
The Adventures of Hadrian Black

A soul called Hadrian gets a chance to reincarnate. How will he fare in a world of wizards, gods, demi-gods, and superheroes? ------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own Harry Potter, Marvel, or Percy Jackson. The cover image I found on the internet.

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For the third time, Hadrian looked at his reflection in the mirror.

The mirror showed a lean, muscular young man. He had black long hair that came up to his shoulders and blood-red eyes that looked as if every drop of blood in the world had been squeezed dry, distilled into one poisonous mixture.

'I'm so handsome I'm afraid for my safety," Hadrian thought narcissistically.

It had been a month since Hadrian awakened in his new world. He used the time to come to terms with all the new memories that came about. Hadrian felt like he was twenty years old but had the experience and knowledge of someone closer to three thousand. Due to new memories, using his magic was almost second nature to him, and he didn't have to get used to his super strength.

Once he finished sorting out his memories, he finally had the proof that he was right. This world was a mixture of worlds he read about in his past life. He remembered the roman demigods, Steve Rogers, Grindelwald and so much more.

The year was 1987, and Hadrian could not be more excited. Why? Because he was in London, and he already knew what he wanted to do.

Hadrian was going to get a job at Hogwarts. From his memories, Hadrian knew Dumbledore. They hadn't met each other in World War Two until the very end when Dumbledore defeated Grindewald. However, when Dumbledore became Supreme Mugwump things changed. Hadrian learned that the position of Supreme Mugwump came with the knowledge of some secrets that the rest of the wizarding world, for the most part, had no idea about it.

One such secret was about Hadrian's existence. The ICW had files on files about him stored and locked away.

In his memories, Dumbledore had searched for him just one year after becoming the leader of the ICW. They talked a lot and went in their separate ways.

Hadrian knew that these were false memories, but considering he didn't know who he used to be in his past life he just took them as real. After all the past he was dead, this is who he was from that point forward.

He was Hadrian Black, Dead Apostle, True Ancestor of Vampires.


Albus Dumbledore looked at the young man who was applying for the position of Defense teacher. Because he knew that the young man in front was actually older than the school and one of the most dangerous beings on the planet.

"Mr. Black, I cannot fantom a reason for why you would be here applying for a teaching position," Dumbledore said.

"Headmaster, please call me Hadrian. To answer your question, I heard you had a new Dark Lord here in Britain and I was bored." Hadrian said with a straight face, looking dead serious.

"Bored? So you decided to come here and hunt Tom?" said Dumbledore, looking bemused. "And please, call me Albus then."

"Tom? Is that his name?" Hadrian asked. Of course, he knew the answer already but he didn't want to come up with an excuse about how he came to know Voldemort's real name.

"Yes, however, he likes to style himself as Lord Voldemort," Dumbledore said.

"I see... the answer to your question is yes and no," Hadrian said. "I'm here to help you in dealing with Tom but I will not be doing all the work. You wizards will have to do your own part."

That was the truth. Sure, with Hadrian powers and knowledge, dealing with Voldemort would be easy. However, that would not resolve the problem.

If Hadrian dealt with the Dark Lord, his Death Eaters would probably go free like in the book, pureblood prejudice and corruption would increase, and in a few years, another dark lord would be born. No, since he was getting involved he was going to make sure to drag the sheep of magical Britain into solving their own problems. He was only there to facilitate the process.

"Very well, then welcome to Hogwarts Professor Black, and thank you for your help," Dumbledore said. "I'm correct to assume you want the Defense teacher post?"

"Yes, however, I think I would be a good history teacher too," Hadrian joked.

"Very true," Dumbledore said with a chuckle. "Should we go meet your coworkers?"

"Please, let's do so," Hadrian said.

Walking through the corridors of Hogwarts, Hadrian couldn't help but think that he got the job easier than thought. Well, whatever reason Dumbledore may have to accept him so easily didn't really matter in end.

The meeting with the teachers started with most of them jumping to their feet with wands drawn. They calmed down after Dumbledore explained that Hadrian was the new DADA teacher, a new commotion started about students' safety and questions about how a vampire could teach DADA since they had no magic.

That's when Hadrian answered by telling them about who he was. The ICW might consider his identity a secret for whatever reasons, but Hadrian truly didn't care about that.

It was like that that Hadrian passed his first day at Hogwarts, by answering questions that ranged from things he experienced in his life and his knowledge of magic.

His view about teachers having no social life was shattered when said teachers started betting on their student's love life. Their highest bet was on how long it took before Lily Evans caved and decided to date James Potter.