
Tbate : A Journey Through Worlds

The protagonist, once blessed with unparalleled strength, riches, and influence in a realm controlled by dungeons and monster gates, has been reborn in a society where magic reigns supreme. With a fresh lease on life, he embarks on a quest to comprehend his purpose in this unfamiliar world, forging new connections along the way. Notably, his twin brother has also been reincarnated, adding an intriguing dynamic to their journey. Embarking on this incredible odyssey, brace yourself for an Adventure filled with boundless Joy, exhilarating Thrills, and a captivating sense of Wonder. As we traverse through diverse worlds, prepare to be immersed in the enchanting tapestry of sights, sounds, and emotions that will ignite your passion for exploration. Let the AJTW experience ignite your soul and leave an indelible mark on your heart... [WARNING: Storyline is the same as the novel, but with a nice twist. My twist.] [Also Please comment and share your thoughts, so I can improve myself and my fanfic]

Daoistn1i8mh · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs



His eyes widened as the sword was held high in the air and attempted to block it with his shield, as it was brought down. He gasped as the sword broken through and slashed him.

The sword tore into his shoulder. He felt his shirt and skin rip and blood begin to flow freely.

He wanted so badly to move, to fight back, to run away, but he couldn't do anything. Even if

he wasn't too injured to move, he was paralyzed with the poison and the curse that he had gained from his previous floor level.

He was always brave and strong, never weak or scared, he had proven it multiple times now. People who had doubted him and his intentions, he shut them up with his pure and raw power and talents.


He had no idea how long the boss was looking at him, staring at him to get up. It angered him no less. The boss retreated back to him throne, and by the time he stopped over bleeding he received a message update.


[System Update]


Termination in progress :




He vaguely heard a click behind him and

groaned at the door that was slammed so loud that he felt his head cracked open. Several elite soldiers, he remembered defeating strolled in the room.

He could do nothing as he was roughly shoved by one of them towards the boss, releasing a silent groan as his shattered leg was jostled and knocked against the stairs uncaringly.

He stared through heavily lidded eyes, one blinded by blood, at the wooden floor under his outstretched, limp hand. He could see something dark spreading slowly but steadily under his

hand and he knew it was blood pouring from his shredded arm. He twitched his fingers, letting them ghost over the blood pool. It was warm and sticky and coated his fingertips. Dust hovered around him as his breathing disturbed it on the floor. His shaky breaths echoed in his ears and in the silence of the room. He wanted it to end, something to change. He couldn't handle it anymore; the endless fighting, fighting for people who are gone, who have left him and fighting for people who don't care or respect him.

Was this really what he deserved, what his life was meant to be, what he was

worth? For all he'd been through in and for the world to protect it as had been

implied was his responsibility, was this meant to be his reward? Was he meant to lose everything, be alone for the sake of the world? Why was pain all he could have? Everyone had someone, had a place. Where was his? Where did he belong? Would anyone ever want him for him, not for what he'd done or could do?

He forced his eyes back open as they fluttered closed, but was unable to keep them open. He felt his consciousness spiralling and he had no more strength to stay awake.

He wants a real home, he thought absently.

He was unaware of the impact his words had on the tentative power that surrounded him.

He did feel a pressure in his chest but attributed it to his injuries as he succumbed to the unconsciousness inviting him to leave behind his pain and despair, at least for a time.

With all his monologue, he did realize what was happening around him. What the boss, the King was casting on him. He didn't notice the elite knights kneeling for him. He did heard some words being spoken to him, but didn't understand them.

He had no idea that the moment he was unconscious, the pressure in his chest grew and he disappeared from castle, from the dungeon and he appeared on a warm and nice pair of arms.


Their voices are always pleasant to hear as it meant that he is home and safe. The curtains were drawn, so it was difficult to see what was happening outside, but it could be their father training again, or maybe some of the children from the neighboring home is play nearby. So many possibilities.

Everything as a baby is so hazy and blurry. Loud and big. Children are a lot more sensitive than he thought.

