
TDG: Time-Space Spiritualist

A young man who finds himself in TDG world as a nephew of the city lord, with a powerful method to cultivate the strongest law, and beauties around him. However, the protagonist isn't here. How would he achieve his dreams then, with all of the possible dangers this world offers.

blazuki · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
39 Chs

Chapter 5

After a long night of cultivation, Ye Qi managed to push his soul force to 190. That was pretty fast for the people of this world. It was his hidden card.

But apparently, he had been transmigrated into another timeline where the pills weren't sold to the Alchemy Association by Nie Lie, so he couldn't take the utmost benefits.

Luckily, Ye Qi has a skill from his cultivation method, which would allow him to see the intent behind the ancient words, even without understanding the language.

That was one of the benefits of the time-space skill that allow him to see the past of things.

Ye Qi now was in the Holy Orchid Institute. While sitting in his place, Ye Qi was checking out Shen Xiu, who was walking in circles while explaining. The lessons were boring, but her look wasn't.

Was it natural for someone to fall for villainess?

'Should I test the skill on her? Who knows, maybe she had taken a shower yesterday.'

Ye Qi wanted to laugh at his silly idea. But a man can dream, as he isn't a eunuch or some sort of 300 years old man.

'But I don't want to expose my silver eyes.'

'But first. In order for one to achieve his goal in the future, one needs to prepare for it.'

Ye Qi desire was simple. Become a strong spiritualist, have lovers who are appealing to the eye, and live the slacker life. Basically, achieving the ultimate lifestyle.

If any cultivator hears about his goal, they would roar at him for not being more ambitious.

'I need to go to the library, while mom finds the books I asked for.'

Ye Qi was just staring forward. Xiao Ning'er was stealing glances at him repeatedly. Meanwhile, Ye Ziyun was looking at the fair-haired beauty — Ning'er — before looking at the ignorant Ye Qi who wasn't aware of the glances. Shen Xiu, apparently, gave a glance to Ye Q, as though she has something to say, then she continued explaining the lessons.

"Now, we are done for today."

Shen Xiu announced as she crossed her arms.

She expected that her student would come to as usual to ask questions, which she would be happy to answer as that would show her knowledge.

However, Ye Qi collected his stuff in his storage ring, stood up, and turned to leave through the door.

Shen Xiu narrowed her eyebrows. 'What's with him.' She had something to ask him, yet, just when she was about to, he had left.

Why life has to be hard.

She looked around, to see that her nephew's fiancee was looking at him. Tsk, she clicked her tongue. Why is that brat looking at another man?

As a woman who would join their family, she should be more polite with her eyes.

Ye Qi, who just left the class, forgetting about Ning'er and everything else, went to the library.

The Holy Orchid's Library was a place that put the awe in the eyes of anyone who sees it.

Thousands … no, tens of thousands of bookshelf were placed.

The books were in millions, or more, as Ye Qi didn't have a calculation technique.

As soon as he entered, he found a girl about 24 years old, sleeping. This was Mo Xin, one of the librarians who guards the book in the Holy Orchid Institute. She was a black-haired woman with modest chest size and big black eyes.

Because the knowledge can be too valuable some times, some commoners would try to steal the books without registering them… though the knowledge is free, no one wanted it to become exclusive to some family. The Holy Orchid Institute would have someone to guard the books against slipping away. Someone who is gold rank.

Ye Qi shook his head when she woke up. Upon seeing his face, she drew a modest smile. "Young Master Ye, how can I help you here."

Although he didn't introduce himself, he was known here.

Ye Qi shook his head. "Are there any books about Alchemy?"

She was extremely polite. "Do you want a guide on how to start with alchemy? Or do you want a book about the herbs and what the last researches say?"

Ye Qi shook his head. Those things were public knowledge and weren't the lost knowledge.

"No, I want some books about recipes of pills and elixirs."

"The well-known ones are within the library of the Alchemy Association," she stood up and walked around.

"How about the untranslated ones."

She chuckled. "No one knows their content. But still, the Alchemy association head had probably rented some of them." She looked at him with her black eyes. "But, if you excuse me. Why would you ask for someone unreadable to read."

"Just feeling curious and want to try to read."

"Hmm." She turned her face; she then looked at him again.

If a kid looked at a book every day for years, without understanding the language, he won't be able to make out the contents of the book.

But she can't offend someone from the Snow Wind Family, which happened to be the family to run this institute.

"Fine young master Ye. Please help yourself on that side. There are books that have mixed contents, and I can't tell what each one of them is about."

She then excused herself and went to the corner.

Ye Qi shook his head and let a long sigh. He was seriously frustrated. The knowledge here was too much, and he can't just read all of the books in one go.

After all, he has limited soul force, and using his skill would take time.

Ye Qi stood in front of one big shelf with very thick books. He felt sour when he looked at their size and number.

Grabbing the first book, which was in an ancient language, Qi flipped the page. Although he doesn't know alchemy too much, he can always flip the pages in the hope to see a draw of a pill or something.

