
That Time I was reincarnated as a GOD of all things yeah its odd but!!

Take_scythe7 · Fantasía
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14 Chs

The FIGHT and other stuff

So I woke up then I go to the throne room and demon genaral ten giro's says she's in the training room and wanted to see me so I go down there and BAM wind pressure is 👌👌👌 godlike I felt like if I pick up my feet I go flying backwards and so I use air walk then I walk to her with the air around me being really strong but not strong to make me fly back so I say yo she stops and I drop to the ground and say you wanted to see me Alkrim she said yes

we need to duel. I'm like what then I say ok then we drop all wepons and we start then I phase of how fast I run and barely hit her I don't like doing this wait she asked me to fight so yeah then I don't hold back drop to the floor and dropkick her jump up then grab and throw then run grab gently of course then set her on the ground and say your turn she oof's me up I'm in bed for three days see y'all next time and I had hurt my arm really really bad so that's y I didn't post on Tuesday I'm sorry