
The 5 Bloodlines

Emerging from a two-year coma induced by a meteor crash on an island, Kai Hellbound awakens to find himself in an airborne medical facility. The aftermath of the meteor impact has given rise to a transformed world, marked by a new energy source, catalyzing diverse magical manifestations among the exposed populace. Reports suggest that proximity to the meteor's impact correlates with the potency of the newfound magic. As Kai and his companions were situated on the island, the extent of their magical prowess is anticipated to be formidable.

Noisy_Achiever32 · Acción
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75 Chs

Marks Of The Shadow

Nika arrived at the western part of the wall, greeted by the unmistakable signs of recent conflict. The wounded warriors scattered across the area bore witness to the recent assault, and though the shadows seemed to have retreated for the moment, the aftermath was evident. As Nika inspected the injured and surveyed the barricade, a red-haired woman approached her from behind. In a soft, almost melancholic voice, she spoke.

"The shadows came out of nowhere and they spared no one, not even normal workers, it was a massacre" The woman with red hair said.

Nika turned around, and her eyes met a familiar face. It was Astrid who had spoken, but she had undergone a profound change, leaving Nika visibly shocked. A gasp escaped Nika's lips as she took in the extent of the damage on Astrid's face.

"Astrid your face" Nika said as she approached Astrid, but she stopped when Astrid held her hand out.

"You like it, a gift from one of those bastards" Astrid said as she ran her fingers through her face.

Astrid's left eye bore the brutal evidence of devastation, completely destroyed, with a scar that traversed from her forehead to the left corner of her lip. The aftermath of the shadow-inflicted wound was stark — purplish veins marred the skin around her missing eye, a chilling sign of the insidious influence of the shadows. The sinister mark extended a haunting reminder that any injury, no matter how minor, suffered in this confrontation left its mark in the form of these purplish veins. The pervasive shadow infection left an indelible scar not just on Astrid but on all who bore the wounds of this relentless battle.

"We still don't know if this is an infection or just a mark," Astrid said.

"I sure hope this isn't a virus. If it is, we might have another problem on our hands" Nika said looking around.

"Nika, the shadows weren't just reanimations they knew how to fight, and they were stronger than their human self a lot stronger. B rank Warriors got transformed into S rank Shadows, it was too big of a gap of power to just by pass." Astrid said.

Nika stood in stunned silence, absorbing the grim reality of the situation. The knowledge that humans turned into shadows gained strength was not new, but the extent of the power manifested in Astrid's transformed state left her shaken. The question echoed in Nika's mind – just how powerful had Akashi become to create such formidable monsters? The scale of the threat seemed to grow exponentially, overshadowing any previous understanding of the shadow's capabilities.

"Nika, that's not the worst part, I have to show you something in my memory" Astrid said.

"Why not just tell me?" Nika said.

"You have to see it for yourself," Astrid said as she walked towards someone.

A bald, slim man with a giant scar on his chest caught Nika's attention. His green eyes held a profound sadness as he looked up. Astrid approached him and engaged in a conversation, their words unheard by Nika due to the distance. After a brief exchange, the man rose to his feet and followed Astrid, making his way toward Nika with a purposeful stride.

"Nika this is Edward he has the same magic as your cousin, he will connect our mind and show you the memory as if you were there is the only way you can understand what we are facing" Astrid said as she held Nika's hand and Edward's.

Edward extended his hand towards Nika, and she took it. In the next moment, his aura expanded, enveloping both of them. Suddenly, Nika found herself in a deep, empty, dark space. As she looked around, a door materialized before her. Opening it, she discovered a hallway where Edward stood, gesturing towards the door next to him. Curiosity leading her, Nika walked toward the indicated door. The next second, light engulfed her, transporting her into a memory—the west part of the wall. However, she realized she couldn't move her body; she was merely a spectator in this enigmatic recollection.

Nika observed the chaotic scene unfolding in the memory. Instead of Astrid leading the defense against the shadows, it was another woman named Glory, wielding Water Mythic. Nika recognized her, aware of the significant power she possessed, ranking at S level. Glory navigated through the shadows with relative ease, showcasing prowess not quite at Nika's level but certainly above Astrid's. The relentless assault of the shadows proved challenging for even Astrid struggled in the face of the overwhelming onslaught.

As the shadows continued their relentless charge toward the barricade, B rank Warriors fell, succumbing to the darkness. Upon hitting the ground, their bodies underwent a sinister transformation, shrouded in shadows. The reanimated figures now exuded the energy of an S rank Human, their once fallen forms now powerful agents of the very threat they had sought to repel.

The situation grew increasingly complicated for the warriors as the fallen began to rise with newfound strength. The resurgence of the dead, now more powerful than they were in their human forms, posed a formidable challenge.

