
tangled but twisted

It was a summer's morning birds were chirping outside the park's residence and there was a girl who was sleeping in her bedroom and someone is disturbing her !

Let me sleep ! Don't disturb me ! Said park roseo in sleep .

Oh ! No problem you said you are excited for your third year in your collage but if you aren't interested to go so sleep well ! Said her brother Damian.

Oh no ! I am late ! Cried park roseo and fall from her bed !

Oh roseo ! Why are you wasting your time by studying more and more you have completed your studies a year ago why don't you get married to a handsome men ? Asked her brother Damian.

You know I hate men ! Yelled roseo angrily! And I don't want to get married don't you dare to ask again it to me ! If you did so I will kick your ass !

Okay ! Okay ! Do what you like I'm just suggesting you because I'm your brother !  Said Damian and rushed out .

Ahh ! I hate boys ! Said roseo and went to have a bath !

Roseo hate's boys from childhood there was a short story behind it ....

Eight years ago....

Roseo was ten Year old girl and she is the student of class seventh.

Roseo had a crush on one boy that time he was a handsome cute boy his name was ji hoon .

Soo on valentines day roseo bought a chocolate for ji hoon to express her love for him .

Ji hoon was sitting on his seat by window and roseo went to him.

Hii ! Roseo said half shyly.

Hii ! What do you want ? Asked ji hoon.

I ' I ' have something for you ' and if you don't mind I want to say something to you ! Said roseo.

Hmm ! Go on ' said ji hoon .

Here ' I have a chocolate for you and I want to say something but ' hesitated roseo.

Choco ! Thanks ! You are so good roseo ' tell me what do you want to say .

Will you be my valentine ji hoon ? I had a crush on you from class third ' and I like you very much ' said roseo.

What ! What did you say ? You had a crush on me ? You want me as your Valentine ! Oh no ! But I already have a crush ! Laughed ji hoon .

W ' what ? Cried roseo.

Yeah I have a crush on park dandan your sister ! So better luck next time roseo ' said ji hoon ' and thanks awfully for chocolate.

Roseo was fully shocked and she can't bear it any more and she kicked ji hoon very hard and she slapped him very well.

From that incident roseo hate's boys and never had a crush anymore.

Present .....

Roseo was wearing her shoes and her mom and dad was staring at her.

Why are you staring at me ? Asked roseo.

We are watching that you are ignoring us ! why are you wasting our money in your extra education and in silly deeds why don't you get married ? Said her mom.

Shut up mom ! Ask your daughter dandan why don't I get married ! Said roseo and rushed out.

What did dandan do ? She always seems angry with her ! Why ? Said mr. Chul ( roseo's dad  ) .

I don't know ! Said mrs. Ji ho .

Oppa ! I need some money to buy a new dress for me ' said dandan sitting on a chair.

Aww ! What about the dress you bought yesterday from mall ? Asked mr. Chul .

Ah ' ahh ' ahhhh ' hmm yeah roseo took it ! Said dandan.

I knew it ! You can take money how much you want from my wallet go my princess aren't you getting late look your friend kim jade is waiting for you outside ' said mr. Chul.

W ' what ? Jade ? Oh no ! Said dandan and went out .

Hii ! Good morning dandan ! Said jade standing under a tree .

Why are you here you know if roseo see you so you know what will happen to you she will beat you very well ! Said  dandan.

I know but she is gone for college ' didn't she ? Said jade.

Yeah ! But if she finds out that we both love each other and you were been her lover in high school she will kill you and I don't want to lost you ! Said dandan.

Aww ! I don't want to lost you too ! Said jade and they both kissed because they both love each other from class eleventh.

Now for college ! But I want to buy a dress for me so we will go shopping mall first ! Said dandan.

Ok let's go ! Said jade and they both went away.

Roseo who has been went for college a hour ago was reached now and she was walking to her classroom but suddenly she got bumped to a boy amd and she saved herself from falling on the boy ..

