
The Advent of the Dragon God and Twin Goddess

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What is The Advent of the Dragon God and Twin Goddess

Lee la novela The Advent of the Dragon God and Twin Goddess escrita por el autor Crepuscule12 publicada en WebNovel. Aurelian the progenitor of the dragon race fights for peace in his realm....


Aurelian the progenitor of the dragon race fights for peace in his realm.

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ida_el_hakim · Fantasía
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I’m not Schizophrenic!

Abel Vulcan lived his life on the bottom. Since he couldn’t use man and become an awakener he was treated like trash. He was either ignored or bullied by everyone. One day Abel couldn't take anymore of the abuse and stood up for himself. He fought back and actually won. His tormentors not willing to give him even a shred of decency started hurting him even more. It got so bad that he had to escape the orphanage where he lived in his whole life. With no where left to go he was forced to fend for himself. He eventually settled in humanities dumpster known as the "Wasteland" and started selling trash make enough money to eat. While scavenging he finds an ancient ring that changes his life forever. The ring awakens his potential and grants him the ability to wield mana. That’s not all the ring does though. After awakening, Abel starts to hear an annoying and obnoxious voice in his head who claims to be from a different universe. and apparently in its universe his entire reality is a Web novel. Abel obviously doesn’t trust this mysterious voice and starts to believe that he’s developed Schizophrenia. He tries his best to ignore the voice and just continue on with his life, but after continuous pestering from the voice he breaks and does what it wants. When he does though he finds himself becoming increasingly rich and powerful. The voice helps him experience things he’s only dreamed of. Watch as he interacts and affects this world and it’s main characters. Will he die a meaningless side character. Or will he create his own legend that surpasses the main story “Holy shit! Maybe I’m not Schizophrenic!” —————— (Authors Note!) I’m a dumbass when it comes to writing so go a little easy on me will ya. If you see any grammar mistakes or anything of that nature please point them out. The beginning is a little slow but I swear it starts to pick up If you got any suggestion’s or see any plot holes please tell me. That’s all from me! Thanks and enjoy!

Tjbeach · Fantasía
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16 Chs
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Volumen 1


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