
The Abandoned Alpha

As soon as I started pulling his arms to take him to my favourite place along the coastline it electricity seemed to pass through my skin. "Shit I'm sorry I am again being over-friendly", I muttered out in a voice was laced with guilt "Hey it's ok, See we are not in the office and even if we are we can always be friends right?", he said thrusting out his hand for a handshake "Friends right that sounds good", I shook his hand with a grin on my face and the electricity was back as soon as our hands touched "Ok now come along I'll show you the best place around here", I said taking my hand back and thus bring him out of his dream. Zachery Mathew Collins is not only the owner of a multinational business empire but is also the Alpha King of the werewolves. Over the 24 years of his life, all he has known is to strive every day to get a step forward from where he was. But what happens when he is put into a whirlpool of feelings and emotions towards his mate. What happens when she becomes his top priority? But most importantly what happens when he learns about secrets she has been hiding all these years? Amber a 20-year-old independent friendly woman, but there is a lot hidden behind the smile on the face. Will she ever accept an outsider as her family? Will she be able to accept her true identity when the time comes?

ELeena · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Maybe Human.. Maybe Wolf


As soon as she left I took up the file and went into my office.Everything in the file seemed perfectly drafted and had entries and notes at every required point.

This woman would do wonders if she gets the degree I thought to myself and was soon interrupted by Ray, "She is our mate , she is a wonder woman herself. I don't know why do you even doubt her"

"Ray I don't doubt her now shut up and let me work"

After going through the file and today's schedule I opened my personal mail.Ashton had sent in an attachment of all the members who left their packs or joined other packs over the past few years.I thought Stella was better than me at doing this as proved earlier but I didn't want to disturb her or Nic so I took it upon myself to go through the details.

But there was nothing.No mention of Andrea or Amber in the white wolf pack

It was as if she didn't exist and then something struck me.Even if the white moon pack did erase her existence which is possible because of the awkward behaviour and secrets that they keep.I had to do something about them. Maybe I will just send a team from my pack under the covers.

But that is later.

Ray was getting restless to be near his mate.

Ok I agree I am just using Ray as an excuse.Every day I learn a new thing about this woman.Every day I just get to know that she is better than imagined but I can't push myself on her I know she will distance herself.But as of now if I assume she is a wolf and left the white moon pack.

Though I don't smell her wolf yet she isn't a rogue I could say even with the small amount of the wolf I felt in her.This implied she had been accepted into another pack and the most probable pack is The midnight pack i.e. Zander's pack.

I pulled out my phone and saw it was 8 already, meaning I just had an hour to do this research of mine because I was putting my business on stake and today with Amber not around I had to manage things.Therefore quickly I dialled Zander's number.

After a moment two Beth received the call.

"Hola Alpha!! SSup?I heard my sister-in-law is your mate?"

"Beth is Zander around I needed to confirm a few things about the pack and she is my mate"

"Zach my man don't talk to Zander a lot your growing as boring as him only talking business. Anyways Zander went for the training and forgot his phone so you have two options either wait or ask the luna and with the urgency, in your voice I feel you're not ready to wait. So tell me Alpha how may I help you?"

Yes Beth was indeed one of the jolliest soul one would ever meet

"Oh but before you ask I hope you didn't drown Amber with werewolf knowledge. Like when you do I want us to be there I don't want her to feel that we hid things from her", she continues

"Beth are you sure she is a human?"

"Zach you drunk? I am 110% sure she is human, like she doesn't have excess strength and nor powerful listening or anything and most importantly she doesn't have a wolf"

"But Beth I felt a wolf in her like maybe a dormant wolf may be less than 10% wolf but it was there"]

"I think you felt is because she is surrounded by wolves all the time and even her pack records say she is human"

"What? If she is human why does she need pack record?"I said in shock

"Well you see not all packs are welcoming enough and I don't know how Zander made her do the ceremony without letting her know everything maybe he used anaesthesia I don't know but she had to be accepted into the pack for entering our pack ground. It was according to our rules. Something like if a luna is human even then she needs to be accepted into the pack and be pledged to the pack it is like that here and the elders was against her not having a pack record"

"Oh ok thanks Beth and Good morning," I said mockingly

"Ah finally but you see you took too much time to get out of the serious mode now I got to go the kids will be back from training anytime and I need to see that their breakfasts are ready bubye"

"Bye luna"

Elizabeth (Beth):

I need to find Zander right now.

"Zander zander", I shouted through the mind link

"Beth I am training"

"I know"

"Then why are you yelling at me woman"

"Is this the way you talk to your mate", I said tauntingly

"I am sorry Bethy, I was just stressed with some pack business. Sorry"

I knew he made a puppy face.

"It's ok now listen to me"


I know I have his attention now I started, "So Zach called you and said he had to talk about something seriously important and since you weren't around and it seemed extremely important according to him I volunteered to look into the matter. So he asked me about Amber and told me something about a wolf in her though he isn't sure. And I know am panicking and I am just a year older than her but she is so little what if he hurts her with some information"

"My love your just straining yourself and I know we never tried digging into her more than she told us about her but Beth he is her mate and I know whatever he does he won't hurt her and if he does I might not be the Alpha King but when I say I am a brother I mean it and if he hurts my little sister he will face the consequences. Right now I know my friend so just go with the flow.Don't stress yourself and I will be back in 5 ok?"

"I think you are right, Zach is a nice guy and has the right to know his mate so we will let him take his chances. I'll get breakfast ready."