Title: A New Beginning as Satoru
In the vibrant town of Tempest, Rex Alexander, a college dropout burdened with debt, struggled to find a job. Despite his efforts, part-time work didn't suffice to repay his debts. Frustrated after a failed interview, he wandered into an unfamiliar place where he suddenly experienced a splitting headache and strange memories flooding his mind.
"I... I'm Satoru Mikami?" Rex muttered to himself, bewildered. Satoru Mikami, the powerful slime-turned-god he recalled from novels and anime.
Thinking it all a dream, Rex returned home, trying to shake off the bizarre experience. The next day, however, he had the same dream again.
Rex: "So this isn't a dream after all. Rimuru Tempest... I remember that name. Oh, I must be losing it."
Accepting his new reality as Satoru, Rex began his day, cleaning his house and preparing for a meeting with his junior colleague, Tamura, who was going to boast about his girlfriend.
Tamura arrived with Sawatari-san, the company's admired receptionist, seeking advice from Satoru on their upcoming marriage.
Rex/Satoru: "Yeah, sure. What kind of advice do you need?"
Recalling lines from the novel, Rex awkwardly greeted Sawatari-san, feeling nervous about talking to girls.
Sawatari: "Nice to meet you. I'm Sawatari Miho. Even though we've seen each other before, this is our first real conversation. I'm a bit nervous."
Rex/Satoru inwardly panicked, not used to socializing, but managed to respond with a line he remembered from the novel.
Rex/Satoru: "Hello, I'm Mikami Satoru. No need to be nervous. Your reputation precedes you, Sawatari-san. As for Tamura, we went to the same university, so we have plenty to talk about."
Trying to tease Sawatari-san lightly as he remembered Satoru doing, Rex stumbled over his words, realizing he wasn't as smooth as he thought.
Rex/Satoru: "Ah, sorry about that..."
Tamura intervened, trying to smooth things over, and Rex/Satoru felt awkward but managed to keep up appearances.
Suddenly, a commotion interrupted their meeting as a man with a knife rushed towards them.
Man with a knife: "Move or I'll kill you!"
Instinctively, Rex/Satoru pushed Tamura out of harm's way but ended up stabbed in the process.
Tamura panicked as Rex/Satoru began to bleed profusely, but Rex/Satoru's mind was racing, recalling the skills of Satoru Mikami from the novels.
Voice of the world: "Establishing resistances... Success."
Rex/Satoru: "I need more skills... Raphael, Beelzebub, Uriel... I need protection and power..."
As he felt his life slipping away, Rex/Satoru's consciousness merged with a mass of demonic energy in another world, beginning a new life as a monster.
Author's Note: I hope you find all this version improved and enjoyable!