
The Absolute Beings Strut!

The Absolute Being of the fractality reincarnate themselves. [Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN MHA OR ANY WORK I”LL BE USING. ALL MATERIALS BELOW TO THE RESPECTIVE CREATORS]

Koas · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter 4

Minutes after leaving her apartment, Shivena found herself standing in front of a high school. Her memory flickered; she was here to take an entrance examination at U.A. High School.

"What in the actual fuck," she thought with a fierce intensity, though her face was an impassive mask of calm. "I would scroll through some realities and there would be institutions called schools, but I never thought I'd be going to one."

With a resigned sigh, she took in her surroundings at the school entrance. A stream of students, as she wryly…flowed steadily into the building. Shivena felt strange but nonetheless walked to the entrance.

As Shivena scanned the bustling scene at the school entrance, her attention was caught by a green-haired boy who was about to fall. A girl quickly reached out to steady him, preventing his fall. A knowing smile crept across Shivenas face.

"A protagonist, huh." she mused silently  In her look through countless realities, she had come to recognize the pattern: these worlds often revolved around such figures. "Worlds such as this would have a protagonist, wouldn't they." 

The protagonist of a world is typically at the epicenter of major events and tragedies. While they were certainly mortal and could face death, they often carried an air of invincibility, bolstered by a peculiar kind of luck that favored their survival and success.

Sheivena's interest was piqued as she observed the green-haired boy. Rubbing her chin, a maniacal grin spread across her face, drawing puzzled and slightly concerned glances from nearby students. "Interesting! Things are getting interesting," she thought, amused.

"Why would this world need a protagonist so early on, and such a weak one at that? She pondered with a chuckle. " Is there someone calling themselves demon lord or something," Her mirthful laughter coincided with a sudden sneeze from a certain man.

With a philosophical shrug, Shivena decided not to delve too deeply just yet. "Well, all will come to light in time. Let's go with the flow for now," she resolved. Walking confidently into the building.



 [U.A. Highschool hero course exam orientation]

As Present Mic outlined the practical exam's rules, the excitement among the applicants was palpable. Each test site was populated with three types of faux villains, each varying in difficulty and point values, designed to test the prospective students' strategic thinking and combat abilities using their quirks.

"Your goal in this trial is to use your quirk to raise your score. That is your task, applicants," Present Mic boomed, his voice echoing throughout the arena. He then assed a stern reminder, "But check it, make sure to keep everything heroic; attacking other candidates is a U.A. No, no you dig," pointing emphatically at the crows.

A boy with glasses raised his hand, "Excuse me sir, but I have a question," drawing the attention of Present Mic.

Shivena, however, found the whole scenario underwhelming. "Well, this shit boring," she thought, her interest waning as she leaned back, almost falling asleep. The task seemed straightforward to her—just a matter of destroying some robots and collecting points. "Isn't that all?" she sighed to herself, closing her eyes to shut out the noise of the enthusiastic presenter and the eager, questioning boy. In her mind, she was already formulating what she was going to do after this exam.


Shivena Stretched her body as she waited in front of the gate. "All that sitting down made my body stiff."

As she stretched in front of the gate, she flexed and twisted, working out the stiffness from sitting. Glancing around at the other applicants, she noted their nervous stances and hesitant expressions. No one here seemed exceptional; they all appeared rather weak, especially compared to her, even with her weakened body she could destroy all of them.

Sighing to herself,  she braced herself for the exam. Just as she finished her preparatory stretches, Present Mic's voice thundered through the speakers, "RIGHT, LET'S START, GET MOVING," The gate began to creak open, signaling the start of the exam. 

While the other applicants hesitated, Shivena was already in motion. She bounced lightly on her toes and activated her [Enhanced Body] skill. Instantly, her muscles tensed, her senses sharpened, and a surge of power flooded through her. She felt her body become drastically stronger- her speed reaching supernatural levels, her stamina soaring, and all other physical attributes enhancing dramatically.

Timing her approach perfectly with the opening of the gate, Shivena focused all her newly amplified power into a single point. She coalesced her strength into one explosive burst. In a fraction of a second, she propelled herself forward with blinding speed. To any onlooker, her body became nothing but a blur as she shot through the now fully open gate like a speeding bullet.

The force of her impact as she passed through was so intense that it left a deep crater in her wake.

As Shivena bolted forward, the other applicants were still clustered at the gate, their confusion palpable in the air. Present Mic, momentarily stunned by her explosive start, quickly regained his composure. He bellowed out, 'THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL BATTLES, RUN! RUN! RUN!" His voice boomed across the field, urging the others into action.

Meanwhile, Shivena, fueled by excitement, spotted a trio of three-pointer robots in the distance. In a flash of creative brilliance, she activated her Quirk, [Swords].  Conjuring a sleek black sword that shimmered into existence, its blade adorned with mystical purple runes that glowed faintly. 

With a manic grin stretching across her face, Shivena crouched slightly, gathering her strength. In a burst of energy, she launched herself into the air.

As Shivena soared through the air, she quickly constructed another sword under her foot, "Shit! That was harder than expected," she thought. With a powerful kick, she launched the sword towards the nearest three-pointer. Watching with satisfaction as it pierced through its metallic frame. 

As gravity reclaimed her,  pulling her towards the ground, Shivena prepared for her descent with a strategic maneuver. She named this technique {First Form: Chroma}. With a swift, arching slash, she executed the move perfectly, her blade cleaving through the second robot in a graceful display of power. The robot split apart, its components scattering across the field.

