
Chapter 5: Serena Burns

The sound kept coming on and on from the back of the room, and as Kayden focused on the sound in order to hear what it was, the sound became clearer. It sounded like someone or something was pounding repeatedly on a metal door.

"Someone else is still imprisoned here!" Kayden was surprised to hear the voice of someone, who was not among the people in his group, in the prison room. Due to his releasing all the prisoners from the cages, all the cages were now completely empty, so he had not expected to find any other prisoner still left in the building.

Kayden turned to the group of prisoners who were still waiting for him to tell them how to proceed and lead them in their escape and said, "You guys should stay here and wait for me. I need to go and check something. I will be back soon."

Kayden then rushed to the back of the room, where the pounding sound was coming from in order to check it out. Reaching there, he found a kind of alcove close to a corner at the back of the room. A metal door was set in the alcove.

The alcove and the door were located so far away at the back of the building that most people, on entering the building and without walking to the back of the building, would not have noticed the door. A person who had seen this door in passing would think that it opened into some kind of storage closet or something of the like, but that would be before they notice the buzzing and crackling of the high-voltage electric current running through the door. At the upper part of the door, at the eye-level of a human female of average height, there was a vision panel with a sliding steel privacy cover which could be operated both from inside the cell and outside.

Having noticed that the door was electrified, Kayden stayed some distance away from the door and called out, "Hey! Whoever or whatever is inside, say something so that I can know if you need help."

As soon as Kayden said those words, the pounding stopped, and he heard a woman's voice say, "Help! The people outside, don't leave me behind!"

A woman was being imprisoned in the room behind the electrified door.

The woman's voice sounded faint, like Kayden had heard it across a thick barrier. Kayden immediately realized that the door was thicker than it looked at first glance.

Kayden wondered why the woman's cell had been given such special security measures — solitary confinement and a thick electrified cell door — by Skynet. Because the woman's circumstances were so different from the other humans he had freed, Kayden asked, "Answer truthfully, are you a human or are you a machine?"

"Yes! Yes! I'm human! Please, release me from this cell! This whole seems like it can collapse at any time, and I don't to be trapped in this cell when it does!" The woman's frantic reply came through the door.

"All right. Due to your special circumstances, I'm going to, first, remove the source of the electric current in the cell door. Then, I will look at you through your cell door's slide in order to confirm that you are human. I will then break you out of the cell if I find no problem with you. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, do whatever," the woman's anxious and exasperated voice was heard, "just do it quickly, please!"

The woman seemed to be worried that Kayden would waste too much time fiddling with the door, so she added, "Hey you! Can you see the cable running down from the ceiling to the door's keypad lock?"

"Yes. I can see it. "

"The electric current that is electrifying the cell door is been transmitted through that cable. You can cut the cable to shut off the electric current in the cell door."

Kayden had already noticed the cable and had guessed that its function — the human memories that he retained contained his original memories about general world knowledge stuff like these — even before the woman had mentioned it, but he had allowed her to keep talking in order to waste some time, and observe her emotional responses and reactions.

'She sounds like a normal human. Anxious and scared. But still normal.'

Having decided that the woman was most likely a normal human, albeit one with some special circumstances — which he was not worried that she would be a danger to him due to his confidence in his own strength — Kayden grabbed the cable, then he pulled and tore the cable out completely from the keypad control box amid a shower of electric sparks. Immediately, the humming sound of electric current in the cell door disappeared, the door now safe to touch.

Kayden slid the steel cover of the vision panel of the prison cell room aside. He looked into the cell, and saw a woman with an anxious expression on her face trying to look out through the vision panel. And a beauty she was — long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, sparkly expressive blue eyes, pouty red lips, a straight nose, and she looked like she was still in her early twenties. Even though she was currently wearing an anxious and worried expression, Kayden knew that she would be a killer if she smiled. The woman seemed to be a little below the average female height as she seemed to be standing on tiptoes in order to look out of the vision panel. So, Kayden when had slid open the slide, he had looked down straight into her eyes, and was mesmerized.

"What a beautiful woman!" Kayden thought.

Kayden was mesmerized for only a short instance, but he quickly regained his thoughts. Although the woman's beauty had surprised him, it only took him a second to regain his previous train of thought and maintain his caution towards the woman. Still, Kayden took a few seconds to get a good look of the woman and appreciate her beauty.

After checking the woman some more, this time with more caution, he did not sense any dangerous vibes coming from the woman. So, Kayden not wanting to leave the beautiful woman to die in her cell from the prison building, which seemed more and more likely to collapse from the explosions, he decided to free her from the jail like he had done for all the other captives. Besides, Kayden also felt that it would be such a shame to let such a beauty die — this seemed like it was an original trait of his which he still retained — just because of her few suspicious circumstances.

The woman peeked out through the vision, and then she saw Kayden who was standing outside the cell door. She quickly said, "Look! See? I'm a normal human being! Please, help and release me from my cell!"

"All right, move back and way from the door. I'm going to break you out from your cell." Kayden reassured the woman.

"Okay. Thanks."

Relieved that Kayden had agreed to break her out of her prison cell, she flashed him a smile and then ran to the back of her cell.

Kayden raised his plasma rifle and blasted the keypad lock to pieces. He then proceeded to kick cell door open even though the door was thick. The force of Kayden's kick pushed the door open. The woman quickly ran out of her cell, obviously anxious to be free of it; Kayden had to move aside so that he would not collide with her.

Having successfully escaped the confinement of her cell and having put some distance between herself and the cell, the woman turned to Kayden and said with a grateful smile on her face, "Thanks for the help."

The woman then extended her hand to Kayden for a handshake.

"I'm Serena. Serena Burns. Nice to meet you."

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