In a dark void where nothing should exists awakens a soul lost in the vast incomprehensible void.
pov Mc, "w-where am I what happened argh no I I should not be I should be dead by truck sama no less and no I was not Japanese when I was alive just a you could say connoisseur of their interesting anime and comics as any self respecting man of culture should."
"But back on topic this situation could mean a few thing I might be waiting to be judged or I could be in a place I should not be and a god or a rob might be about to appear but if that is the case hmm interesting, Hello is someone their."
Pov Rob, I was not expecting to see a soul in this place this could be very entertaining but if I am to do this I am going to have to interfere or he will not survive though I could force it so he survives so that he can entertane me but that would be to much effort and take away some of the fun if I have to constantly interfere hmm how about I do what the robs in fanfiction do he seems to have a basic understanding of it since in his universe there is author's that make fan fiction about situations like this though where should I put him hmm there don't seem to be any good transformer one`s that last more than a few chapters hmm there seems to be a interference from that universe that is blocking any action other than what is allowed hmm how about I create the transformers multivers and send him there while blocking interference from others so that he may actually go and make a unimpeded story that should work so now all I have to do is see what his wishes will be hmm i think i will be extra and make it four cant be haveing myself be called cheap or standard oh he seems to have gotten his bearings well guess i will introduce myself.
General pov, in the void a soul that just asked if anyone is out there when he was suddenly blinded by a bright light and hear a voice reply.
"yes human I am what you call a rob or Random omnipotent Being and I have come to give you a chance to live again as you might have guessed since I am bored and you just so happen to end up in this void though as you might have guessed the price of being reborn is to be a form of entertainment for me so I will be watching you story."
Mc pov, hearing the reply to my question at first shocked me I was not completely expecting to get a reply but the more time that past and the more I hear of what this rob has to say made me feel excited I knew that if there is a chance that I might be reborn I would most likely be the entertanement of the being or thing that did which made sense because even I who had no power or had the vastness that is existence at my will would get bored from time to time honestly this is such a low price to pay compared to what it could be but back to point time to reply.
"Ok cant say I am surprised that any chance for a new life would come at a price but what world would I be going to or do I chose."
Rob "Well to answer your question no you will not chose what world you will end up in that is for me to decide though I will tell you that it will be one of the transformers multivers and I will be making it and protecting it from outside interference so you don't have to worry about another rob or elderich horror destroying it or messing with it causing problems."
"Ok I can make do with that I was a fan or that univers so getting to see and enteract with them would be a very interesting and fun adventure but I would like to ask if I can get a few wishes because if I go there I would be at the mercy of beings that can destoy the world if they set aside their ego and wish to just end the war and I would be at the mercy or unicron or megatron if they ever wish to do something near me as i might end up as collateral of their fight or awakening pluss i dont think i would be all that entertaining if i was just a human"
"Yes I will give you four wishes so that you my survive and show me a entertaining story but there a few rules to follow One you will not wish for the three O`s. Two you will not wish too be unicron or Primus. Three you will not interfere too much in the main plot you can be present they can know what ever you want about yourself but not the plot you will not be telling them their fates you can interfere with minor and medium events but things like killing megatron completely or stoping main events. but you can do things like be part of the main plot guide the main charecters in return for not being able to interfere greatly in the story you will be safe from being prophesized by the past or present and will be safe from time travel shenanigans.this limit will be only for the first universe you will be going to others you do not need to worry about it but you will keep the protection from being prophesized and safe from time travle shinanigans."
"That is fine with me I would like to be there and see these events myself so I am fine with that and thing like the three O`s is ok it would be boring for you so it is understandable and asking too be primuse or unicron would kind of be like asking for the three O`s also that would definetly interfere with the main story ok let me think of the wishes i would like for that unverse"
Half an hour later "ok I think I know what it would like to ask for First I would like to be living nanites with the ability to consume things to evolve and self replicate as I wish and to control and model as I wish along with infinity energy to live and use for my weapons Second would be the combat experience and leadership experience of bolth megatron and Optimus prime Third would be the knowledge and ability's of bolth soundwave from transformers prime and shockwave Fourth would be the ability to hold all the knowledge that I wish and will learn without any drawbacks and negative reaction that would happen to my body mind and or soul from the experience and knowledge that I gain from the previous wishes and future experience."
It took a whole minute for the rob to realize exactly what i had wish for and then he started laughing because he realized where these wishes would lead to and that the future would be very entertaining.
"HAHAhahaha okay you are a very interesting soul I can't wait to see the story you make lets see where you will go and very smart of you with the last wish we would not want you to have megatrons arrogantness or primes moral limits or soundwaves introvertedness and loyalty or shockwaves lacking emotions this is very interesting I will tell you this you will be on earth when you arrive and you will be about week before the main story starts and you will be in the same area it starts it is up to you after that good luck and a piece of advice carefull what you disclose it can come to bite you back later on now go and adventure show me your story of who you are.