
That Time I Reincarnated As Rimuru In Another World

A man named Hikigaya Sakuchi who wants to live an average life was suddenly stabbed and reincarnate in another world as... Slime Rimuru. Find out the adventure of Hikigaya or Rimuru Disclaimer: I do not own the "That time i reincarnated as a slime" and genshin impack.

ATS_Studio · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

We can see a soul who's been traveling between the dimension from his world to another world which resulted the the said soul to strengthen for being unique and reincarnated in another world.

Hikigaya pov.

I been in this Black space or maybe void thing or something for a long time, i don't know maybe month or so. If what i remember on the anime and Manga, rimuru 's great sage was able to stabilize after 90 days so maybe i have been in this void for 90 days to synthesis the great sage. Well anyway I don't know what is happening outside so might as well try talking to great sage. Hey great sage are you in there?

<Answer: I am always here and will always be, master>

ohh.. I thought you are not going to respond, well can ask what are the skill that I got when I reincarnated in this world.

<Answer: The skill that you acquired is

Unique Skill:

『Great Sage』




Intrinsic skill:

『Ultra speed Regeneration』


『Pain Nullification』

『Thermal Fluctuation Resistance』

『Electric Current Resistance』 .

The report complete>

OH that was a lot especially my unique skill, the OG rimuru got only the Great sage and predictor when he was reincarnated. Well there no need to complain if got more unique skill, more importantly how can I see what is going. Hey great sage can you please give me the ability to see? Maybe some kind of Magic sense.

<Answer: acquiring Extra Skill:『Magic Sense』... Successful.>

<Would you like to you use Extra Skill: 『Magic Sense』? Yes or No>

Of course it's a big YES!!...

The moment that I said that I was able to see everything in 360 degrees, everything here looks dazzling. Everything here is so beautiful with full of color rainbow. Wow so this what is looks like if you see in your own eyes aside from I was seeing this in a anime, well of course if I have eyes. Well enough of that let's take some brass the hipokobe herbs to make many potions. While I was eating many grass as I see I notice the magic ore which will be important part for making weapons and stuff, and so I keep eating grass and ores. After many hours of eating anything I see well only grass and ores I notice something 20 meters ahead. What I see shock me I mean how did in the world doing it here, I never see or read this in anime or Manga about this thing. Well the thing that I saw was none other than a corpse will it will be understandable if monster corpse but what I see is a corpse of a human, how in the world end up this corpse here as far as I know no one should be able to get here especially humans since veldora is not disappear yet. Hmm well let's eat it and see what going to happen, great sage please use gluttony on this corpse so we can analyze how in the world is this in here.

<Notice: Permission to use the Unique Skill: 『Gluttony』 to the human corpse... Successful>

OH OK great sage what's happening? How in the did this get here?

<Notice: The Unique Skill: 『Gluttony』 subskill: 『Analysis』is analyzing the human corpse. Suggestion Would you like to integrate the Unique Skill: 『Gluttony』subskill: 『Analysis』 to Unique Skill: 『Great Sage』 Yes or No>

OH right I forgot to integrate that, will of course its a big YES!.

After I said that Great sage analysis the corpse and said.

<Notice: The human corpse has been successfully analyze. The corpse belongs to the otherwolder named Gojo Saturo who has been died 200 years ago, the caused of death is being exposed to the magicules after being accidentally teleported here>

Hah?... Wait sec, you said the corpse belongs to Gojo Saturo?! The Gojo Saturo that I know in anime?!!..

<Answer: The individual named Gojo Saturo and the named Gojo Saturo that you knew was a different person>

Oh... I see I was shock after hearing its name, Well I guess he got unlucky and accidentally teleported here. So what is the skill I got from him considering that I devour without any resistance am sure he got a decent skill right.

<Answer: Analysis on the human corpse has been successful.>

<Acquiring all the skill of the corpse successful>

<Unique Skill:『Emperor's Eye』has been acquired. Unique skill:『Infinity』has been acquired. >

<Extra Skill:『Gravity Manipulation』, 『Spatial Manipulation』, 『Mana Manipulation』, 『Super Sensitivity』, 『strengthening Strength』, 『Reversal Red』, 『Absorption blue』, 『Hollow Purple』has been acquired>

<intrinsic skill:『Though Communication』, 『Stamp』has been acquired>

<Martial Arts skill:『Infinity Fist』, 『Reversal Punch』, 『BlackFlash』, 『Celestial Infinity Fist』has been acquired>

<Resistance: 『Heat Resistance』, 『Poison Resistance』, 『Holy attack Resistance』, 『Physical Attack Resistance』, 『Natural Element Resistance』has been acquired>

<Magic spirit『summoning spirit』 acquired>

Holy crap that's a lot I mean a lot considering I was been here in early on the anime, man sure my luck is on my side.

