
Chapter 23: Rebellion?

--(20 years ago)--

-(Emilia POV)-

For about a month after Velgin left for the Otherworld, the world was peaceful. But after that, chaos was spread once again.

It started when Veldora went on another rampage and wanted to challenge the rising superpower which was the Eastern Empire. But what came with that was the many monsters living in the Great Forest of Jura following him, and pillaging many human villages and towns.

Many people were displaced by that, and wanted to immigrate to the western nations, to where the up and coming religion, the Luminous Faith. They knew they wouldn't be able to travel through the Great Forest of Jura, so many of them went south of the forest, knowing that the north was currently filled with demons.

From sending scouts to watch the humans, Emilia found that they easily made their way past the territories of Kagali, Velgin, and Milim, but once they reached the varying beastmen territories, they were all turned back. The beastmen greatly disliked humans for always attacking their settlements and enslaving them, which was why they didn't allow anyone to pass. Because of this, the humans didn't know where to go. They were currently sandwiched between the southern border of the Forest of Jura and northern border of the Demon Lord's territories. Plus, they couldn't go east or west.

Seeing that this happened, Emilia, with the permission of all the other princesses as well as [Raphael], appeared to the scattered humans and offered them shelter in exchange for working under the flag of the Dragon Kingdom.

As they didn't have any other options, they all delightfully agreed.

They were given a small area for which they could do what they wished, setting up farming settlements and a small city.

After a few weeks, almost all the people were very grateful that Emilia had allowed them all to settle here, but there were a few that wanted more. Some rich nobles who were also forced to immigrate wanted their undeserved position at the top of the country. By bribing many of the city guards, they tried to usurp the land from Emilia, but with [Raphael]'s help, Emilia quickly found and defeated them all.

When [Great Sage] evolved into [Wisdom King Raphael], by analyzing [System Chain] from [Entertainment King Dionysus], it gained the ability to send out the Unique Gift [Great Sage] to those who agreed to be a subordinate to Velgin. All the previous citizens of the Dragon Kingdom accepted this gift, knowing it was a blessing.

But when the humans came, although they didn't verbally agree, hidden within their citizenship papers was a small section saying that by signing, they would agree to be Velgin's subordinates. This gave everyone a small piece of [Great Sage], but [Raphael] didn't use this to help the humans, but instead spy on them, making sure they stay in line. As long as they didn't rebel, [Raphael] would respect their privacy, but if they did then she would monitor them until all signs went away.

After putting down the rebellion, Emilia continued to show the positive side of being a citizen of the Dragon Kingdom, helping everyone settle in as well as finding a job.

And this worked, for about 15 years, with everyone following the laws, crime being at a low, and the economy booming. The population of the humans exploded, from being less than 100 thousand to almost 900 thousand, though almost all were simple farmers and other workers, not adventurers or combatants.

But during the tail end of this period, a fallen royal from a destroyed Western Nation who had just immigrated had set his sights on the crown of this city.

Of course, Emilia, Kaguya, Jane, and Sakura had all been notified about this evil man by [Raphael] through [Great Sage]. But instead of quickly disposing of him, Kaguya kept on arguing that they shouldn't stop them, and instead use them as an example of what happens to rebels.

After all, the princesses had spend over a decade helping these people, and if they were going to be so easily bribed and betray all their trust, then so be it.

She was so think headed that eventually, the rest of the group agreed.

[Raphael] didn't care either way, since the human city was only created as a soul farm, and they wouldn't be able to cause major problems no matter what they did.

-(Laar POV)-

Slowly but surely, after a few years, the fallen royal, whose name was Laar, had secretly taken control of almost all of the city guards as well as gained the backing of about half of the rich businessmen. A majority of the regular folks knew about his plan through rumors, but none reported it. The people had forgotten who their saviors were, thinking that this didn't effect them at all.

After a few more years of training his new troops, Laar had a golden opportunity shoved in his face.

It was just a regular day for him when he was informed through a telepathic message from Emilia that their true ruler, Velgin, would be inspecting the city.

Thinking that he finally found a chance to strike, he had most of his personal army, the city guards, wait just inside of the gate of the city hall grounds, which was refurbished into his personal castle.

Laar planned on giving their lord a long and boring tour of the city to tire her out, and then when her guard dropped, he would lead her into an ambush. He didn't want any of his property damaged, thinking that everything in the city was rightfully his, so he had decided that the ambush would take place right at the entrance to the large yard inside the gate of the castle walls, but outside the castle.

An hour later, Laar made his way to the city entrance, not wanting the ruler to be suspicious. He brought a few guards, but made sure that everyone knew not to show any signs of rebellion.

When he greeted his lord, Laar was surprised to find such a pretty young lady. But he didn't let his guard down even with lust rushing through him. Instead, he was filled with even more greed, wanting to take her as his concubine.

Laar tried to lead her around, but she immediately started going towards his castle. He thought that his plan would still work, greatly underestimating his foe. Shrugging and not suspecting anything, Laar carried on.

Entering the castle grounds, Laar didn't bother hiding his plan, ambushing her on broad daylight by calling the soldiers to capture or kill her. Hearing this, many regular people crowded outside the gate to the castle to watch.

