
Tamers and Bonds

A young man finds his way through a world revolving around taming and evolving beasts while steadily fighting against the evils of the world.

omeroford · Fantasía
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71 Chs

Chapter 29. Stone-Armored Woodland ape

Ash walked into the cavern that was a mix of vegetation and stone. He had a feeling that the monster was a dual wood and earth element beast.

The cave was quiet, far quieter than he liked. He slowly walked deeper taking in his surroundings, there was one entrance and so far, that was the only exit. Of course, those meat heads did some research, he was on a one-track path to this beast.

Ash continued to walk forward as he saw a small body of water in the middle of the cavern. He observed the water, but it was still. No signs of life inside.

He saw bushes, moss, and some angular looking trees in the surrounding. The floor was littered with pebbles and various rocks. Ash could see the other end of the cavern and was confused, as to where the beast was?

He surveyed the area with his saber drawn. Until he looked at one of the walls of the cavern. There was this big boulder with plants and vines on it. You would think it's just a boulder until you see a certain moss growing there.

It was called spring root moss, a plant like parasite that relied on symbiosis. It would attach to a wood type beast and receive nourishment. In return, the plant made it easier for beasts to absorb energy passively.

That big boulder was a Stone-armored Woodland ape, an (e) rank beast. It slept in a ball making enemies think it was a regular rock. Ash went pale as he had looked past this rock a few times in search of the target.

These creatures boasted powerful physical stats and their energy capacity was nothing to sneer at. This cave area was empty because none of the monsters in the area wanted to challenge such a creature.

Those meat heads outside were not powerful enough to kill this beast. Then again, he didn't know what kind of beasts they had.

Ash looked at the berry and pocketed it. He needed to search around so he could find an alternative to his current dilemma. He first chose the lake and dived in as quietly as he could.

In the water he found skeletons of people as well as pondweed, and arrowhead flowers. Both flowers that cleaned water but useful herbal ingredients. Ash found a metal bowel at the bottom of the pond and couldn't find anything else.

He only had so much time before the group outside got suspicious. He was frantically searching the bushes and managed to find some iron berries. Running short on time he then searched the rocks on the ground for things to make a fire with.

The bowl would act as a cauldron as he ground up the herbal ingredients except the pulu berry. He added some pond water and carefully made a fire.

'Mom always said an herbalist thinks on his feet. I know I can make something useful out of this.'

Before he could set the mixture on the fire he felt a violent shock spread across his body and a wave of pain from Grim's link. Eyes glowing white he got up while the electricity tore across his body. The group of muscle heads were telling him to hurry up.

Setting the mixture on the makeshift fire, he let it simmer. He was receiving pressure from both ends. The group outside was eager while the beast seemed to emit audible breathing when the fire started.

A wood type in its regular habitat would be sensitive to changes. A fire not too far away from the beast wasn't too smart but beggars can't be choosers. A musky scent was emitted from the mixture, as Ash quickly took the mixture and coated his blade with it.

Ash then threw a burning branch at the surrounding vegetation. It caught fire, the beast immediately started to stir.

Ash took the opportunity to rush to the spring root moss and jammed the saber as deep and hard into the spring root moss, while simultaneously crushing the berry.

All Ash felt was air heading towards him as a fist tore through the air. He had enough time to use his saber to block but was sent flying in the direction of the exit. He was in a lucid state after smelling the berry and the beast was too.

Ash felt like time slowed as he still traveled in the air, both arms were broken and bloody. His internal organs were badly shaken as he felt death reaching out to him.

His eyes overflowed with white light as he felt death inches away. The combination of a near death experience and the pulu fruit had forced Ash enter actual enlightenment.