<Notice: After Successfully analyze the human corpse you can now use the subskill of Unique skill:『Gluttony』『Mimicry』>

<Would you like to use 『Mimicry 』to mimic into human? Yes or No>

OH right since I absorbed it of course I can mimic it. Yes great please mimic it. After I said that I feel like my body was morphing into human and after a couple of second I was in a human form. A human form man a human form that means I don't need to boink boink anymore, Well let's stop ourselves for second and see what I looks like. As I was in my human form I fond a pound near me walk there to see what I look like, what I seen in the pound is myself. A cute 7 year old kid without a clothes yes I don't have a clothes and... And also I don't have son, Dammit I lose my son.

Sigh well can't be help for now let's create a clothes for me, hey great sage please help me to create my clothes with preference.

<Answer: Creating clothes with your preference using knowledge into your brain... Successful>

After that I was being enveloped by a Black smoke and coupled of second I am now in my clothes with my preference which consists of all Black trench coat, boots, pants, shirt basically its a OG rimuru's Demon lord outfit, I mean come on Men if when can create a clothes let make it more cool then. After that I ask great sage to create a katana for me using the ores that I got turn into Magisteel and ask him or her to intergrate and organize my skill, while doing that I also practice using martial arts and Sword so that I can do the cool things you know and as well as the status of myself.

<Notice: Unique skill:『Emperor's Eye』, 『Genius』has been integrated in Unique Skill:『Great Sage』...successful>

<Notice: All the skills has been organized and integrated>

<Notice: Status

Name: Nameless(Hikigaya Sakuchi)

Species: Slime

Tier: 2

Unique skill:

『Great Sage』




Extra skill:

『Ultra Speed Regeneration』

『Magic Sense』

『Gravity Manipulation』

『Spatial Manipulation』

『Mana Manipulation』

『Strengthening Strength』

『Super Sensitivity』

『Reversal Red』

『Absorption Blue』

『Hollow Purple』

Intrinsic skill:

『Though Communication』



Martial Arts

『Infinity Fist』

『Reversal Punch』


『Celestial Infinity Fist』

Sword arts

『Basic Swordsmanship』


Magic Spirit

『Magic Summoning Spirit』


『Pain Nullification』

『Thermal Fluctuation Resistance』

『Poison Resistance』

『Physical Attack Resistance』

『Holy Attack Resistance』

『Natural Element Resistance』>

After that I notice the tier thing and ask great sage what is that and this said

<Answer: The Tier represent the existence of every living creature in this world The Cardinal, the Tier divided into 7 category which start at Tier 0 apprentice Level, Tier 1 Intermediate Level, Tier 2 Master Level, Tier 3 King Level, Tier 4 Emperor Level, Tier 5 Demi-God Level, Tier 6 God Level, After reaching Tier 4 it will be divided into 4 which consist of Low, Mid, High and Peak>

Meaning each tier has its own hierarchy like for example even if your are human and the same Tier level as the demon it doesn't mean you can beat him, it's all about experience that you gain through battle that you had. Well am not surprised anymore since considering that many changes here like that human corpse name gojo and the Tier system, but I have to be careful in the future otherwise I might regret it. Well for now let's focus on our task which is absorbing the water pound and continuing my training in martial arts in swordsmanship, and after a whole week of training I continue my journey where Storm Dragon Veldora is. As arrive in my destination a saw someone else bedside Veldora, I wonder who she is.

Veldora pov

Hello I am the mighty Storm Dragon Veldora one of 5th True Dragon exist in this world, you might wondering what doing here well I was sealed because I am so strong that they can't defeat me KUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Am I great? Of course am great because I am Veldora The Storm Dragon KUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Sigh am alone, am alone in this sealed for 250 years because of a hero. If I wasn't let my guard down, well I guess I just died and resurrect. As I was busy my monologue I sense someone approaching me and when the creature arrived in front me I said

"What are you doing here little one?"

I was wondering how did that creature well maybe Human... No it is a dragonoid it is the same species as my niece. While I was talking to myself the dragonoid talk to me.

"You are Veldora right?" Said the dragonoid to me. Hoo~ she knows me kuahahahaha of course she knows since I am the greatest and mightiest Storm Dragon Veldora kuahahahaha, well let's stop for now and answer this dragonoid.

"That is right I am the mightiest Storm Dragon Veldora." I said to dragonoid but that moment I said that I shocked.

