

A boy wakes up in the middle of the woods with no idea of who or where he was. Read how he thrives to live and gain a purpose amidst the never ending chaos in the supernatural community of Beacon Hills. .... ... Disclaimer: None of the characters, except the MC, are mine. As always, my story will be cross-posted on Scribblehub and Fanfiction.net

Draul_TheOminous · TV
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220 Chs


Unlike other days, Tristan was left at home today by Malia who had taken the car because he said he was going to meet up with Demarco. Malia taking the car was not something he had expected though. 

His talk with Demarco wasn't anything serious, mainly to warn him and tell the others, those who didn't know, about the Argents and a few things he needed from the man. 

'If things continue at this pace, I might get fed up with school way sooner than later.' 

It was taxing enough that he had to be around hot-blooded teenagers for the majority of the day and then be hit at every corner with raging pheromones. 

Unlike Malia who had a very keen sense of smell, he was very receptive to emotions, intense ones. Meaning only he knew just how much sex went on during the day, even in the teacher's office. In fact, there was no spot in the school that wasn't used as a fucking ground every other day. High school kids were just the worst. 

Unfortunately for Tristan who had a very high sensitivity to blood due to his vampiric nature, he had to suffer over stimulation from what he felt every passing hour. 

'There was even that one time when someone was being fingered during practicals.'

He always felt the need to kill someone, just drink them dry, every time he was subjected to their raw desires. 

The only single reason he hadn't blown a top was because he had Malia. The girl was a blessing to him in every single way he could think of. 

If there ever was a person who he would willingly rip out his heart for, it was her. From the first time he had recognized her as a girl, the bond between them grew thicker that what it once was. 

They had started as close friends, siblings in fact, always in each other's company that it was hard to spot one without the other. Though he was late to learn what the emotions he felt for her were called, he knew from day one that she was someone he didn't want to part with. 

Even when he was still a human, Malia never allowed anyone to bully him, not that they would but she was just that overprotective. She had once tried to kill Brett when the latter had thrown Tristan to the ground during one of their fights. 

He was her weak link, something she took immense pride in. 

Before their relationship became intimate, she always had this habit of biting him every now and then, mostly when they were trying to sleep. Obviously he didn't do anything to stop it since he just seemed receptive to anything concerning her. 

She had always been far stronger than him, holding enough power in her tiny arms to squeeze the life out of him but when she held him, it was always with the softest and protective hold she could cover him with, even going as far resting his head on her chest so she could wrap more parts of him with her hands. It was also why when it came to things regarding him, even till present day, she always had the higher voice. He was hers and only hers to protect – she had said. 

And then puberty had hit both of them, which was conversely the time Satomi thought would be ideal for giving him the bite, transforming him into something entirely different from the werewolf everyone had expected. 

Puberty had cranked everything they felt for each other up to 11.

Malia with her rabid tendencies, and Tristan with his new physiology and heightened emotions. 

Satomi and most of the older members of her pack had been put through the wringer when they had to take care and suppress two pubescent teens from lashing at anything and anyone who got on their nerves or ticked them off in the smallest ways. 

Unfortunately, their best efforts still yielded a casualty. 

All they needed to understand what had happened was Tristan coming back with Malia at his sides with his hands and mouth full of blood. His eyes glowing a haunting deep blue than what it had previously been. 

He had taken a life. 

Though it was something that they all frowned upon, none of them said a word as Demarco and Brett separated his hands from Malia's and took him to the bathroom while Tierney and Lori took Malia. Not a single one of them had mentioned a word about that incident since that day to either of them, acting as if it never happened. 

Satomi had been the only one to attend to them and see if they were in need of any mental cleansing ritual but surprisingly while they both knew what happened they also didn't seem too affected with it. It was then Satomi knew she had miscalculated. 

Malia was by nature very wild due to spending most of her childhood as an animal and Tristan was someone who got turned into something way different than what anyone expected. His heightened bloodlust indicated one thing only – blood was a crucial sustenance for him.

Surprisingly, it wasn't her who came up with an alternative, but Malia. Knowing the weight of what Tristan had done, she had demanded that he fed on her if he ever was overcome with his urge, stating with absolute confidence that she knew he wasn't strong enough to hurt her. 

Though the others had also volunteered to donate their blood, it was then Tristan's turn to reject it after drinking it a few times, resolving to drink only from Malia. This was also one of the reasons why he was naturally more withdrawn with humans, not that he was afraid of hurting them but because he found the temptation very irritating. 

Everything went back to normal after that incident, well not everything as the pair finally hit their growth spurt. 

