
Techer, In a horror world

David traveled through time and became a teacher named Yoshikawa in a Japanese school. At first, he thought it was normal. Until he found out that the girl who was bullied by his original body and came to collect rent every month was named Kayako. [No System] [no power up]

DaoistE7LQWr · Horror
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19 Chs

A Girl In Love..

Kayako didn't quite understand what the "strange things" that teacher Yoshikaea was talking about were.

  At the same time, looking at Kayako's confused expression, Yoshikawa already knew that the latter had never seen the ghost.

  This also means that the ghost did not come back from the future. Thinking of this, Yoshikawa breathed a sigh of relief and changed the subject: "I'm just talking casually."

  Just... talking?

  Is the teacher trying to find a topic to talk to her?

  Kayako, who was a little slow in reaction, suddenly thought of this, and her eyes lit up: "Something very strange happened!"

Hearing this, Yoshikawa clenched his right hand unconsciously, and his face became solemn: "What is it?"

  If it is really what he guessed, then he will face two choices next. Choose to stay away from Kayako from now on to save his life, but in a few years, he will be found by Kayako and killed. Or choose to confront the ghost and die immediately.

  Damn, it seems that no matter which one he chooses, he has to die!!!

  At this time, Kayako continued:

  "Last night, it was raining heavily, but the moon still appeared. It's really strange, teacher, if you were there at that time, you would definitely feel the thrilling beauty."

After her parents quarreled last night, she on a whim and opened the curtains to see a strange scene. It was drizzling, but there was still a bright moon in the sky. Under the refraction of the drizzle, the moon was foggy and looked very beautiful.

  If only she could share this with teacher at that time, this was her thought at the time. In fact, she was not a person who loved to share. In that kind of beauty, she could appreciate and even enjoy the sense of possession she had alone.

  Even her parents, she did not ask them in the living room to come to the window to appreciate that beauty together.

  But, at that time, she really had the idea of ​​being with Teacher YoshiKawa.

  However, Kayako felt that her oral description could not recreate the beautiful scene, so she did not plan to share it with the teacher in words at first, but planned to wait until later to watch it with the teacher.

But now that the latter asked,she just talked about it as a topic of conversation.


  Yoshikawa was silent for a moment. He felt that his worries just now were like a clown. He didn't expect that Kayako, who was originally timid and even a little shy, would be so good at finding topics.

  Even at this moment, he felt that Kayako was not in danger at all and would not become the ghost from the grudge.

  After all - a female ghost with a lover, it sounds a bit outrageous.

  But having said that, he still followed the topic: "I'm really envious, being able to enjoy that kind of beauty alone."

"Right, right, does the teacher like that too?" Kayako couldn't hide the excitement in her tone. She didn't expect that the teacher's hobby was the same as hers, and they all liked to enjoy beauty alone.   

  So - if the teacher is in that situation, will he think of me?

  If, if he really thinks of me, then the teacher must like me too?

  Thinking of this, her heart began to beat, and the hormones secreted by her brain made it difficult for her to calm down.

  "I like it very much."

  Hearing this, Kayako took a deep breath, and then mustered up her courage:

  "If there is a chance in the future! Teacher..."

  Before she finished speaking, there was a knock on the door in front of her, and Kayako's words were stuck, Yoshikawa opened the door and asked, "What if there is a chance?"

  "Well... that, if there is a chance, I... I want to..."

She was incoherent, and seemed to not know what to say. Finally, she squeezed out two words: "Study hard!!"

  This sentence made Saito Asuka, who was walking in, laugh. Although she had never seen this student in school, her cute appearance still made Saito Asuka feel very interesting.

  Hearing the laughter, Kayako thought it was a mockery, and her toes dug into the ground,She was also secretly annoyed. What is this female teacher doing at this time? It completely interrupted her time with teacher.

  She was a little embarrassed, lowered her head and whispered: "Teacher, if there is nothing else, I... I'll leave first."

  Seeing Yoshikawa nodded, she ran out as if escaping.

  "Is this a student in your class? Why haven't I seen her before?"

  Saito Asuka asked curiously.

  Hearing this, Yoshikawa complained in his heart: she has always been here, but you have ignored her, okay?

  "This child doesn't like to talk much and is a little autistic. I'm going to talk to her to see if she can change.what do you want to talk to me about?"

  Yoshizakigawa was a little confused. This women said this morning that she had something important to talk to him about. What could be the important thing?

  Hearing this, Saito Asuka pushed his glasses a little embarrassedly, and said a little awkwardly: "Well... my brother's visa was rejected. I remembered that you, Teacher Yoshikawa, had studied abroad before, so I wanted to consult you on how to get a visa..."