Unfortunately for him, this was a world based on the ancient times of cultivations. People would give the recipe and they won't draw it. When this idea hit him, Ye Qi took four books and sat at a table.

Taking the first book in his hand, he knew that it talked a bit about arrays and inscriptions.

<<The Eye of the Present and Past>>

Activating this skill, his eyes shone in silver colour.

Ye Qi started having flashes of the past of the book.

He somehow could see a faint image of the writer, writing the book and drawing the inscriptions.

Each word that had been written, Ye Qi could understand the intent behind it.

Ye Qi found his brain getting full with knowledge

. As more words were being written, inscriptions being drawn, Ye Qi was finding himself imitating the writer.

He could write the words and the inscriptions!

Not only he got the information, but the experience of the writer.

'Holly Shit!' he was learning the language.

Ye Qi opened his eyes all of the sudden to find himself in the present.

He blinked twice and looked around. Mo Xin was at her place, and she has yet to take a nap.

He didn't know how much time had passed here, but if his assumption is correct, it wouldn't pass a minute.

Ye Qi felt a bit tired, as a portion of his soul force was used. However, he still can go for more few rounds.

Ye Qi held the current book in his hand, and he could understand the written words. A cheeky smile appeared on his face. He could be considered a genius to know the Snow Empire Language, a part of it at least, and he, now, knows how to write few inscriptions, giving the experience of the author he had gotten.

Ye Qi held the other books.

He felt, given how much soul force he has now, he would be able to use his skill on more than 4 books.

He picked up the rest of the books, which talked about random topics, which he didn't understand as they were in another language.

After his eyes turned silver for few times, Qi found that he learned more things. One of the books talked about the Demon Beasts, and how they have a ranking and talent, and how to tell that.

The other one talked about making drugs and potions with specific herbs, to use them on demon beasts.

The rest two were just some romance genre book. The last one was about weapons crafting.

The funny thing. Not only Ye could understand the books and learn. But he had got the understanding of the writer himself from the book.

That's better than being able to read the book — to understand it with a touch and gain experience from it.

Ye Qi all of the sudden felt tired. Feeling headache, he rubbed his fuzzy head.

'I need to be more careful about the use of soul force.'

He decided to look for more books, just as he just finish recuperating. He took a deep breath, and the soul force in the air was being absorbed by him. He wasn't cultivating to advance, but to get his energy back.

As he was in the middle of his recuperation, an unexpected guess came to the library to visit him.

Swaying her full hips, the red-haired beautiful teacher, Shen Xiu halted her steps as she looked at Ye Qi.

'Here he is, learning…' Shen Xiu paused for a brief as she looked at the books next to Qi, who was cultivating. As a Silver Rank spiritualist, she could see the content from far. She opened her eyes widely. Books, with ancient language… She shook her head. Though she knew that this guy is hard-working, his talent wouldn't let him go farther than golden rank in the future… just like her.

Shen Xiu had wanted to ask him something today. She had waited for him to come to her office and ask her — as usual. But to her surprise, he had left the library without asking her.

At least now she believed that he's a person who looks for knowledge and someone who is flattering her.

Giving a small smirk, which faded as soon as it appeared, the teacher sat opposite him.

Somehow, she felt the pressure coming from his soul realm.

It was high, as she could feel how much it was drawn to his body.

"Wait… 99!" Shen Xiu exclaimed her shock as Ye Qi leaked enough pressure, which was near to what a Bronze Rank Spiritualist can do.

Opening his eyes, Ye Qi saw the teacher in front of him.

Her exclamation had woken him up.

"Teacher?" Ye Qi was confused as he titled his head, before looking at her huge jiggling chest.

He wasn't dreaming, that for sure.

Is this what they call, a demon in heart, something that appear in the critical moment of cultivation… But tales of Demon and Gods never had something like this… nonetheless, Ye Qi was still comparing the size of the fat tits with his face, which looked to be equal.

"My face is up here"

When he heard her strict tone, Ye Qi snapped back and looked up to her.

"Sorry, didn't mean to. I was cultivating, and my mind was still in the meditation mood Not to mention that you are tall." Ye Qi said the excuse he found in his head.

"I know." She sighed. "Your soul force, just by now, seemed to reach 99…" Shen Xiu said, changing the topic.

"You can tell?" Ye Qi lifted his eyebrows.

"I am a Silver Rank spiritualist. Even without a Demon Crystal, I can tell that." Shen Xiu said, gulping.

That's not right.

With such a level of soul force, Ye Ziyun wouldn't be the first genius in her class, but this one.

Did the Snow Wind family hide him?

No, if they did, he wouldn't be cultivating in the library like this.

"Oh…" Ye Qi forced a smile. "Right." He then placed his hands on the table, looked down, as if thinking of an excuse, before looking up to her crimson eyes.

"In fact, it was thanks to your pointers, I was enlightened, and somehow, my soul force soared. Thank you, teacher Xiu"

Shen Xiu opened her eyes widely. Usually, praising would boost her ego. But even she can't be as arrogant to believe his claims.

She pointed at herself. "My pointers?"

