
That time I got reincarnated as chainsaw man

the tittle says it all.. . . . . . . . . also the worlds original expect one chapter per week

twenty8 · Cómic
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

"Igor!pray to the goddess so that you'll at least have the potential of a 3 star magician"

" I ain't praying to any goddess, I believe in jesus. I don't need anybodies blessing to be strong. Also don't follow me, I'll go have my potential checked alone"

"Wai-" before his mother could complete her sentence our main character shut the door.






Goddess this goddess that, everything is about the goddess. I am sure that the church bastards are brainwashing people. At this rate I won't be surprised if the church turned out to be the last boss.

"Oh we are here" I am infrontt of typical fantasy church having the statue of it's patron Goddess in the centre.

Finally I can redeem my ticket to adulthood. It is mandatory to get your potential checked by the church. After assessing your potential you are given a card similar to an identity card which officially makes you an adult. It also gives you rank based on your potential.

As for the ranks, from the bottom to top is as follows, 1 star, 2 star, 3 star, 4 star, 5 star, and above that is the Archmage, and the last and final rank one can obtain the Grandage.

"Next Igor, please step forward and place your hand on the marble" finally, it was my turn. I placed my hand on the marble as instructed.

Now, show me, show me how strong I can be with just magic alone.

Just then the marble flashed with bright light surprising the priest and everyone present.

"A-Archmage he's an archmage candidate" I didn't mention the value of each ranks did I. For starters 1 star and 2star does not have any value as they don't have enough mana to be proper mage.

3 star and 4 stars does not have much difference between each other, 4th star being a little stronger than the 3rd.

Next is the 5 star the strongest rank according to the common people with the strongest of the rank having the power to decimate a small city.

The Archmage and the Grandmage ranks are in a league of its own. If for example, the weakest Archmage can single handedly defeat hundred 3stars and 4 stars and fifty 5stars then a Grandmaster could at least defeat 5 Archmages easily.

"Here, show this card at the entrance of the royal academy, you would be able to enter with this" what he gave me now was an item similar to an admit card that would allow me to attend the Grand Academy for Royal Magicians, GARM for short. School said to only accept nobles and royals as their students. But it provides free education to the Archmage and the rank above it.

Now for the most important question, will I attend the Academy, as you have all guessed yes I would. Why? Just because I have the potential to be an Archmage does not mean I will automatically acquire all the knowledge and spells an Archmage is supposed to have.

And the best way acquire knowledge in this world is the library, which is in the academy. So not attending the Academy is not an option.


'What was that ' what I saw now would be probably the brightest light I have ever seen up close.

"G-G-G-G-GRANDMAGICIAN, THIS GIRL IS THE NEXT GRANDMAGE" the priest announced the cause of the incident.

I look over to see who is the guy that has the potential to reach the pinnacle of magic, and to my surprise it turned out to be Freya Einar. Remember the childhood friend I talked about and whom I said I have crush on, that's her.

"Hahaha Igor, it's seems like I am stronger than" she was always a very energetic and cheerful but now it seems that she has twice the energy she usually has.

" Y-Yeah it seems so, well anyway congrats on being the 3rd Grandmage of this continent" I congratulate her.

"Thank you thank you" she accepts my praise with an extravagant now. " Now what next. What are you going to do now"

"For now I plan on going to the forest. As for the future I am thinking about going to the Academy"

"That's great we can go to the Academy together. But why are you going to the forest tho?"

"I plan on testing a few spells my parents taught me" speaking about my parents, both are 5star mages. They taught me basic spells like flash and water lance.

"No fair teach me magic too" she started whining." Teach me,teach me,teach me teach me, teach me,"

"Stop stop, I will not teach you, but go meet my parents they'll teach you. They would be more than willing to teach the future Grandmage.

" Hahahha you are right, imma go to them real quick byee~" and with that she dissapered. I nearly lost my chance to test my powers. Well off to the forest, here we go.



-??? Kingdom-

In a brightly lit room, decorated with antiques, gold and silver, you could see a man can't and elegantly eating his food.

Just the next to him appeared a man from his shadows wearing the standard butler uniform.

"What's the matter Remus, why have you come to visit me at this hour" the man spoke.

"I have come here to inform you that the Dytikka kingdom has given birth to 3 new Archmages and 2 Grandmages" the now named Remus replied.

The glass table on which the man was eating suddenly broke after hearing after there butler finished speaking.

"Kill them, kill them before they can bloom. Are you confident in your abilities Remus, can I trust you with this " the man spoke after taking a deep breath.

"I am confident that I can get rid of them, as of now they are nothing but painters who can't hold a brush"

"Very well, it expect nothing but good news from. Now go kill those brats"

"Yes master" he disappeared into the shadows after saying that.








«To be continued~»