Oh no ! I'm sorry ! I didn't want to do it ! Said the boy .

Oh really ? Said roseo and kicked the boy on his back very hard and said don't you dare to do it again stupid little fellow ! I hate boys !

But I why did you kick me ? I'm sorry ! Said the boy.

Shut up you brute ! Said roseo and went away.

Roseo want to become a archeologist and writer so she attends three classes a day !

One of architecture second of writers and third of psychology because she likes to read minds ! Now she is in archaeology's class.

Hey roseo ! What's up ? You are looking like you've got something in your mind ! Said roseo's friend kim shinnobu .

Yeah ! A silly boy ! Anyway where Mrs. Lee didn't she is late ! Said roseo.

Yeah and you know that there is one more new student this year in our class  he is a boy his name is ji hoon ! Said shinoobu.

What ? What did you say ! Ji hoon ? Said roseo in surprise.

Yeah he is so cool and handsome I saw him yesterday at principal's office ' said shinoobu.

I will kill him ! Cried roseo and banged her hands on desk ! He betrayed me !

W ' what happened ? You're looking so angry ! Said shinoobu.

I can't tell you ! Said roseo .

Why ? Hmmm ! I know he is the guy from whom you are in love in seventh class yeah ! But he likes your sister dandan and you beat him very well ! Yeah I was there when you were beating ji hoon I was sitting after him ! Said shinoobu laughing.

Ahh ! You remembered it ! Anyway time to teach him a lesson again ! Said roseo with a evil grin .

No ! Not again ! Said shinoobu.

Shut up !  Said roseo but suddenly she went red !

You still love him ! Your face is explaining everything ! Said shinoobu.

No ! I just hate him ! He is in relationship with my sister dandan for seventh class and I'm alone ' said roseo .

Aww ! Don't worry I'm with you ! Hey look he is the guy I've seen before ! Your seventh class crush ! Ji hoon ' said shinoobu pointing at a handsome tall boy.

He is the guy I've meet in passage of first floor ! He is ji hoon ! Said roseo in surprise.

Ji hoon walks inside the classroom and every girl in class was staring at him because he was so handsome ! Ji hoon saw roseo on first desk and went stepped a good distance away from her.

Soon their teacher Mrs. Yoshimitsu san enters in classroom!

Good morning class ! I'm going to mark attendance so be quiet ! Not a whisper ! Clear ! Said Mrs. Yoshimitsu.

Yes Mrs. Yoshimitsu ! Said whole classroom.

Mrs. Yoshimitsu starts calling out names of students but when she called park roseo ' ji hoon stand's up in surprise and stared at roseo .

What happened ji hoon? You're looking quite shocked ' anything happened ? Asked mrs. Yoshimitsu.

No ' no mrs. Yoshimitsu !   I'm just looking for my pen which fall from my hands ' said ji hoon.

Okay ' now students open your books of archeology ' and open the page 209 chapter 25 ' under the pyramid ! Said said Mrs. Yoshimitsu.

After an hour the class finished and Mrs. Yoshimitsu leaves the classroom ' and the students start making noises '' ji hoon saw roseo putting the book in her bag and he decided to went to her because he want to say something to her.

Ahh ' mmm ' um ' park roseo '' said ji hoon.

What do you want ? Said roseo giving ji hoon a angry look .

I want to say something to you park roseo ' said ji hoon.

But I don't want to listen anything from you ' get lost from here before I kick your ass ! Said roseo .

I'm not in relationship with your sister dandan '' yelled ji hoon and whole classroom stared at him .

W' what did you say ! Said roseo in surprise.

Yeah ! It's true me and dandan were in relationship for one year but when final exams of class seventh started dandan sit's behind me and it was a science exam ...

Dandan : hey ' hey ' ji hoon ' tell me question number four ! I don't know anything about biology ' it's a silly question ' what is the process of reproduction in humans ? .

( Eight years ago )

Ji hoon : here copy it ....