In the midst of the chaos, Glory took charge, rushing toward one of the S-rank shadows. With a swift motion, she created a drill of water in her right hand and drove it into the head of the shadow. The attack required considerable force, as the shadow's aura resisted the assault, creating a tense struggle between the powers at play.

"JUST DIE ALREADY" Glory yelled as she pushed the drill into the shadows head.

The defeated shadow exploded, disintegrating into black smoke that cascaded down like ashes. The remaining S-rank shadow approached its fallen comrade and touched the ashes. In a mystifying display, the ashes swirled around its form, merging with its body. The shadow's aura transformed, escalating to the level of an SS Rank Warrior.

The rapid succession of events left Nika struggling to comprehend the unfolding chaos. The escalating threat posed by the shadows hinted at a sinister power capable of adapting and growing even more formidable in the face of defeat.

"That's impossible!" Glory said with a horrified look on her face.

"No it's not" A voice whispered in her ear but when she turned around there was nothing there.

In a sudden turn of events, the shadows ceased their relentless assault and sank into the ground, creating a massive pit next to the SS rank shadow. The ominous pit transformed into a swirling whirlpool, and from its center, a figure began to emerge. Slowly rising from the ground, the person emitted an overwhelming power that sent shivers through everyone present. The cold and sinister aura exuding from him was unmistakable – this was Akashi, a man whose presence alone instilled fear and foreboding.

Nika, even in her spectator role, sensed the palpable fear emanating from Astrid. The atmosphere grew tense, akin to the sensation experienced when Blaze or Aurora manifested their formidable auras. What unfolded next sent a momentary chill through Nika's heart, causing it to momentarily stop.

Akashi's actions unfolded with ruthless efficiency. He punched through the shadow's chest as if it were nothing more than air, reducing it to ashes. The liberated ashes began to dance in the air around Akashi before converging and entering his body. The ominous display not only marked the end of the shadow but also served to augment Akashi's already formidable power, intensifying the sinister aura that surrounded him.

"Cool trick don't you think?" Akashi said.

In an instant, before Glory could prepare to counterattack, Akashi appeared behind her as if he had teleported. The unmistakable smirk on his face exuded arrogance, leaving no doubt about the malevolent intent behind his sudden and swift movement.

"I stole this move from Blaze Savage, the world's strongest," Akashi said before he sliced Glory just moving his hand.

"I must say it's quite useful and very dramatic but it lacks bloodlust," Akashi said.

Akashi then looked at Astrid and appeared in front of her with an insane look and slashed her face. She fell to the ground and just looked up at Akashi. He was looking at his hand with a smile.

"Now that's more like its frontal approach," Akashi said laughing.

Akashi advanced toward Glory's lifeless form, extending his hand. The shadows enveloped the corpse, initiating a transformation that surpassed all expectations. As the body rose, the emanating power now reached the formidable level of an SSS Rank Warrior. Akashi's maniacal laughter echoed through the air, an unsettling soundtrack to the unfolding chaos.

Commanding the shadow with chilling precision, Akashi directed it to attack. The shadow materialized a water drill in its hand and swiftly dispatched a person with a single, lethal strike. The brutality of the attack showcased the devastating capabilities of this enhanced, shadow-infused entity under Akashi's control.

"Yes, that's the power level I need so that shadows can use Mythic!" Akashi Screamed. "I wonder what would happen if I turned Blaze Savage or Angel into one of my shadows," He said.

Nika gasped, abruptly emerging from the vivid memory. She dropped to her knees, beads of sweat forming on her forehead. Pure panic etched across her face as the weight of the horrifying events she had witnessed in the memory settled upon her. Glancing at Astrid, she now comprehended the gravity of the words, "seen it with her own eyes." The reality of Akashi's power and the nightmarish scenes she had just witnessed left Nika shaken to her core.

"I just hope the Z ranks can reach him before he gets too powerful," Astrid said.

"The Z Ranks won't face Akashi, they said he wasn't a threat" Nika said as she held her head.

"What? They're the only ones who can face such a monster" Astrid shouted, slightly irritated.

"They're not the only ones actually, Kai is coming to the island" Nika said with a slight smile.

Hearing Nika's words brought an unexpected sense of comfort and relief to Astrid. While she was well aware of Kai's significant growth in strength, a lingering doubt had remained about whether he was truly enough to confront and halt the menace that Akashi represented.


In a section of the wall left in ruins, a man sat on a chair with an air of nonchalance, almost as if he were bored. This man was none other than Akashi, his eyes closed as if in deep contemplation. However, in reality, he was engaged in a peculiar activity—watching the memories of the people he had turned into shadows. Within this destroyed landscape, Akashi unearthed something intriguing within the fragments of the past.

"This woman is in a lot of people's memories, Nika Glacius, jum what's this Cain's memories' ' Akashi said as he looked at the time when Nika threaded Cain if he touched Akashi.

"Oh so she knows Kai, but she made one mistake. There is no room for weak people in our friend group!" Akashi shouted.