-(Velgin POV)-

Entering the new city, Velgin was impressed with how much progress was made in the last 20 years that she was gone. She wanted to go to the tallest point in the city to observe from afar, so she told the man who greeted her to show her to the City Hall.

But as she got there, for some reason, the guards surrounded her, and looked like they were going to threaten her. Velgin thought that this was because they didn't recognize her, but then [Raphael] informed her about the entire story of the humans, how they were rescued by Emilia, and then how they were planning a rebellion because of greed.

Listening to [Raphael], Velgin wasn't really bothered by it, as she never even knew these people in the first place. But she did agree to put down the rebellion, and so she smirked.

The soldiers who surrounded her, as well as the false king, thought that she was too scared to move, but they were given a shock when all of a sudden, Velgin looked up at the high sun

She used [Raphael]'s upgraded version of [Merciless] to forcefully take the souls of the all the guards, leaving only Laar and the people.

Velgin didn't really care about any of this, just wanting to get it over with, but she wanted to scare the people into submission, since that would help [Raphael]'s soul farm idea. It wouldn't do any good if her people left.

Moving her eyes over the crowd, Veldin menacingly said aloud to the crowd, and loud enough to where the whole city could hear her, "There will never be any room for insurrection or disobedience. Anyone who tries to rebel will be met with a swift and painful death for themselves, as well as anyone related to their mutiny."

Saying this, Velgin used some magic to make the soldiers dissolve into light particles in front of the audience. Laar, while still alive, also started to dissolve, but it wasn't as pretty as the dead soldiers.




Laar was not given a painless death, and his screams scared the entire city, waking even the heaviest sleepers and shaking the most focused workers. Even those outside the city walls were able to hear.

After he died, Velgin, while faking anger, jumped up, reaching the level of the clouds, and then flew away. This jump caused a minor earthquake, not destroying any buildings, but could be felt through the entire land.

Witnessing these events, the people were so scared that this event would never be repeated. Future generations learned of this day, and were disciplined from a young age to never rebel.


Flying away, Velgin, instead of being angry about the events, was actually very happy. After killing Lars, she gained the Unique Skill [Greed].

'Ah, now it makes sense why Lars was so greedy,' she thought.

But then to her surprise, she heard a voice.

{Confirmed. The Unique Skill [Greed] has evolved into the Ultimate Skill [Greed King Mammon]

The Ultimate Skills [Greed King Mammon] and [Wisdom King Raphael] have combined into the Ultimate Skill [Wisdom King Solomon].}

'What? How am I greedy enough to make [Greed] instantly evolve and combine with [Raphael]?'

{Received. Your desire to become stronger and change the world was enough to undergo evolution.

[Wisdom King Solomon]'s effects include:

[Skill Alteration]: The ability to modify, combine, separate , or evolve skills when possilbe.

[All of Creation]: The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomena in this world.

[Chant Annulment]: Can cast magic without chanting.

[Future Attack Prediction]: The ability to predict an attack.

[Parallel Operation]: The ability to have a secondary mind work parallel to the original.

[Thought Acceleration]: The ability to think at a speed multiplied by a million times.

[Degenerate]: The ability to combine or separate almost anything.

[Energy Steal]: The ability to steal energy from a target and make them their own. Can include Skills up to Unique Skills if fully analyzed.

[Soul Manipulation]: The ability to manipulate souls, and steal unprotected souls.

[Multilayer Barrier]: The ability to create multiple barriers over lapped with different resistances on each layer.


'Weird,' though Velgin, but she welcomed this lucky change. Unfortunately, she didn't get an Origin Skill, but this upgrade was still very strong.


A few months later, on a stormy night, Velgin was just relaxing when she felt something weird.

Flying out of her palace, she discovered a weirdly energetic soul zipping around the city. The soul flew towards a hospital, and was about to enter an unborn child when Velgin grabbed it and stored it in her Inventory to analyze.

Observing it and its memories, Velgin learned that it was a soul from a different world, similar to Earth. The male soul heard the voice of the world during his death, and ended up wishing to reincarnate with powers over fire.

The soul was about to enter the body of a Dragon Elf, but Velgin didn't allow it.

Judging by the soul's memories, there was a decent chance that if he grew up in good circumstances, he would try to take over, since this guy was very arrogant.

Not allowing this to happen, Velgin, came up with a very funny prank. Well, funny for her anyways.

She put the soul in an unborn female dragon egg that was set to be domesticated. The unfortunate soul would be handled and trained from birth, ingrained with loyalty to Velgin from day 1.

But it wouldn't be all bad, as she planned to have the dragon live with Kaede, the little cat. She even decided to give the dragon a head start and name her Drago.


Over the next few years, Velgin had Zeldris temporarily transform into a human and travel to the Eastern Empire, as well as various martial art Dojos in the west to learn all about hand to hand combat.

She also made sure to raise Kaede and Drago into loyal and powerful subordinates, not forgetting to ingrain the idea that the two of them would be loyal pets to Velgin.

And the next thing she knew, hundreds of years had passed, and the next Tenma war was arriving.


Extra Authors Notes:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

If you did, please give me a comment and add the story to your collection.

I'm going to try my best to read and reply to comments so if you have question, feel free to ask things.

If anyone has any suggestions for how I can improve my writing, I would love some advice.

Also, I'm going to include some time skips now, to get closer to the main plot.

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