Dandan copy's the question from ji hoon then ...

Dandan : now tell me question number five ' what is zygote?

Ji hoon : I don't know about this question ! I didn't learn it ..

Dandan : what ? Okay ! So tell me question number six !

Ji hoon : I'm sorry but I also don't know this question !

Dandan : what ! You don't know question number five either six ! You're an idiot !

Ji hoon : idiot ! I'm not a idiot ! I always prepared for exams but you ! You always copy my answers you're such a silly girl !

Dandan : silly girl ! Okay so let's broke our relationship ! We are no more lovers !

Ji hoon : yeah your sister was right ! That dandan is very clever ! I'm happy I'm no longer your slave.


What ! So why didn't dandan telled me first that she broke her relationship with you ! Said roseo.

I don't know ! But I still love you ! Yeah that true that I was in love with your sister but when she broke her relationship me I came to realise that you're a girl who came in my dreams !

Said ji hoon.

You love me ! Huh ! What do you think I will become your girlfriend ! Never ! Dream on ji hoon ! Said roseo .

I will make your heart mine ! Said ji hoon.

Oh really ! Said roseo ' but how can you forget it if you dare to do anything I don't like so I will kick your ass !

Ahh haa ! My roseo ! I will get your heart anyhow ! Said ji hoon and blinks his left eye .

W' what ! He ' he just blinked his eye to me ! Murmured roseo going red .

U'm someone's heart is beating fast ! Said shinoobu grinning.

Shut up ! And tell me why Mrs. Carol didn't come today for teaching psychology ' why ? Asked roseo.

She is ill ! So for few days our psychology class will be a free period ' cheer up ' said shinoobu.

Oh ' so I'm going back home I don't want to waste my time I will be good at home ' said roseo and went away.

Hey where is she going ? Asked ji hoon to shinoobu.

Home ' do you want me to tell her address '' ji hoon ! Said shinoobu .

Yeah ! Please do tell me shinoobu ' said ji hoon.

Okay ' okay ! she lives in kim zoriya 's colony house number 6 said shinoobu.

Oh thank you so much shinoobu ! Said ji hoon and went away.

I hope he will get success in his love ' said shinoobu grinning.

When roseo reached home she found dandan sitting on a chair wearing headphones and dancing like a mad .

You're a brute ' you didn't tell me the truth about you and ji hoon ! Yelled roseo.

W ' what happened ? Said dandan putting down the headphones.

Really ! What happened in class seventh ' yelled roseo .

Oh ' sorry roseo ' I was just going to tell you about ' but how do you know that ? Asked dandan .

Ji hoon ' telled me ! So you're inrelationship with ji hyun woo am I right ? Asked roseo.

Oh no ' he is a rascal ! Anyway don't tell mom and dad about it please roseo

Said dandan.

I will tell them ! Mom !!! Dad !!! Bro !!! Come here ' there is something you must know ! Said roseo loudly.

No ' please don't ! Pleaded dandan ' I'm sorry to kill your love !

Shut up ! Said roseo laughing evily.

Soon mr. Chul and Mrs . Ji ho enters in living room with Damian.

Why are you both girls making noice ! Asked mr. Chul .

Thers is something dad you must know about dandan ! She is in relationship with jade ' said roseo ' and she is inrelationship with him for eleventh class.

What ! Cried Damian at once !

Oh my goodness ' said mrs. Ji ho .

It's a good news for all us ' didn't it mrs. Ji ho ' said mr . Chul .

What do you mean dad ? Are you happy with her ? Asked roseo.

Yes we are ! She is not like you to be being alone whole life ' dandan my princess don't you show us your love to us ' said Mr. Chul .

Of course ' oppa ' I will call him said dandan giving a funny look to tease roseo.

W' what ! You all are just ..... I am going in my bedroom don't you all dare to disturb me ! Cried roseo and rushed out.

Roseo directly went in her bedroom and jumped over her bed !

