
Tensura: Alter/DEEP-RED

Hello! Readers! Explorers of the realms! I share you my story of baginning of reincarnating weirdly, wish granting, to being one of the most powerful beings of my new world!

Nakamura_Shun · Cómic
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Let’s be friends!

I look up to see the dragon's titanic frame as it finished bellowing out its name.

"Um… Hello?" I squeaked out my voice in fear.

Satoru-san wasn't in any better situation.

"Yeah… Hello mister Veldora…"

The dragon lowered its head to look at us better.


The dragon let out a questioning, angry sounding hum.

Me and Mikami-san revolted in fear of what the dragon may do.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA… Fear not, for I shall not do anything to you."

The dragon named Veldora spoke.

"I was curious because I haven't had vissitors for a very long and boring time."

Veldora's eyes lit up as he thought.

"Come to think of it. Both of you possess intelligence far beyond that of what a normal slime could be capable of. Are you two uniques? It would make sense that both of you were able to survive in my presence that is overflowing with magicules, normal monsters would have already died due to magicule radiation poisoning."

I was about to ask what the dragon Veldora meant by unique, Satoru asked first.

"Um, sir Veldora. What do you mean by unique?"

"A unique is a very rare monster that was born uncommonly and possess more strength and capabilities than its normal counterparts. A prime example would be both of you. I sense that your magicules are far beyond what I have seen in slimes that I have met, plus you have superior intelligence than most."

The dragon went on to explain.

"Hm, but."

I stare at the dragon and explain.

"Me and Satoru are people who died and got reincarnated into this world as slimes, mister Veldora."

Veldora looked intrigued by our situation and way of crossover to this world.

"Hm, I see. Then, I will ask to have your company."

"My first question is that you are humans but got reincarnated as monsters?"

Me and Satoru hurriedly nodded our heads in agreement.

"Hm, that eliminates the probability of the two of you being summoned as summons. Maybe as Otherworlders if the process is the same, but as monsters…"

I raised a tentacle like appendage and asked.

"Mister Veldora. What are Otherworlders?"

Veldora looked and shifted his attention to me and spoke.

"Otherworlders are beings that drifted from their world to this world."

I feel the holes in my brain slowly fill up with the knowledge.

"T-then can I ask? If you really wanted to talk to someone, why won't you just leave the cave?"

"Easy answer. It's because I can't." Veldora answered.

"Wha- Why can't you?" Satoru asked.

Veldora looked at him and spoke.

"I'm glad you asked. It is because I am sealed here, and that is why I am very, very bored."

"It all started 300 years ago when I "sort of" torched a town to ashes or nothing."

" "Sort off"?" Satoru asked in suspicion.

"So that someone strong would come looking to slay me."

"It's certainly true that I underestimated my opponent a bit."

I wiggle and spoke. "I don't think it's just "a bit"."

"I started putting my full strength into the battle partway through… But I still lost."

Veldora proudly announced while putting his front limbs on his hips.

I asked in confusion. "Is it normal to be proud that you lost?"

"Of course! I would be proud because I fought with someone so strong!"

"But you seem so strong Veldora-san. Were your opponents that powerful?" Satoru spoke.

"Yes. She was very powerful. It was someone known to the humans as a Hero blessed with divine protection."

"A human hero? Sounds like it was from a video game." Satoru spoke.

"My thoughts exactly." I interjected in agreement.

"She overpowered me with her unique skill; "Absolute severance". And then she sealed me with "Unlimited Imprisonment"."

"So, is this shiny, semi-sphere like stuff surrounding you is her "Unlimited Imprisonment"?" I asked.

"Hm, it is." Veldora confirmed.

"The hero called herself a summon."

"A summon. Is that different from Otherworlders?" Satoru asked.

"Yes. They are but the same. What the difference is how they got into this world and how they live. While Otherworlders drift from other worlds to this world, summons get summoned by a ritual usually performed by 30 mages that lasts for several days to bring one here to from another world."

"Ahhhhh… Satoru-san. This is sounding more and more like a game with mages around."

"They are also expected to serve as powerful weapons." Veldora added.

"Weapons?" Satoru asked.

"Yes, for the summoner. Magic is used to carve a curse into the soul of the summon. To ensure the summon can't defy the summoner."

"Sounds like my parents from my last life." I spoke.

"The heck?! That sounds cruel!" Satoru protested while bouncing around.

"Cruel, eh? I do not know how your world from before functioned, but the law; "survival of the fittest" is the one that governs here."

"I see…" Satoru spoke.

"So, Veldora-san. You've been here for ever since you were sealed by that hero?"

"That's right…" Veldora said hung his head down. "I'm very bored…"

"I felt pretty damn lonely with my 37 years of life without a girlfriend. I can't even begin to imagine how lonely you felt." Satoru shrinked.

An idea entered my mind to solve the dragon's boredom.


I shout and so I turned to face Satoru and talked about it.

*Very loud whispering*

"I have an idea! Why don't we become friends?" Satoru was the one to speak our idea.

"NANI?!" Veldora exclaimed. "Mere slimes propose friendship with me!?"

"Waaahhh!" I shrieked and almost buried a hole for myself to hide.

"I-If you don't want to, I understand…" I spoke.

"B-bakana! I didn't say that I didn't want to!"

I froze for a second before registering what Veldora had said.

'Areeeee… Veldora's a TSUN, TSUN.'

"Eh…? So, what do you say then?" Satoru asked.

"Yes, well… if you insist then…" Veldora grred while speaking like a cat.

"I guess I'm willing to think about it."

"Yes! We insist!" I bounced forward and spoke. "That seals it then!"

"If you refuse… We're through. I'll never come here again!"

Veldora panicked and spoke.

"W-Well, all right. I'll be your friends! You better be grateful."

'Ahhhhh. It's so easy to manipulate tsundere's when you know how they'll act.' I thought.

"Just can't be honest, can't you? Well nice to meet you!" Satoru spoke.

"Nice to meet all of you!" I spoke and extended a tentacle like appendage to "shake hands" with the other two.

Veldora spoke in agreement "I-indeed."

'Hm, hm. It's the start of a new friendship. My totally normal and stagnant life has become no more.'

"I look forward to our friendship blossoming!"


Another explaination why things may seem off and how Ai's expression of Rimuru(future name) is because of how fast their friendship develops.

The book may seem off because I did it in a rush and I couldn't relax, not really- but you get the point, right?

Now, I am finnished for today, I will daily release until I am out of drafts.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Nakamura_Shuncreators' thoughts