
That time the Earth was Conquered

-It's strange how everything around you, reality itself, can change so quickly, without even realizing it. Now, what will my goals be, now that I don't even remember who I am ... they had eliminated the "me" of * years ago? Either he was just trapped somewhere in me, or even now I was myself without realizing it? - Year 20**, the earth is conquered in the blink of an eye by an intergalactic empire, making the Earth their source of entertainment.

M_Sini · Ciencia y ficción
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60 Chs

Power Abuse - 45

[Hel ...]

'I'm really happy ...' I thought, smiling and looking away from him.

He helped me get up, I was still feeling very weak. He asked me to fight the Earth Dragon with him, I couldn't tell him "no", so I accepted his offer and smiled, even though I still felt without strength.

'I don't want him to see me weak' I thought as we ran towards the special zone. My head seemed to explode.

"Well, are you ready?" Zeto asked me.

I was really on the edge, I too knew that using my power again would be stupid, however…

"Sure," I said.

We entered through the only entrance to the Special Zone, and I activated my power, making my black scythe appear in my hands.

For a second I went as if in a blackout, I could no longer see and my ears were ringing, luckily, this state only lasted for a little bit, and I regained consciousness before Zeto noticed my real physical state.

I took a deep breath.

"I take the left side ..." I told him.

He nodded to me, 'Perfect ...'