"Mm…" Ye Qi nodded. "Somehow, they worked for me. And boom. You see. I'm on a verge of breaking through. I'm feeling so happy thanks to you."

Only if she knew that he is near to getting the 2nd Star Bronze Rank.

Her heart started beating faster, as even a firm person like her couldn't resist the cute praise from him.

She then sighed. "Your physical body is stronger than your peers. It can be that it helped you to absorb soul force faster. Though. Once your soul match with your body, your cultivation would progress as usual; just don't let this let you down."

Ye Qi nodded. "Probably. But I'll find you then."

"Sure." She nodded.

There was silence for a moment as she stared at him. Ye Qi decided to speak first.

"Teacher Xiu. I believe that you are not here to discuss my cultivation advances."

She made a slight frown. "As a teacher, it's only natural for me to see how my students are taking my teachings."

"You are surely a very dictated person." Ye Qi flattered here.

"But you are right. Initially, I wasn't here for cultivation, but to talk with you." Shen Xiu's face turned serious all of the sudden. "It's about my nephew. Shen Yue."


Ye Qi suddenly felt cold sweat on his back as he stared at the serious expression on Shen Xiu.

She looked like she can kill someone at this moment.

No wonder she came looking for him. She must've found out.

Guess no romance between him and her in the future.

No, he can't just give up.

Should he go and ask her for a date…

"Some bastard had beat him to a pulp! Shen Yue is refusing to talk or tell who had done that." Shen Xiu clenched her teeth and turned her red eyes.

"What!" Ye Qi opened his eyes widely, shocked by the news. "This—"

"Horrible, I know." Shen Xiu said what's in her mind.

Ye Qi didn't dare to sigh in relief in front of a Silver ranked spiritualist. She can beat him easily if she wants with the level difference.

"How…" Ye Qi asked. "When?"

Shen Yue didn't say anything since the two of them are nobles. Shen Yue would be embarrassed if he told anyone. So, probably, She Yue is planing to cultivate and take vengeance on Qi in the future, where Shen Yue would be like a mountain and Qi like an aunt, as it should be.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." She said, gritting her white pearl teeth. "That day, he had been staring at you. I thought you may have ve talked or anything after school. Do you know what happened<;"

Shen Xiu didn't suspect him since people from Major Families don't fight each other unless they fought in tournaments or in spars.

"I have no idea."

Seeing how worried the beautiful teacher is, Ye Qi extended his arm and put his hand on his future wife's hand, holding it.

Yes, he held her hand unconsciously.

Shen Xiu was surprised by his action. When she starred at his face, she only saw compassion and sympathy in his glance at her.

"I'm sorry that you had to deal with something like this." Ye Qi drew a sad expression as he bit his bottom lip.

Shen Xiu suppressed a sigh and didn't push his hand away from her. He was showing his compassion, which seemed to be genuine.

"No need to apologise. It's not your fault." She said.

"I know, it's not mine. But that doesn't mean we should ignore the responsibility of what happened to my little nephew…"

Shen Xiu opened her eyes widely.

*Ahem* Ye Qi faked a cough and continued. "My little brother and your nephew. My heart is broken to hear something like this."

He then held her hand tightly as he stared at her crimson eyes, clearly flirting with her in an indirect way.

"Thank you. I'll personally lead a team to investigate this. But if you know anything, anything…" Shen Xiu ignored the feelings that invaded her virgin body, from holding hands. She looked at Ye Qi, who looked at the right side as if the thought of something.

"Ask his servants. The people who always act like his bodyguards should know something."

Ye Qi believed that the three who tried to attack him wouldn't bring him up. However, if an investigation had happened, then Ye Qi would be exposed. It would be better for Yue's lackeys to take the blame for him.

Ye Qi wouldn't feel pity for them if something had happened. If they hesitated to beat him because he's noble, then how about the others. Surely, they had beat people from commoner families, and they deserve to taste their own medicine.

As for Shen Yue, Ye Qi was almost certain that the young master would cultivate silently and wait for the right chance to strike. By then, Ye Qi would be officially his uncle.

"His lackeys?" Shen Xiu half-closed her eyes.

"Yes. Shen Yue always walk with fighters from older classes. They should be his seniors. I believe if no one brought out why that happened, it should be them. Poor Shen Yue must feel embarrassed to say that the people he trusted were the ones to do this to him."

"These damn commoners!" She stood up, angry, with her hand tightly holding Qi's.

Ye Qi felt some emotions invade him when Shen Xiu held his hand tighter in a moment of anger.

Shen Xiu shut her mouth when she realised what had happened and looked down, to see that she was holding his hand. When she saw him smiling slightly at her face, as if he is feeling sorry for Shen Yue, she gently put his hand down.

"Thank you Ye Qi. I'll be happy if my little nephew hangs out with people like you."

"Worry not Teacher Xiu." He said. 'I'm his future uncle. I'll discipline him if necessary.' He didn't say this part.

With her hips swaying, Shen Xiu left. Ye Qi wasted no moment and stared at her butt as she left. He then looked at his hand, which held hers.

"There are sparks. I feel them." He murmured to himself, before trying to complete his objective here.