

This Is a Story of My Lifestyle. This All Is True and 1st Thing Is I Saw a Dream of 4 Hidden Powers and I Wrote It in My Story and Now These Days I Am Writing My Lifestyle. The Main Character Is Fred It Is Me He Is 16 Years Old Boy. He Is Very Kind, Honest, and Doesn't Have Patience but His Heart Melts in One Second in Emotional Times. He Has an Honest, Kind Friend but Sometimes They Are Fighting. When There Is No Fight It Is Not a Real Friendship I Think. but in That Second We Have Been Friendly Too. There Are Tashen, Kevin, Sehandu, Nehan and Dinada. Lets Us See What Will Happen in the Future and I Don't Know What Will Happen Too.

THE_LEVI · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Another two day for school... -_-

And soon off the pc and went down. And eat and wash the hands. We went to our little garden made by my sister and mom. We walked around it while talking about our school.

When does our school start again? asked Tashen.

It will start on 25h of February it means not tomorrow day after tomorrow know.

Yes, 25th means on that day said Tashen.

can you remember the prank on the last day and 1st day of the holiday haha?

Mmm no I did not come on that day said Tashen.

Oh, some students of our school have off the washroom's water pipe, haha.

Oooh haha, what happened then? asked ashen.

In the boy and girl washroom, there are 3 girls in the girl washroom and 2 boys in the boy's washroom. They are stuck because of without water a sudden of our class have wen to the washroom and when they have heard coming someone they shouted to help. Then he went o the office and told the principal madam the problem she reacted to it in that second and called security and turned on the water pipe. Unluckily here have a CCTV camera close to the water pipe it can see everything and you know our madam is very strict.

And then what happened said Tashen.

She removed the student from the school who had done this work.

Oh really it is good they will learn a lesson after this said Tashen.

Yes, but I am sad some boys know they have done it for fun But need to be punished but removing them from the school is too big punished.

Yes, it is said Tashen.

Oh hey, did you complete all the notes sent today?

No said Tasehn.

Oh, It will be no time when they put tomorrow noes, and then when mixed, it will be big uff.

Yes, but I can do it today. When I went to the party said Tashen.

Mmm yes know then you will have a big work tomorrow know.

Uff said Tashen.

I am trying to complete to write everything today night.

Ok, it is good said Tashen.

Pik Pik.

Oh, I think your parents have come.

Yes, know let's go and check? said Tashen.

Fred, Tashen's parents had came, come soon said, my mom.

OK mom we are coming.

Let us go said Tashen.

Son, did you take a bath? asked my mom.

No, mom.

Hi, Tashen's mom after a long time now said, my mom.

Yes after a long time and how are you said Tashen's mom.

I am good you said, my mom.

I am good too said Tashen's mom.

Where are you going? asked my mom.

We are going o a party in our sister's home said Tashen's mom.

Oh, your dress is beautiful said, my mom.

Thank you said Tashen's mom.

Where is your husband? my mom.

He is coming went to park the vehicle said Tashen's mom.

why is it that you can park here in our home there have space said, my mom?

It is ok Fred's mom said Tashen's mom.

Where are our boys? asked Tashen's mom.

Oh, here they come said, my mom.

Oh son did you take a bath? asked Tashen's mom.

No said Tashen.

Here's your dress. Dress it and come said Tashen's mom.

Fred gives your friend a towel to take a bath said, my mom.

Ok, mom.

Tashen come let us take a bath.

Ok, let us go, and are we taking a bath in the same one haha asked Tashen.

Haha no no you in the upstairs bathroom I am in down Your one is well more than the down bathroom.

Thank you bro said Tashen.

It is okay bro.

And we went to take a bath.

Oh, here my husband said Tashen's mom.

Oh hi, Tashen's father said, my mom.

hi, Tashen's father said, my dad.

Hi hi, Fred's father and mom said Tashen's father.

What happened last night in front of your house I heard telling something about an accident on the road said Tashen's father.

Yes yes, it is lucky for someone and unlucky for another one said, my mom.

haha, what is that said Tashen's mom?

It was an accident container and a car. There is a two-person man and a child. The man has died and the child saved we went today to see the child and they told while they are in the road in that time hat child was kidnapped. And after that, the accident happens said my dad.

Oh really did it go in the news? asked Tashen's father.

No today will go on the news said, my mom.

Yes, know said Tashen's father.

Are they still bathing? asked Tashen's mom.

Wai I will see said, my mom.

Ok if you can it is too late we need o say they're at 5.30 pm i is a long visit said Tashen's mom.

And my mom came to my side and asked.

Son are you finished? asked my mom.

yes, mom, I am finished.

Ok come soon and help your friend to dress said, my mom.

And mom went again upstairs and asked from Tashen.

Son are you finished? asked my mom.

Yes aunty I am coming said Tashen.

And my mom again went down.

They are finished bathing said, my mom.

Ok, thank you Fred's mom.

I think water is boiling said, my mom.

For what asked Tashen's father.

let's drink a tea said, my dad.

No need you are too tired know no need said Tashen's mom.

And my mom went to make the tea.

No no haha for ta we are not tired said my father while laughing.

Haha laughed Tashen's father.

Oh, here they are coming Tashen's father.

Mom is this dress asked Tashen from his mom.

Yes why not it is great for you said Tashen's father.

Yes son it is good for your body it looks very decent said, my father.

Ya Tashen look and actor haha and father where is grandma.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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