
A Highschool Charm

Did you look for drama out of school? Romance. To get a good job. Maybe even just to have fun and make friends, talk to other people and laugh together.

Narawa Tokugawa leaned towards Romance! A good choice I would say. But usually your first Highschool romance wouldn't end well, but! Luckily for this lucky Narawa, the complete opposite happened! Well... not exactly the complete opposite happened, in fact, nothing even happened at all during the first semester.

He was still a lucky man for the most part, but he hadn't realised it early enough to save himself.


"Shut up for a second, rust..." Narawa groaned tiredly as he struggled to rise out of his comfortable surroundings. He quickly shut his mouth and yelled in his head, '2 AM?!'

'School starts at 8! Why you little piece o-' just before he could give the malfunctioning clock a piece of his mind, an unexpected and uninvited guest entered his room. "Good morning Narawa, could you come downstairs real quick?"

Narawa forcefully threw himself off his bed and followed his sister out the room, "sorry for changing the time your alarm would go off, again."

"I already told you to stop doing that last week, I seriously almost threw rust out the window."

"You named your clock? That's funny."

"Yes I did, I felt it was fitting since you already have a name, so I gave it to the clock instead."

His sister silenced herself and took a deep breath, 'in... and out...'

"So what did you need me for again?"

His sister gestured to the dining room table and dragged a chair out for him to sit down. She walked over to the other side of the table at an annoyingly slow speed, attempting to make Narawa talk.

"You're being awfully quiet today, did something happen with your boyfriend?" He snickered to himself, "nothing happened with my boyfriend, it's about me moving abroad."

"Oh that, yes, what about it?" Narawa's voice grew progressively concerned.

"I won't be coming back."

"1 year? 3?"

"Narawa. I won't be coming back." His sister's gaze fell down to her feet, with Narawa still trying to comprehend what she had just said. "You mean to say that... you're leaving me here? All by myself?"

"I-I'm sorry, but I want to continue my studies abroad and work abroad as well. You should know as well as everyone else does how much this country is going down a steep hill, and I can't afford to bring you as well as Doro.

Narawa turned away from his sister, wondering just what exactly he could do without his sister.

"But, I'll give you an allowance from overseas!" She sounded as if she were pleading Narawa for his forgiveness. "It's alright, you've done more for me than I ever could've asked for."

To Narawa, his sister was the only person he'd ever cared for. With their parents leaving him in an orphanage, his sister who had stayed with their parents returned to the orphanage years later and adopted her brother. His sister was the only person he would ever care for, he thought.

- 1 year later -

'Happy birthday Narawa! And happy birthday to me as well! I'm now 23 years old, which means that you must be currently 13!'

Narawa slipped out another note from the bottom of the envelope. 'I enrolled you into a school one of my friends teach at, so you should be preparing to go to school tomorrow alright! Your stuff should also be arriving today. Good luck and have fun!!'


Narawa stared in shock at the contents of the note, when someone rang his doorbell. "Delivery for Ms Jean?" They rang the doorbell again, "coming! Thank you thank you." He rushed back inside, clutching the box tightly to his chest.

'S-s-s-seriously?' He stared at the small box in horror, it was filled with stationary and a uniform.