My mom and dad didn't understand me ' said roseo to herself ' she closed her eyes and fell asleep when she opens her eyes shd saw it's morning! It's early six ' and she also saw a glittering box on terrace.

What's it ? She said and picked it up ' something was written on it ...

She read's it ..

For park roseo..

Happy birthday my love..

What ! She said in surprise she opens the box and found a diamond ring inside it glittering amazingly and there was a short note with it she reads it ..

( note )

Dear roseo ..

Happy birthday..

I'm so glad about you because you're now 21 years old and you're becoming more beautiful from rose really ...

From - your love ❤.

I'm sure ji hoon did it ! But this ring is so beautiful ' he also remember my birthday' he is ' no no no ' I hate boys how can I fall for him ' said roseo and put the ring in her closet .

She have a bath then she dressed herself and went away without saying a word to her family.

She directly went to college and stand's under a tree crying...

My mom and dad is very bad ...they didn't wish me my birthday ' I will never talk to them ' ..

Suddenly roseo saw ji hoon coming towards her he had a rose in his hands and he was smiling at her .

Happy birthday my love ' said ji hoon giving rose to roseo ' ..

How dare you to giving me a rose and that ring ! Begin roseo ' you know I hate you ' and you are such a idiot who is mad on me ' why !

Roseo was saying on and on suddenly ji hoon came closer to her and kissed her on her lips ' and roseo went shocked.

I don't know what do you think about me but I love you ' and that kiss wasn't just a kiss it was the feelings of my heart said ji hoon and went away .

He ' he just kissed me ' no way ' I was kissed by a boy whom I hate ! But once I love ' no what I'm saying ' leave it ! I'm getting late for my class !

The day in the college passed quickly and roseo went sad when she saw her best friend was absent today on her birthday even she didn't message her happy birthday !

I'm so sad ' only that guy wish me my birthday but I ' just hate him ! Said roseo as she reached to her home ! When she open the door she found many gifts ' on like a tower !

Woah ' it's amazing ' ...

Happy birthday roseo ' cried shinoobu and jumped on her '

You remembered ' it I'm so happy ' said roseo.

Ahh ! I didn't done it alone your sister mom and dad and your brother everyone helped me in it to give you a awesome surprise ' said shinoobu.

Thanks everyone ' said roseo happily and she cut the cake and she danced she enjoyed very much and at last she went in her bedroom when the party is over !

I think they don't have feelings for me but I was wrong ' said roseo and ji hoon he kissed me ! I can't stop thinking about him .

Next morning when roseo wake she found her mom and dad with her brother staring her with wide open eyes '.

What happened ? Why are you all staring me ? Is anything is wrong ' said roseo.

Nah ' we are going tokyo to attend sukasa's wedding and we don't want you with us to bother us all way that's why we've asked one boy who shifted yesterday in next apartment near our house he is your classmate ' he will stay with you for a week at home to take care of you and keep an eye on you his name is ji hoon ' said Mr. Chul.

What ? No way ! Ji hoon ! Why ! Yelled roseo.

Because he is good enough to keep an eye on you ' now we are going ' we are just waiting for you to tell you about ' now byy see you after a week darling ' ji hoon is downward in living room! Said Mrs. Ji ho and went away.

Byy silly rosee ' said Damian and went away.

But what about dandan ? Asked roseo ' isn't she going with you !

No ' she is gone with jade to londen because jade wants to introduce her to his family ' anyway byy ' said mrs. Ji ho and went away.

So ! He will stay with me ' nooo ! I can't he is ' unbearable! He always try to.... ! I'm hungry I must have a bath then breakfast ' said roseo and went to have a bath.

Roseo went down after a bath and she found ji hoon reading a book '.

What are you doing ? Asked roseo.

I'm just waiting for you because your mom and dad said that we will go college together ' here have breakfast 'said ji hoon.

No way ' I'm not going with you ' just leave me ' and when did you shifted here ? Asked roseo.