He remembers waking up and opening his eyes, his father had picked him up and tried to get him to talk. He was so confused and surprised, he got have to foreseen this second chance.

'I was reborn!'

And immediately he tried to remember his last moments before death as **** ****. His head would just respond by pulsing in pain. It already hurts, so it was so much more painful. He could feel tears, flowing freely from his eyes. It's was so weird, he has never cried before and not even an hour after his rebirth, he was crying and he didn't have the strength to stop them.

He learnt his name that day and that he was a younger twin brother. He's name, Alistair Leywin and his twin brother, Arthur Leywin. After receiving that information he decided to closed his eyes and drift off to sleep.

Unfortunately he soon learnt sharing a sleeping crib with his usually active brother, who is always up and up, was tiring.

Even now, there was a gentle noise besides me, continously moving. He would block it if he could, but he can't.

He makes a noise of protest, his jaw muscles still weak. He was so weak it surprised him that a person can be this weak, maybe his suspicious twin had a point. Thinking too much hurts this body's brain, it pain him but mostly it was irritating him. He just wanted to sleep now.


A discovery!

It's been three or four months now. He wasn't quite sure, but time has passed. He discovered that he was no longer on earth, his earth or world. He was in a fantasy like world, he gathered that there was no electricity like his earth or world, people here have natural magic and not a system, and lastly : 100 coppers = 1 silver and 100 silvers = 1 gold. Joking but last, the two parents of this body, one of them can use healing magic and the other was a former adventurer.

He decided to join his brother in his daily movement, it has been very progressive.

A blurry figure that so tall, towering over them. Two large, clawed hands reaching out for him as he was suddenly lifted up into his father's arms, Reynolds Leywin.

His father began saying something, but he could not understand. The language sounded similar to either Korean or English, not even close to Latin. All he was do was wave his arms, kick the and roll around.

His father continued to speak and Alistair couldn't help but look at his features. He has seen how his brother looks like. Arthur had short auburn brown hair and large bright azure eyes. He had a small round face. Since they are twins Alistair assumed that's what he also looked like.

He touched his father's face, then his face and looked at his father hoping he understood. His father said something, like usual Alistair couldn't understand so he just giggled and it worked, because he took Arthur out of their crib and they went to the other side of the room.

'I look so adorable!'

He kept touching the mirror and unknowingly, he and Arthur were mirroring themselves. He turned to Arthur, and poked his cheek. Arthur looked at him and poked his cheek back. He giggled at his angry face, and pulled him into a baby hug. Their father was dying of cuteness in the background and unfortunately for their mother she went to the market. She felt a disturbance in the natural force of motherhood.


'Arthur is also reincarnated.' was the first thought he had when Arthur first snuck at of their crib. He should have known earlier, by the way he demonstrated more mature characteristics. Always searching around with his intelligent blue eyes. Sometimes staring at Alistair almost as if trying to communicate, he would sometimes try to do the same thing.

He was very happy about it, even intrigued. They were not ordinary babies, Arthur couldn't care less about being a baby. Everything he does Interested him and it was funny watching their mother or father drag him back into the room.

All he did was eat, watch what was happening by the window, play with Arthur, and sleep. It was boring, but he needed boring for what he had gone through in his previous life.

Occasionally he helped Arthur get out of their crib fast and sleep, but today he followed him. Arthur was definitely surprised, but lead the way. Crawling was so much work and a hastle, he has to walk soon. He didn't care if he six or seven months, he doesn't keep track.

Once they got to the room, Arthur crawled to the big bookshelf and pulled out a book underneath the bookshelf. He opened it in front of Alistair, who could not understand some of the things but instead started memorizing the book - hopefully his baby brain could handle this.

They were never left alone for too long, mother always checked them every hour or sometimes two hours, depending on the day, so eventually she came looking for us : "I see you have joined your brother. I swear, you both are going to

become as hard to manage as your father" she said immediately picking us up.

He knew from that moment, this was the beginning of something big...