"Really then nice to meet you Papa. Said the dragonoid."

Hah? Papa? What do you mean papa?

"Wait did you just said that your papa? Am not even get outside this sealed barrier yet... Wait you born from my leaking magicules right?"  I said to the dragonoid and she said."I don't know I just wake in this place and said that voice in my head that I am veldora's daughter so I try find you using this weird thing and then I found you."

Hmmm... I see so she follow my magicule signature here, well since she's born with my magicule and she recognize me as a father might as well give her a name. "I see... I see will since you came here to see me my daughter then allow me to bestow you a name" . I said which she replied. "Oh right I don't know my name or who am I?." Well that's understandable since she's a new born well let's name her then.

"Then as my daughter your name shall be... Valora, Valora my daughter." As soon I said that she was warped by my magicule to proceed into evolution and after coupled of minutes her evolution was finished and I can see that she become strong which is Tier 4 considering she is Tier 3 before I name her, After that I chat with my daughter tell her story about my amazing journey. After 50 years spending time with my daughter which I taught her about everything in this world like how to fight and many stuff, as we talking to each other I sense someone approaching here and when the creature I arrive I saw a human kid... No maybe a monster who's in mimic human form. As soon he arrived I talked.

"What are you doing here little one?"

Hikigaya pov

Right now I am in front of the Storm Dragon Veldora a True Dragon. As soon as I arrived he said. "What are you doing here little one?"

I replied. "Ahh... I was just walking here and a saw something big and follow this magicule Signature." He replied to me and said. "I see... Are you new born from my leaking magicule?" He asked me. "Yes as far as I know since your magicule is rich and dense so the probability of new born monster or unique monster was high." I replied to him while I put my hand on the chin. "Hoo~ your quite knowledgeable about magicule and stuff and you have a high intelligent. I see I see then since your here I guess introduce my great self." He replied to me. "I am the greatest and mightiest Storm Dragon Veldora kuahahahaha and this here is my daughter Valora kuahahahaha." He said while laughing, well this is Veldora where talking about. "Hoo~ your Veldora the one I read in the book." I said which he narrowed his eyes on me and said. "You read in the book? How's that possible? you just new born monster you can't possibly read here all my greatest history.." He said which I replied. "Ohh... Well I was reincarnated here and....." And I continued to tell him about how I know him as well as the book that I read which is of course the Manga my life after I been reincarnated here. "Kuahahahaha I see i see so even my awesomeness has expand to the other world as expected of me kuahahahaha." He said while he said that his daughter praise him.

"Wow! as expected of papa your awesome." She continued to praise her father like there is no tomorrow. We continue to talk about here in this world as well as otherworlder and my unique way of crossing here in this world. After 2 hours of talking.

"Hey Veldora you said that you been sealed here by the hero right." I said which he replied. "Yes I was sealed here since I let my guard down if I didn't I will win and defeat that human hero without any problem but sadly I didn't, anyway why did you ask?" "Hmm you know I can find way to unsealed you." As soon as said that the two of them surprise and veldora's said "hoo~ how can you do that?" To which I replied.

"I can analyze that sealed barrier to find way to unsealed it I mean it would be bad if my friend got sealed here right."

"Ha? A friend me? A slime? That's hilarious?"

He said and I replied. "Oh so where not friends?" As soon as said that he replied.

"Wha - what I didn't said that ba - baka!!"

You know I would like that tsunderee attitude if the cute a girl said that to me. I said to myself. "Well how about it do you want me to unsealed that barrier?" I ask

"Kuahahahaha of course I want to kuahahahaha now then how can you do that?" He ask and so I explain to him how can I unsealed him to which he replied. "I see... I see... Then do it." "Ah... Are you not gonna doubt me?" I ask. "Hmmf I would not doubt you my friend kuahahahahahaha." He said. "Then lets-" as I was gonna do it even I know what gonna happen he cut me and said "wait before you do it am gonna give you a name first and you gonna give me as well like family in human term." "Hmm I see then... What about Tempest? Do you like it?" I said. "Tempest? Tempest... I like it! I like it! Then from now on I am Veldora Tempest, my daughter Valora Tempest and you shall be Rimuru, Rimuru Tempest." As soon as he said that I was warped by the magicules of Veldora and I can feel it the name Rimuru Tempest is being written in my soul. After that veldora say goodbye to her daughter to me and ask me to look for her which I said" don't worry I take care my niece." With thumps up and proceed to consume him, after that I turn to my niece and said." Now then shall we go?" To which she replied." Umu uncle Rimuru." And that is the start of our journey to go to the Jura Forest which is outside of this cave.