Yesterday ' when you were cutting the cake ! Said ji hoon ' anyway if you Dont want to go with me you can ' but I'm going ' so see you in classroom ' said ji hoon and went away.

Thank god ' said roseo and eat's the breakfast then she locked the door and put the key in her pocket and went away.

The day in college passed quickly and roseo went first because she don't want to go home with ji hoon ' she opens the door and went in ..

Finally ' for peace ! She yawned suddenly someone knocks the door '' she opens the door and to her intense surprise she saw ji hoon on the door ' what are you doing here ? She asked.

I'm here to keep an eye on you ' your mom and dad said that I will stay in Damian's bedroom ' so here am I ' said ji hoon.

What ! Said roseo ' I had to sleep alone in my bedroom with a boy who will sleep just in a room which is left side of my bedroom ' oh no ' thought roseo 'suddenly she came to think about the ring ' which ji hoon give her !

She stands up and opens her closet and found the ring ' it's diamond was shining like a star in moonshine ' she gazed it .

Why I'm staring it ? She said ' and put the ring back in her closet and finally sleep out .

Two hours after roseo got awake because she felt thirsty and she looked at her watch it was half past ' she went out and found the light of room in which ji hoon was sleeping is turned on and the door was little open too so she decided to find out what he is doing at this late hour !

She peeped from the door and found ji hoon studying waaand and

He is studying at this late hour ' oh my goodness he is aware for his studies!

Anyway why am I standing here ' I must drink water then sleep !

Roseo drinks the water and went in her bedroom she jumped on her bed and fell asleep ' next morning she was awakened by ji hoon ! Who was knocking her bedroom's door.

Hey ' roseo ! Wake up ' said ji hoon.

Don't disturb me I'm sleepy ! Said roseo.

But today is last day of college ' don't you want to meet your friends on last day before summer vacations starts? Asked ji hoon.

Oh yes ' I almost forgot about it ' said roseo and jumped from bed then she opens the door ' so why are you here ? She asked.

I'm here to wake you and call you down for breakfast ! Said ji hoon.

You'd know how to cook ? Asked roseo in surprise.

Yeah I'm a expert in it ' you can have a bath then breakfast I'm downwards in kitchen frying an egg for you ' said ji hoon and went down.

Amazing he study hard he can also cook he is a handsome cute boy too ' said roseo ' no what am I saying !

Roseo came down after having a bath and she found ji hoon frying egg ' .

Hey ' where is my breakfast? Said roseo.

Just a second ' ms. Roseo ' said ji hoon pretending like a waiter ' and serving fried eggs and coffee in a tray .

He ' looks cute ' as he serves down the egg ' his blue eyes are shining like a cat and .... no what am I thinking ? Thought roseo.

Hey ' roseo ! Where do you lost ? Asked ji hoon .

No ' nothing ' I was just .... thinking about my homework ' said roseo.

Really ' no problem ' here have your breakfast ' said ji hoon.

Thanks ' well what are your plans in these summer vacations? Asked roseo.

Well ' I will stay here with you for a week until your family come back ' then I will go to busan because my mom wants to introduce me to a girl ' because she want's me to marry her ! Said ji hoon.

What ? So you will marry her ? Asked roseo.

I don't know ! I didn't tell her yet that I love you ' but I'm afraid if I didn't get your heart so what will I do ! That's why I will go busan and see the girl ! Said ji hoon.

Ahhh ' that's great ' said roseo' I'm  done from eating ' let's go !

What did you say ! Did you say let's go ! Together ? Said ji hoon startled .

Ahh ' don't take out that meanings about it ' I'm just asking you ' as a classmate not a friend nor a silly lover ' said roseo.

Okay ' I'm coming ! Said ji hoon in excitement he picked up his bag and went out !

Let me lock the door ' said roseo and shut's the door.

They both went to college both of them were getting red ' especially roseo ' when they reached in college they found shinoobu with hikaru sitting on a bench .

