
the Hatching

this realm, that exists inside each realm and around the corresponding realms as the story of the 23 realms goes is that the the defined 23rd realm that has never been found. is as much a mystery as the passing of time, and though it does not solve the question of what can be done about the egotistical Gods that inhabit these realms. its something that helps us believe there's mystery enough behind the legend that could save us all from this destructive cycle.

it's a plague, master Luna has always seen this struggle of who is the first God, what realm belongs to which God master Luna is the first of the hybrid Gods born of Zull the God of terrestrial, the God of form, the God of mass, and his mother the Goddess of life, the Goddess of existence, the Goddess of mind, Urell.

in the vision of what my father stud for luna followed with every fiber of his being my father was Vail the God of nothing, the God of space, the God of absence. Followed by his best friend luna the God of moon, the God of shadow, the God of guardian. he stands tall with a long tail and a wolf face his armor shines almost like chrome thine scattered armor covered him from hes head to his toe like sleeve for each part giving a guarded helmet layering his snout to his ears his elbows to his clawed hands and covering the top of the length of his tail was spikey metal raping around to his hips then smoothing metal down to the bottom of his ankles. His right hand placed upon the blade he named moon scale a small ninjato that he claimed holds the power of the moon.

he turned his head slightly to stare onto me with concern then turned back to look at the planet inhabiting Zull called earth that lies in the 12th realm. "He killed your father Hetiyo" he said in a quiet rage his voice like a sounding gong breaking long silence. "yes, I told him not to go but he never listens" speaking in way that would maybe convince Luna to stay and spare his own life.

"I cannot stand here hetyio I must confront my father and force him to tell me were Arkus is" he said out of passion. "I've told you the outcome luna" I said but was interrupted abruptly. "I've told you time and time again" he said while nealing placing his hand on my head, " your mind is amazing and you have a dangerous ability but you can't always rely on that to tell you what is to come, for the future is black and has no true path your proficys can be changed and you know that to be true". he finished and stepped away to the end of the cave where he turned back again.

the egg, you will watch over it and you will train the God or Goddess that is born as your own child you and your brother. it will be the God that saves us from our immortal curse". he took a powerful step in denting the ground beneath him and aims himself to hit Earth.

his presence entering the atmosphere begins to darken the sky where in which you see the one light, his light stirring from the flame of his friction with the atmosphere, and the energy surrounding him combing to create a grey light that streaked throu the sky falling faster and faster. KAABOOOOOMMMM ! the sound of him hitting the earth rang the sky like thunder. as the smoke cleared before him, many ahead could be seen most likely human hybrid Gods and above them in the sky, floated the great Zull.

"it would seem you've gathered an army for my arrival". luna announced for the crowd before him to hear. "think of it as a greeting party luna". Zull yelled down to luna with his arms crossed smirking. "i don't feel very greeted, I'm sure half of these children have no idea who I am". luna said with a sinister look. "you have no reason to feel ungreated, unless of course, you've come with violent intentions. have you come for violence luna"?

Zull questioned intently staring at luna. "there will be no violence, so long as you tell me were your father Arkus is" he spoke standing his ground griping his blade. "it would seem our ideas of violence differ, coming to my land demanding information not privileged to a lower God is violent, and it will be the death of you". Zull said while informing his soldiers to attack with the point of his finger. the the young Gods charged at luna in numbers ensuring there confidence to deafet the mysteries God before them, but Zulls orders were futile.

as Luna unsheathed his sword committing to several swings in multiple different directions bringing his blade to a pointed pause at the army before him as he slowly sheathed his blade he uttered one word, " fall". as the metal hilt hit the solid sheathing sudden beams of light began to hit the ground like lightning but in lines lines that matched the directions he swung. the ground tore as the light split through it creating massive caverns killing great numbers of Zulls human offesprings, the others fleeing from the rest of the falling light.

Zull placed fingers upon his own head and began to nod in disappointment. " as I suspected I over estimated the young ones perhaps I should introduce the hatched, my greatest warriors, you may call them the Ashka. five new Gods arose from beneath Zull, each significantly sinister and Zull amongst them looked as though he were a God of evil, but most would side with this secret evil as it is easier to conceal true intentions.

"who are these children Zull"? luna asked in a rough manner. "well I'm not up for a history lesson my child, but I'll tell there name and there first God title as that as what they have obtained so far". he began on Lunas right, " this is Rakell my mucle so to speak, his first title is the God of growth. Zull then pointed to the left of Rakell. " this is Ziga, he has obtained the title of the God of repetition". he continued to the left of Ziga." this is Yuull, he is the God of disaster. again to the left Zull pointed to a Goddess who seemed to be sleeping. "this one is quite impressive, shes the first to obtain her second title, she is the Goddess of self, the Goddess of rest, leal awake my dear your prey is before you".

