it was about a wrestling match that would start tomorrow that anyone could compete in.

Lewis:This's perfect, it also has a website where I can sign up.

He went onto his phone and looked up the website and signed himself up.

Lewis:Nice, hopefully this will get me some attention. It's getting late I should probably head home.

Lewis then started to swing his way home, once he reached his home's street he jumped onto a building and headed downtown to street level, he then took off his mask and gloves and put them into his pocket and pulled down his hood before heading back into his home. He walked in and saw his mum in the kitchen.

Lewis:Hey I'm back.

Valeria:Hi did you have a nice time out.

Lewis:Yeah, sorry about not checking up on time, I just hadn't realised.

Valeria:It's fine it was only by about 10 minutes anyway.

He walked up to him and was about to hug him until she saw that he was completely towering over her.

Valeria:My you really are a lot bigger, we will definitely need to book and appointment soon that the hospital to see why this happened.

Lewis:It wound be for a while so don't worry about it.

Valeria:Okay, by the way tea is almost ready so could you please grab plates and stuff.

Lewis:Will do.

He starts to set everything up for tea, once he finished food he headed to his room.

Lewis:(Today was so fun, I actually have powers and I stopped bad guys.)

He put his gloves and mask from his pocket into a draw, he then gets changed into a pair of shorts and moved his wardrobe and webs the clothes he wore today behind the wardrobe before putting it back.

Lewis:(If I'm gonna be doing hero work better hide what I wear so no one finds out.)

He starts to mess around with his webs making stuff like balls of web thread and a hammock, he got into his hammock and started to relax.

Lewis:(This is nice, I could get use to it.)

After a while he noticed the smaller web stuff started to rot away.

Lewis:(Huh I guess my webs can last a while depending on how big they are.)

He looked at the time on his phone, it was currently 10:37pm.

Lewis:Its a little early for a weekend but I'm so tired.

He tried to go to sleep but as usual he struggled to get to sleep, eventually he did and later in his hammock sleeping peacefully.

After a while the webs started to break and Lewis dropped to the ground.

Lewis:*Annoyed*Oww. Ughh that fucking hurt.

He got up and grabbed his phone and checked the time, it said it was currently 3:02am.

Lewis:(Better get back to sleep, hopefully no one heard me.)

He got into bed and went back to sleep.