
Codiname: Hemlock

My name is not relevant, but my words are extremely important, and need to be taken whit respective attention.

-12/20/1966 (5:00AM). The agency delegates me to another routine jump, just to keep things in order. This time I have to go back to 1470, to give Mr. Campbell the documentation of the 5° symbiotic model.

As any other usual day, I make my check in the recepcion and walk straight to the bridge, willing to jump as soon as possible.

Anyways, I enter the bridge, and jump straight to the year of 1470,to the 15°century branch. In the instant my feet touch the ground my heart stop, and I can't believe my eyes.

Note: I won't continue the story nor give you any context, I'm just testing the writing function of the app,thats why I wrote this completely generic and context less story. Bless you.