Her eyes widened and she stretched far and yawned loud like an animal after a meal. Zull pointed once more to the very end of lunas left side. this is Agall, he is pleased to be the God of death". he said with a smile. " now if your done I have somewhere to be I'd enjoy to save time". luna spoke eagerly to fight these new Gods before him. Zull rolled his eyes, " very well kill him quickly children you heard him, hes in a hurry". he said sarcastically.

leal and Rakell began charging down at Luna. with both arms cocked back Rakell stretched them into a growing muscle that expanded behind him and became shadow above luna that seemed to block what's left of the suns glow that receded behind the clouds. luna closed his eyes in the darkness that proceeded. Rakell finally lets go of the tension behind him smashing the ground into creater were luna stood, before the smoke cleared as Rakells hands lifted leal let out a vibrating scream that seemed to shake the world and didn't seem to come from her vocals but came from the mass variety of selves she had been stacking her mind and body with while she slept these mass selves seem to reales in uncontrollable destructive bursts of energy hitting the air creating might combustions in the direction she shouted. the smoke cleared and you could see a fleshy domb that appeared to be hands, the mighty hands of Rakell as luna had severed them to use as shielding for the occurring blasts. the hands were burning and charred from the explosions, as Rakell realized his hands where gone he looked around in shock. "wh....where is that damn hybrid", he stumbled in a rage landing to the ground. the two hands flew towards Rakell as he reattached them by growing more tissue around them.

"what a parasite you are" Luna spoke standing before Rakell clenching his blade as Rakell started to cock back once more. "gotcha.... agh", luna stood behind Rakell with blade drown pointing to the sky as he had slashed Rakells torso in half diagonally his too half sliding down from the end of his left shoulder finally toplling with the rest of him. as leal sees Rakells fall she charges at luna with a ready strike but luna grabs her face manhandling what seemed to be a ragdoll body as she flailed scratching his fury black hand from her head. as luna already noticed the charge of the three others Ziga landing ten feet from luna preforming what seemed to be a hand sighn of some form of ritual Aggal brings his syth down to smite Luna but is met with disappointment as leals body is hurled at him with such force you can hear the creaking of bones in her body landing on Aggals armor they landed far from the battle and tumbled to the scraping a claw mark into the earth.

Yull then begins swing with flailing force at luna, taking out mass landscapes as each strike avoided by luna has great discharge and uncontrolled energy, as luna starred into the eyes of this warrior he realized there all as blind and angry as his father Zull. Luna begins to fall as his feet are taken out from none other than Rakell as his wounds have healed and body is intact. as luna falls hes then caught by Rakells feet and pushed into the air as luna quickly changed his direction now facing the ground were Rakell had lade but was quickly met with both Rakell and Yull striking his chest then once again connecting with there feet in his stomach with a backwards spin sending him flying into the sky.

as he fell it became clear he wasn't moving but stuck. the slight chuckle of evil arose from the skys. "I've got you now", Ziga appeared infront of him holding his composure, as the rest of them appear, all five before him he sees Ziga infront, "welcome to my greatest trap my realm of repetition". Ziga said with an overly confident smile.

luna closed his eyes for a moment as if to be ashamed. he looked around the sky before him where the clouds continued and reverted back to the original space which they came from and continued again only to revert back to its original space. " as it stands you seem to believe I'm a foul, and that I'll play your little games with you". Luna spoke in a sinister tone to change the very atmosphere. luna then pointed behind him with his thumb cocking his head to the side. " the God of repetition that's what Zull called you, and you dare mock with childs play". luna spoke with wisdom as zigs looked upon him with confusion knowing his ability to be highly effective." oh... you really are children". he spoke in a chuckle. " if you knew what you were capable of you wouldn't be confused, repetition is everything not just something that happens. the moon for instance is in constant repetition with its environment so as it stands I since that noticing the intention of your ability defeats the purpose so I've realized that I'm still falling". luna told ziga as ziga starred at him with great fear he closed his hands as they all softly placed there feat on the ground. the stood still as silence engulfed the air around them luna dashed quicker than any I could see landing one blow on the back of zigas head with the backside of lunas head creating so much force he rolled away like tumble weads and became as unconcious as such. Agall attacks with a horizontal slash of his syth abruptly being halted as luna swings him like a ball and chain striking the rest of the group with his flailing body letting go as it strikes Rakell sending them flying away, but as luna turns his back hes met with dismay seeing a familiar hand piercing through his chest. the left breast where the heart lie. as blood spude from his mouth he pulled himself away from the tyrants hand and turned quickly to see Zull standing proudly with his bloody hand reaching out as if to grab luna. Luna wheezed in pain as he became surrounded by the four he had just dispatched, Rakell, Agall, leal, and Yull stood to lunas back. " you've gotten soft my child the old you would've already slaughtered these pathetic Gods leaving only you and I to scrap". he said in a raspy in raged tone". luna detached his sheath from his armor and spoke softly to his blade, " go on home and protect my child". he threw the blade in it's sheath hard at the sky as if to pierce the clouds it streaked all the way to the moon where it crashed in the caves were my brother and I waited for his arrival are eyes lit up expecting his appearance from dust that kicked up from the loud crash, but only moon scale lay before us and we knew his choice was made.

"what now Luna you just discarded your weapon", zull spoke surprised. "I leave you with a curse of my blood, the guardian curse the first of which bands you strictly any contact from the moon, you will simply be brought back to this exact spot. the second part of the curse is that you will die by the hands of the hatched Seph", luna said with pain in his voice. Zull began to chuckle as the quick hand of luna covered his mouth and the baring fangs luna posed sank into Zulls neck and lunas body seemed to fade and seep into the bite wound. zull covered his neck in pain looking around in fear as he new his fate was sealed he didn't even try to go towards the moon in suspicion that it could only invigorate the curse further.

Then the cracking began great light pierced the cave where my brother and I had been with the egg and it burst open showing a silhouette of naked man dripping with the Godly liquid the egg posed, this is our savior. this is Seph.

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