
Tamers and Bonds

A young man finds his way through a world revolving around taming and evolving beasts while steadily fighting against the evils of the world.

omeroford · Fantasía
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71 Chs

Chapter 34. Chosen

Ash laid on the floor close to death while the meat heads were in the fight of their life. Strangely enough, Alvin seemed to disappear and it went unnoticed.

The Stone-Armored Woodland Ape ferociously fought while being suppressed in the formation. The meat heads had taken out their bonds and were fighting with all they had. The seven meat heads had physical type bonds. Two of them had Tri-horned boars, four of them had orangatang bats, and the last one had a heroic pup.

The ape was locked in the formation as the tri-horned boars performed [violent charge]. The boars were creatures with immense vitality and strength, their tusks sharp enough to run a man through like butter. Their tamers road on top ready to assist.

The orangatang bats were beefy rat like creatures with wings, they were blind but their hearing and feel for vibration more than made up for that. They hovered in the air releasing [debilitating screams]. An attack that decreases the target's flexibility and defense.

As for the heroic pup, it stood upright with tuffs of golden fur on its forehead. The rest of its body covered in grey fur; a creature born with an innate knowledge of fighting that could potentially rival masters. The other five tamers surrounded the ape.

The initial charge went bad as the ape hastily jumped into the sky and latched onto one of the bats. The orangatang bat struggled as the ape used [stone spike]. The floor where the boars were charging became filled with a maze of spikes. All of the tamers and their beasts scrambled. The formation of the boys became messy.

"Fuck, that thing shoulda been docile. The plan ain't workin. " -Taotie school boy

"We have to kill this thing, it's what we came here for. You know we'll be in trouble if we don't."- Another Taotie school boy

All of the boys grimaced because they had to dig their heals in. This was was an e class beast close to e+. They were all at the limit of e-. Reluctantly all of the boys performed a hand sign as energy radiated off of an emblem on their pants.

Unfortunately the ape they wanted to kill wasn't staying still. Using it's feet it pushed off hard, rocketing the bat to the floor. The bat maneuvered as it coiled its wings together as if hugging itself. It had successfully prevented being stabbed by the spikes but still slammed into the ground, injuring it.

The ape was falling to the floor but focused its energy on one of its spikes to elongate it. The ape used the spike to hop at one of the other bats. This time the boys reacted in tandem. They used the formation which sent the ape spiraling into the ground.

The ape got up but was rammed on its side by both Tri-horned boars. The ape slid and knocked through some of the stone spikes. The heroic pup appeared in front of the ape hitting it flying as the bats worked in unison attacking with [Leper's beam].

The ape used the defensive skill [dead wood] and hardened its body as it got oriented. The tamers launched their emblems at the ape. The emblem resembled a Taotie, once the emblems hit the ape a suction force was emitted as the ape lost huge amounts of energy. Alarmed the ape painfully roared and tried to grab the emblems but the emblems acted like parasites and dug into the stone armor of the beast before settling. Energy seeped through the pierced sections slowly as it floated towards the boys.

At this point the stone armored woodland ape used [Leaf blade]. All of the surrounding trees became barren as the leaves became razor sharp. The leaves attacked the bonds and their tamers. However, a portion of the grass blades hung in the air like an umbrella, seemingly waiting for something. The leaves hanging in the air were getting sharper and sharper.

Swords of dark green leaves sped toward the boys as they dodged. The ape then used [sprout], as it threw a bunch of seeds from its arm. The seeds quickly started to sprout as thorny trees grew. The area of the formation was now filled with spikes and sharp forestry.

The ape was purposely changing the surroundings to give it an advantage. It didn't show because of it's sturdy nature but the creature was losing more and more energy. The emblems used by the Taotie sect members were working to sap it's strength.

The Taotie school members had the bats use [sonic blast] in unison. All four bats including the injured one let out screeches. Simultaneously the boys used the formation to increase the gravity around the ape, further slowing its movements.