Being an adolescent vampiric species that was very receptive to intense emotions and hormones, the early stages of puberty had been a very trying time for Tristan. His emotions had been all over the place and his lack of control made it much worse. 

Malia too wasn't left out as she leaned more to her bestial side during puberty. 

With their emotions running haywire, both of them had latched onto the other as their only emotional pillar, heightening whatever bond they had to a level they never knew was possible. 

To be honest, none of them knew when they started having romantic and lustful thoughts for the other since they had always been together so none of the things they started doing at that moment seemed new or unusual. 

Kissing and the eventual groping was something that came very natural to them with sex being the only thing that seemed new. 

For the longest time possible, Malia had guarded him from anything she felt was a threat, even after he became a vampire. Whether it was an imprint like Satomi had said was something that meant little to them. One thing they were sure of was that they loved each other as fiercely as they could, so dangerously that an imprint seemed too shallow to describe it. 

Without a shred of doubt, falling in love with Malia was probably the highlight of his life and also the most important thing in his life. 

It was no wonder why he was always weak to her wishes and spontaneous whims and also the reason why he was quick to show a reaction when anything happened around her. 

… And staying at a school where the clueless beta of a murder-happy Alpha was something that irked him, so much so that he was tempted with killing Scott. 

Hearing that Allison was the daughter of Hunters was more than enough for him to claw at her throat. Her being best friends with Malia? That was something that rattled him. 

He had never wanted someone as dead as he wanted Allison, and yet he couldn't, for the simple reason that doing so without a cause was dragging the entire pack into a war against the Argents. 

Whether Allison was ignorant of her family ways or she was keeping an eye on them made him greatly paranoid that every moment he spent in her presence was like a sweet invitation to just paint her flesh red. 

"I hate this."

He arrived in school during break time and the first person he met just happened to be Allison. 

"Malia said you had something to take care of, anything serious?" Their locker just happened to be on the same row much to his laments. 

"Mm-mhm." All he could do was shake his head as he took out a few books and put them in his bag. 

"Hey, um, so I was thinking maybe you would want to hang out with me and Malia?" 

He stopped his walking for a bit and looked at her, his mind going through multiple likely scenarios. 

"Don't look at me like that. You go home every day and Malia told me you don't go out except for family matters so no excuses."

No matter how he looked at her and sieved over her expressions, heartbeat and blow flow, he just couldn't detect any hint of lies from her. The slight genuine worry that flashed through her eyes was also not hidden from him. 

"I have the feeling you're reading too much into this. It'll be fun, I promise… as long as none of you make me feel like the tag-along." Okay that did get a chuckle out of him. "And besides, what's there not to accept. You get to spend the day with two gorgeous girls, so?"

Just maybe, just maybe he could give her the benefit of the doubt. If she could spend the whole outing not trying to poison them or springing up any ambush then… 


"Yes!" She gave a full teeth smile as she succeeded in convincing him to hang out with her. It was just a small success as she could clearly see that he really wanted to refuse, but it was a success nonetheless. 

"Don't worry. I'll make sure you won't be able to keep that dead expression on your face for long." 

He said nothing else and walked away from her only for him to run into someone else. 

"Ah! I-I, yeah I'll just go." Stiles moved around and walked past Tristan, almost shivering in fright when he saw the side eye that was staring at him. 

Ignoring the frightened Stiles, he continued on and found her surrounded by two girls who quickly bade her goodbye after seeing him approach. 

Grabbing her by the waist, he kissed her softly, melding himself in it as she reciprocated it enthusiastically by dragging his collars to bring his head down while deepening the kiss. 

After kissing for a few moments, they separated, not minding the students who saw them, and walked away as if nothing happened, which it did, at least from their point of view. 

They sat under a tree shade with Malia sitting on his laps and reclining backwards with one of his hands on her waist. 

"Are you thirsty?" She asked. 

He shook his head in refusal but tightened his hold on her waist while holding a book in his other hand. 

Malia spoke. "I don't think she wants to kill us." 


"I asked her if her family hunts werewolves or if she's ever hunted a supernatural being and she was genuinely confused. I don't think she knows." 


"We're going out after the game. I told her to invite you along."


"I don't think school's so bad, y'know."

"…You're kinda right." He said. It wasn't that bad if they knew what to enjoy and how to enjoy it. 

"Hey, kiss me again." She suddenly requested out of the blue and Tristan acquiesced, taking her soft lips once again, not minding for a second who happened to see them. 

"Let's try not to stress ourselves too much. I feel like I might accidentally kill someone if this continues." He said after they broke off their kiss, not knowing that they were being watched by someone. 





Read up to 20 chapters ahead on my patreøn