What am I seeing ? Roseo with a boy ! Unbelievable ' said shinoobu and went to roseo.

Hii ' good morning shinoobu ' said roseo.

Good morning ' is my eyes were seeing truth or am I dreaming ! Said shinoobu.

What are you saying ? I didn't understand ' said roseo.

I'm saying did ji hoon made you ' ? Said shinoobu .

What are you saying ? Do you want to have a slap ? We just came together because of my mom and dad ' said roseo.

Oh ' I see ! Said shinoobu ' well why he is standing here ' she said pointing to ji hoon.

No I was just doing nothing ' said ji hoon and went away quickly.

The day in college passed quickly and roseo was going alone ' and the weather was changed too dark clouds were over the sun and strong wind was blowing around ' roseo hairs was streaming in the air and she wasn't able to tie them because wind was too strong.

Ahh ' I had to go home quickly ' before the rain starts ' and suddenly great drops of rain start falling down from clouds and roseo run quickly but suddenly she got slipped ' and her head got bumped to a tree and she fainted away !

When roseo open her eyes she found herself in her bedroom ' and ji hoon was sitting on a chair reading a manga !

When did I reached home ? I remember I was bumped to a tree then I don't know what was happened ! Said roseo.

Hey ' you are awake ' said ji hoon .

How did I get here ! Said roseo.

I take you here on my back ' anyway you must have rest ' look ' here is sardines and meat for you with water you can have it whenever you feel hungry ' if you need anything so call me I'm in next room 'said ji hoon and went away.

He saved my life ' said roseo ' he truly loves me ' and I think me too ' I can't hide my feelings anymore to him !

Roseo stands down from the bed and went out from her bedroom ' she peeped inside in Damian's room and found ji hoon studying she went inside and ji hoon stand's up in surprise !

Why are you here ? He said ' if you need anything so you can call me why did you come here ?

I can't hide my feelings anymore ' ji hoon ! Said roseo and come closer and closer to ji hoon ' and kissed him .

Ji hoon was fully surprised ' but he'd like it .

Roseo hugged ji hoon tightly ' and said thanks for everything ' you're the my only love who saved my life ji hoon.

You're too my love ' said ji hoon.

Let's get married !  Said roseo eagerly.

Now ! Why ? Without parents ? Said ji hoon.

Yeah ' we will give them surprise ' said roseo.

Okay so let's go ' said ji hoon.

They both went to a shopping mall and buy a wedding dress for themselves then they dressed themselves in changing room and they went directly to church ' they asked a priest for their marriage and he agreed .

They put rings in each other hands then they agreed that they accept each other then they kissed .

Finally ' we are married ' let's inform my family first ! Said roseo ' suddenly she saw dandan in wedding dress with jade in entrance of the church!  Hey ' dandan ! She yelled!

Dandan ' was surprised to see roseo with ji hoon and she was more

surprise'd to see her in wedding dress in church !

You're married ! Oh my goodness ' why didn't you tell me first ! Said dandan.

And you are going to marry too without mom and dad! Said roseo!

I'm already married! Said dandan.

What ! When ? Asked roseo in surprise.

When you enter in church I went out with jade but we didn't see each

other ' said dandan.

So what about mom and dad? Asked ji hoon.

Let's call them ' a video call ! Said roseo.

Hey look mom is already calling me a video call ' said dandan ' she pick it up !

Hey you're married to jade without us ! Said Mrs. Ji ho.

Not only me mom ! Roseo too ! Said dandan laughing.

What ! Cried Mr. Chul .

Yeah it's true mom ! Said roseo ' showing herself with ji hoon on phone.

Oh my god my dream ' is become true ! Said Damian jumping.

Finally we're in love ! Said ji hoon and roseo kissed him .

And their tangled twisted story finally got settled and roseo with ji hoon start living happily ! So on dandan with jade! 

And the tangled twisted love story was finished now ...

The end ❤.

By - kyoya tategami 💜💜