
Monster ecology

For two weeks Zhao Wei didn't hunt a single thing. If he'd understood something it was that through all his battles he had won through sheer luck and not purely from his own abilities. If the situations in those battles changed even a little he'd be dead on the forest floor. He was weak and he knew it.

Additionally as a trapper, he did not have any skills that gave him offense. Although he was pretty good at using it in the heat of the moment, the efficiency and it's effectiveness were minimized.

In his latest fight, he'd run into it gung-ho without preparing his traps. If he'd done so he might've been able to deal with the reptiles one by one. Additionally, the leader's reaction and speed were so fast that he had no time in their close combat to set his traps lest he be ripped apart by a tail or claw. Only in that moment when they were both stuck was he able to utilize his traps.

But chances like that didn't come very often, he couldn't say that all creatures had the same temperament. This time he'd met one which liked to toy with it's prey, what if he'd met one which killed immediately, he'd have no time to even prepare a plan.

So his routine changed, in the day hours he'd no longer just spend his time training, starting his day, he'd strap some smoked meat, water, a single spear and a notebook into one of the smaller bags.

The reason he only packed a few things were because he'd go down not to hunt. It was to scout, he'd find the different environments and the different beasts in them.

Every time he'd see some tracks or signs of living, he'd first set Wrap Traps in his escape route and then try his best to track the beast.

If he hadn't been found, he'd continually follow them watching all the way. The way they moved, where they slept, their natural enemies, the route they took to hunt, but most importantly how they fought.

This is as the use of the notebook. He'd fill it with even the simplest details. If they spotted him, he'd use his escape routes. Although they might be faster, the traps usually left them bewildered thinking there was an attack happening.

The rocks were added weight he'd use while he ran. In reality it's be possible for him to scout while bringing all his hunting equipment. But first and foremost he wanted to train his attitude. He was here to survive and reach way farther from this area, that obviously wouldn't happen if he ran into every fight that came at him. Plus it put pressure on him not to get caught, making him fully concentrate on all his senses.

Even through this he'd always be charging his traps. He'd do this for 20 hours in the day and return to spar with Panda for 6 hours or so before resting for 4 hours. At the night hours, he'd push himself to train in the cold until it was ten hours into the night. Every breathe would stab daggers into his lungs and he'd have to keep taking deep breathes to continue his training. In the night his focus was not only split into two, it was split into 3, pushing himself physically, resisting the cold and charging.

He'd even have some sparing sessions in the cold with Panda, whose fur kept it warmer than Zhao Wei. Only with it around was Zhao Wei able to push himself to the limit as if he fell from exhaustion, it would pull him back into the room to rest.

In two weeks he fell no less than 8 nights out of the 14. And with Panda, Zhao Wei was able to observe better during his scouting missions as even the fastest beasts didn't match it's speed when it went full dash. Training with it every day, other beast's speed seemed almost negligible to Zhao Wei and he could observe some of the more intricate details like their posture before an attack even down to its muscle twitches.

His handle of the staff became better, before he could only swing it here and there, now he was able to stab, party and interchange his attacks and defense between both hands. But it wasn't only him who was improving, Panda improved its fighting capabilities as well, even on its first day it knew that it's full dash which it used from a distance although powerful limited its range of attack greatly as it could only go straight. As long as it's opponent knew this, the dash was completely useless.

Zhao Wei was such an opponent, Panda was forced to engage in extreme close combat which limited its dash which allowed it to gain more speed with range, but in exchange it learned to make short dash into an opponent's opening at close range. At first it was slower as it wasn't used to the quick stop motion and had a few accidents where it overstepped it's landing which Zhao Wei never missed to mock.

Even when it wasn't sparing with Zhao Wei, it was practicing dashing short ranges accurately.

By the end of two weeks where their food supply was almost diminished. However, both had progressed leaps and bounds.

Panda could execute it's short dashes continuously and still manage at 3/4 it's full dash speed for some time. This seemed like little, but even till now Zhao Wei could still only manage to see it's shadow during full dash, and at long range Zhao Wei could observe it to figure out where it was aiming. At close range however, it would jump from blind spot to blind spot.

Right now it was only missing in experience at using this new skill as it had still shown obvious dodging patterns in several of it's matches, even then it was only because Zhao Wei sparred with it day in day out. A person who had never matched against it before would be riddled like a beehive before they even had a hint of it's pattern.

Zhao Wei was even more obsessed, in these two weeks the training weights he put on was quadrupled compared to his first day. His skin was never given more than a day or night period before they tore again. By the last night he could go in the night for 11 hours which didn't seem much but as the night progressed the speed it got colder was also much faster. The eleventh hour was near the nights peak cold which caused it to drop at least another 5 degrees in the 60 minutes. His cold resistance had reached 3 by the eleventh day and was still rising.

But he end of the two weeks Zhao Wei's stats was like so:

[Name: Wang Zhao Wei

Age: 19

Organism type: Human male

Class: Trapper

Status: Mental trauma detected, Toxic substance detected, Body fatigued (excessive), Body injury (severe).

Strength : 8

Durability: 6

Vitality: 10

Speed: 8

Dexterity: 9

Mentality: 11


Heat: 2

Cold: 3

Toxic: 1

Electricity: 0

Light: 0

Dark: 0


Active: Wrap Trap

Passive: Feeding]

This may seem fast but with the change in time it was like a month in the old world. Within 60 hours in a day, Zhao Wei only slept 8 and devoted the rest of it to training. In the two weeks, minus those hours Zhao Wei used to eat he'd give or take trained for 714 hours. All while charging his skills. His vitality grew quickly as he had to constantly heal from self inflicted training wounds. And in the jungle every time he'd run, he'd constantly had to surpass his own speed to ensure he was able to escape, tearing and reforming the muscles on his legs into essentially machines.

When his mentality had reached 10, multitasking while charging almost didn't seem a problem, when he tried to sense the flow again, he'd still knock out but he'd last about 3 seconds longer compared to his first time.

In a certain hill in the jungle a real hunter was being forged by pure sweat and blood.

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