Landing smoothly, her momentum didn't falter; it seamlessly transitioned into her next technique, {Second Form: Death's Touch}. With a blinding burst of speed that seemed to distort the air around her, she surged forward. Her sword blade, glowing ominously, flashed with deadly intent as she swiftly severed the head of the final robot. It collapsed before it could even begin to process her approach.

Standing amidst the wreckage of the three robots, Shivena took a moment to steady her breath, which remained impressively calm despite the exertion. With a fierce smile, she looked around, her eyes gleaming with the thrill of battle. "Yes, this is what I was waiting for, I can feel it in my soul. Well. Let the fun begin!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying joy. With that, she burst forth once more, her speed a blur as she raced towards the next robots.


       ------[ Third Person POV]-------

Inside a dimly lit room, the examiners sat before a multitude of screens, each displaying the exams of the applicants. Among them were seasoned veterans of heroism, each renowned in their own right.

Shota Aizawa, known by his hero name Eraserhead, observed with a keen eye, his expression unreadable. Kan Sekijiro, or Vlad king as he is known, exuded an aura of authority, his posture poised.

Nemuri Kayama, known by her hero name Midnight, brought an air of allure to the room, her presence and figure captivating. Ken Ishiyama, the stalwart Cementos watched, his stony appearance betraying none of his thoughts.

Higari Maijima, also known as Power Loader, his mechanical expertise is evident in his attire. Snipes and Ectoplasm, both seasoned heroes in their own right, added their unique presence.

But amidst the assembly of esteemed heroes, was All Might who commanded the attention of all present. The symbol of peace and the epitome of heroism, his presence alone imbued the room with a sense of safety. 

They were looking at the monitors tracking everyone's progress. They all noted several students who were already standing out from other applicants. One is a boy with an explosive quirk, his explosive display getting both praise and criticism from the examiners. Another applicant was a girl with a gravity-based quirk.

However, all their eyes kept drifting toward one applicant. A lone girl with long, flowing white hair and white eyes gleamed with excitement as she demolished robots left and right. And despite her seemingly delicate appearance, she'd already surpassed the record of destroyed robots that was set by All Might years ago. 

"Nezu. Who is she? Midnight's voice broke the focused silence, her question drawing all the other heroes to perk up and listen, including Eraserhead.

Principal Nezu shifted through the flies he had on the applicants and looked for Shivena's information, with his tiny, deft paws. The principal of U.A. High School. He is an 'Other' type quirk user because he is an extremely rare case of an animal who manifested a quirk.

"Here we are. Her name is  Shivena Bright, 15 years old, blood type O." he began, his voice calm. " And her Quirk is named [Swords]. It allows her to create, project, and summon any swords she desires, though it drains her stamina rather quickly," Nezu explained, closing the file with a small nod. They were all impressed by her prowess in the usage of her quirk but what made them all even more surprised was her sword proficiency, it was clear to all that she was very well-trained in swordsmanship.


As Shivena stood amidst the wreckage of a one-pointer robot, her mind briefly wandered. She was about to sprint toward her next target when a sudden movement caught her eyeâ€"a fellow applicant was overwhelmed and on the brink of being struck by a three-pointer robot.

She paused, tilting her head slightly as she weighed her options. "Should I save them," she pondered. Her instincts as a fighter were clear; focused on maximizing her score and demonstrating her prowess. Yet, here was an opportunity to do something different.

"I will never be a hero in the general sense," she acknowledged to herself, understanding her own nature and the path she was likely to follow.  But the question still stands, whether I should save them or not."

"Fuck it, I guess I'll do something good for once," Shivean muttered under her breath. Bursting forward with speed, closing the distance between herself and the robot. Despite her not being a hero, she could tell there was more to this test than meets the eye. 

As she neared the robot, her focus sharpened, her instinct taking over as she assessed the situation with multiple thought processes passing through her mind thanks to [Calm Mind], her human brain didn't shut down from all the thoughts. 

As Shivena neared the robot, her focus intensified, her eyes narrowing and a maniacal grin spreading across her face. She leaped high, her body coiled like a spring, and unleashed her {Second Form- Death's Touch} technique. The sword cut through the air, a gleaming arc of deadly intent aimed at the robot's vulnerable point. The strike was flawless, demonstrating her superior swordsmanship and her Quirk's lethality. The three-pointer robot's head parted from its body, clattering to the ground just inches away from the startled applicant.

She landed smoothly and looked over to the girl who was about to be hurt. The girl's purple hair framed her face, ending sharply at her chin, fair skin a contrast to her wide, shocked eyes. Her slender build trembled slightly from the close call, and her distinctly large earlobes quivered as she tried to regain her composure.

"Are you okay," Shivena asked, her voice trying to carry a tone of concern. Shivena tried acting concerned for the girl's well-being, but her patience wore thin as the girl remained speechless in shock. With a flicker of annoyance, Shivena decided to depart. In a blur of motion, she vanished from the scene, leaving the bewildered girl behind to process the encounter. Her gratitude mingled with confusion at the abrupt departure of her would-be rescuer.

For Shivena, however, there was no time to dwell on the encounter. Her sights were set on the big robot that just appeared. She pressed forward, with a huge grin on her face.


[Word Count]: 2,085