
Tensura: Abstract of Void

Hey guys, this is my first time writing a Fanfic. I'm mostly writing this fanfic to improve my english writing and grammar skill, so there could be some or many grammatical mistake as I'm not good at it yet. You could ignore them but, if it breaks the flow of story, write that in paragraph comment section. Also about criticisms, you can do that if I do something unreasonable with the story as I've seen many good story ideas wasted like that. Otherwise if it you who's comment is unreasonable then I may delete that. If you guys have some good creative ideas to add to the novel you can write in review section or in chapter comments. Oh! and chapter will be irregular as its depends on my mood to write(laziness & procrastination...* embarrassingly chuckle*), sorry about that.. ______________________________________________ After waking up in a mysterious Void, a soul realized most of its memories are missing. As it begun to wander the void to search for answers or maybe a way out, it stumble upon mysterious crystal. After going near the crystal it begin to feel familiar presence. As he can't recall anything in his memories he touch the crystal and everything went blank... ...What is the mysterious crystal? ...What is its connection to the lone soul? Follow the soul on its adventure in one of the most Overpowered fiction_verse -- Tensura. _____________________________________________ Disclaimer: I do not own "The time I reincarnate as a slime" I haven't decided if I want this fanfic to include multiverse travel( travel to other fictional work),harem or non-harem, we'll see what I decide in future.. .....Anyway, sayonara!!*wave hands*

Magus_Of_Flower · Cómic
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5 Chs

Nava & Nonir




"We watched everything while creating new laws, as small amount of pure creation essence scattered throughout the void united and condensed to form singularities. When it came in contact with essence of destruction, a chain reaction take place and the unstable creation energy burst outward forming new universes, in nexus dimension's language the Big bang.

Then many universes whose main laws were similar begun to attract each other forming groups, the multiverse.

Inside many universes, matter and energy emerge from the leftover creation essence. Which formed galaxies, stars and life begun to thrive.

After that we created the concept of soul based on our own consciousness/will, and bestow the newborn lifeforms the ability to think for themself, as without their individuality, it will progressively get boring.

And now you can see the potential of those lifeform, it was my idea obviously, you just helped me accomplished it." She bragged to me in a smug tone. It honestly look cute with her features.

'Wait, its not time for that.' I mentally kicked myself.

"So I'm some kind of cosmic entity like death and fate from marvel-verse?"I asked her, just to confirm I don't hear that wrong. Honestly I don't think I can fully believe her story without some solid proof..


She let out a sigh of annoyance, then look at me and said in an arrogance tone, " Don't compare us on the same level. We are Outer-versal beings, while the cosmic entities you are talking about are mere multiversal. When we are together in our outer-versal form, we can bend and shape the omniverse to our liking. If not for the restriction of never leaving this Omniverse as we are its core concept, you wouldn't be in this state."

Wait!! she said something important now right? ...something about restrictions! ...

So I asked," What do you mean? what's the relation between restriction and my current state?"

Hearing my question she snapped, and replied in a sharp tone compare to her previous gentle side with some frustration,

"Everything! everything is its fault!

You have always been a fun seeking person, so when lesser beings created the idea of adventuring and discovering new things, you became obsessed with the idea. As there are not many fun things to do here in void aside from watching the life of lessar beings and spending decades fooling around with each other having sex."

( A/n:*wink-wink nudge-nudge* ;)

"And as to why we never entered an universe or left the center of void, it's because of who we are. Our mere presence are so potent the moment we appear near any of them, it would get erased from the heavy conceptual imbalance.

You tried to enter a world many times by lowering you presence or sometime even creating an avatar. But result was the same, Destruction of 1.6 quadrillion of worlds, just because of your attempt."

"And because of the restriction of unable to leave our omniverse for your suppose adventure, you were at the verge of taking the risk of sealing your concepts. I barely talk you out of it, as that would mess the balance of whole omniverse while you will be also left vulnerable from outside influence."

"Then why am I like this?" I confusedly asked. If she was able to convinced me out of the risky approach, then why am I like this?

She avoid looking at my face and stare at the empty space like she found something interesting there. 'Wait... is she avoiding the question?'

Now that I deeply observe her face, her cheeks looks red. Ah! she is blushing...cute!.

"That's ..cau.. ..ou .....d .me!"She slowly mumbled somthing under her breathe with red face.

"What was that? I can't hear you."I asked her again.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't blame you for anything if that's what you are worried about."I tell her in gentle voice.

"Thats not it!" She said turning her red blushing face towards me.

"Then what is it?" if that's not the problem, then why the reaction.

She then takes a deep and replied, "I said, its because you bribed me...!"

"So? what's there to embarrassed about?" I looked at her stright in the eyes as she trying to find somthing to avoid my gaze.

Seemingly finding nothing to hide, she give up on hiding and said while looking at my eyes, "... with sex!"

"pftt-!" I giggled, while trying to suppress my laughter from the ridiculousness of the situation. When I look at her, I was taken aback as she was pouting with teary eyes while looking at me like I am the biggest jerk there is.(A/n: You are!!)

"Ok, ok! sorry about that. I will never laugh at you when you become embarrassed, promise!"I apologized while making my face look as guilty as possible.

She seems to be confirming if I'm serious. This is my chance, I have to change her focus elsewhere.

"Ah! right, I totally forgot to ask your name!"I mentally facepalm myself for forgetting to ask a lady's name.

Fortunately this question able to divert her attention.

"Ah! that's why I thought I was forgetting something important." facepalming she said that.

"How can you even forget things? I can argue that I don't have my power right now, but with your power level it would be impossible right?" I asked in bewilderness.

"Oh! that? it's because of this dimension. Anything entering this dimension will be regress to normal human level except that it failed as we can still use our power but with many restrictions and the power we can can bring forth is merely universal level. You and I created it to feel what its like to be weak."

"Anyway, my true name is [NAVA], you gave it to me, you should have atleast remembered it, hmph!

And yours is [NONIR], I gave it to you." The moment she, I mean Nava uttered those name, the whole dimension started ripple and trembled. And the name Nonir,.... my whole existence shuddered when I heard it. Like someone is calling me from infinite distance.

It's feel like my own, more closer than Aaron.

Should I stop calling myself Aaron?...it feels right to call myself Nonir now.

As if hearing my predicament of identity crisis, Nava said to me, "You should keep Aaron as your second name. While I'm not very happy with it, I know that not everyone can utter our true name or even comprehend it. Someone has to have atleast multiversal level of power for that." Thank god- wait! we are above those gods now, so thank the void I don't have to get rid of my previous name. This is my only connection to my existing memory.

