
After rain

Li-Wei was standing in front of his house, the stench coming from inside was unbearable, the soles of his feet were still wet and slippery, for he had stepped on blood. His eyes seem to have lost the light that once existed. On the horizon the sun rises, a light breeze passes through his jade-colored robes.

"Nothing left for me here." she said.

Along the descent of that mountain could see a small village, only peasant farmers lived there. This would be his first destination.

The birds fly overhead, but they were not singing. In silence they went their way, just like Li-Wei.

Their feet touched, they felt the stones and grasses. As her body was gripped by the cold, the morning breezes soon became icy. A little ahead, an old woman, carrying a small wooden cart. Maybe he was carrying jugs of water or food. She smiles, waves her hand, calling Li-Wei.

"What are you doing alone on this mountain, my dear?"

Li-Wei could not tell the truth.

"I'm traveling now, my family is waiting for me in the city."

"You look tired, want to rest in my house?"

She thought a few times, but her tired body and broken heart needed rest.

"I would be flattered." she said

That woman continued her fate, now accompanied by Li-Wei.

Going through a garden of vegetables, was that lady's house. Humble, simple and older than that woman.

Tea was served in dusty cups. Time dragged on slowly, Li-Wei's body began to fall asleep, feeling weak. He could not move.

A laugh can be heard in the back of that house.

Li-Wei's eyes were almost closing, still she could see the old woman again, now with a fully bent posture, huge nails that came out of her fingers like claws. Her hair messed up, her mouth open in an almost supernatural way, showing her a long black tongue. Li-Wei tried to scream, but his voice did not come out.

At every step that monstrosity caused more panic, from his strange mouth an odor of old blood. Li-Wei looked around, close to his cup a small knife was on the table. Her arms were not strong enough, but she still reached for it. Finally the old woman had approached, her black, filthy tongue sliding down Li-Wei's face and neck. His fingers could already feel the handle of the knife, in a sudden last effort, it struck the creature's tongue, a dark ooze spread through the room, the monstrosity screaming madly.

She struck again, now with her pointed claws, Hitting Li-Wei's arm that was caught in the wooden floor, traversed by his claws.

At the door a noise caught the creature's attention. A heavy jolt knocked the door on the old woman. Falling to the floor with the door on her body. A silver-colored blade and jade ornaments pierce its body through the door.

Just before Li-Wei fell asleep because of the poisoned tea, she saw a man standing at the door. Her long black hair descended through her ornate cloths in the golden colors.