
Chapter 1

Alex woke up and couldn't see anything. Around him, there is complete blackness or emptiness. He holds his hands before him and can see them as plain as day. It's almost like he was floating around in outer space with nothing around him, no sun, stars, or even Earth. But if there is no light, how can I even see myself?. he couldn't understand what was happening.

"Am I dreaming, or what is going on"? He screamed out into the emptiness.

Panic starts to set in, and he can feel his pulse beginning to go up, and he starts to breathe heavier and heavier. Alex quickly shuts his eyes and shakes his head, trying to calm down. He had no sense of time and how long he had been where he was. As time passed, he could feel that he was slowly becoming calmer and calmer.

"Come now, young one."

Alex flinches and opens his eyes. Coming towards him was like a ball of light, stopping near him and hoovers there.

Too many questions are in Alex's mind. So many that his mind almost goes blank. He finally asks.

"Where am I?"¨

The light around the ball of light starts to diminish until there is only a tiny shining ball of shimmering light, which transforms into a humanoid creature and on to look more and more like a good-looking man. He has long brown hair tied up, sharp black eyes, and luxurious white robes around him.

"Young man, you are where every soul or almost every soul comes to before moving on to what's next." The man said with a half smile.

"Soul? but I have my body, I'm corporeal... I'm not dead!" Alex desperately shoots back.

"Where you are, a body or soul doesn't make any difference. Here your soul is your body. If you were to harm your so-called body, you would harm it and your soul. That said, we should probably move on since I guess you have one or two more questions".

Alex was starting to get a little angry at the smirk-like attitude of the man. But his thoughts were not as chaotic as they were before.

So he took a breath, thinking that if he was only a soul, he was probably not even breathing right now.

"How did I die?"

The man started to laugh. "Well, I don't know exactly, nor would I tell you if I knew."

Alex was now not just irritated.

"If you want me to ask questions, why will you not answer them?..."

"Fine, fine" The man raises his hands in mock surrender.

"Why don't I stir the conversation? What happened to you does not matter since it can't be changed. Henceforth is what we can do something about" he paused for a bit studying Alex's face to see if he would start to understand where he was going. But all he could see was a slightly irritated young man.

"What I want to get to. Since you didn't pass because of old age, I want to give you a chance to truly live. Not in the same world or mediocrity as on Earth but in the world from where I hail. Before I summoned your soul, I took the liberty to look into your past, and I could see some of your hopes and dreams as you lived on Earth. You see, the "God" of Earth didn't allow for a lot. He closed many doors for humans and other creatures. What he did instead was brilliant, giving the imagination to create worlds, creatures, and stories for humankind. What you don't realize is that almost all the stories from your books and fairytales are something that happens out in the universe. He gave some people the stories so they would write them down and pass on the knowledge."

This truly shocked Alex. His eyes opened up in disbelief.

"So you are saying that, for instance, Harry Potter is real?! Or Eragon or even Lord of the Rings???!" his shock made him speak or almost shout the question.

"Well, partly true, yes. Let's take Harry Potter's world, for instance. The world and the story of that boy are true and did happen. However, it didn't happen in England, as the author wrote. It was changed to fit into your world. If it was God who changed it or the author, I don't know. Now the other two you mentioned are more accurately depicted and are ongoing to this day".

Before the man could go on, about 1000 more questions popped into his mind.

"what happened to the people after the books then? What happened to Eragon, for instance, after the last book ended? Did he ever come back despite the prophecy? And who are you?"

"I don't know. He hasn't finished his search yet, so I couldn't tell you," the man answered shortly with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Now for who I am. I guess you could call me a kind of God. Not like any you can imagine and certainly not like the Gods of Earth."

"what world can you send me? Where will I go?"

"Now, that is a good question. The place I will send you is called the Divine continent, if you agree." Said the man with a genuine smile.

Alex's eyebrows quirked at the last thing the man stated, but it seemed he couldn't place it where he had heard of this place before. Or if it only sounded similar to some place he had heard of before.

"But I will not tell you more about this world. What would be the fun in that? But rest assured, you will truly be happy there. Now that you are done with your questions, or to be more accurate, I'm done answering them, and it's time for you to go. You will be reborn in this world, but I will help you with one thing: so you don't have to live your first years as a baby that can't control anything and doesn't have to remember every detail of those years. Your memories from your past life will come back to you when you are about 6-7 years old. And before your say anything, it will still be you before. You will not be jumping into someone and taking away their chance of life."

He was hearing what the man said was a relief for Alex to hear. He had read a few books and novels where the other person's soul took over and killed the other. But to be honest, to go from being a 30-something male to becoming a 6-year-old boy was not awesome either. But he didn't have to die. Speaking of which.

"Can I ask one more question, please? If you weren't here, what would have happened to me? Will, I still go to the same place when I die? my parents and friends, will I still get to see them?"

The man smiled with a peculiar smile and said, "You don't need to know just yet, do you? I do hope you have a nice life in your new world!" That took what Alex said as an agreement.

And with those words, The man reverted to the ball of light more quickly than when he became a man, and either he flew away, or Alex started to move. That was something that Alex would never honestly figure out.

The ball of light was now out of sight, saying something since there wasn't a horizon or anything. But Alex just guessed it would take a little time for things to start happening. He did feel a bit uncomfortable being where he was, though. It was still pitch black all around him, and he couldn't stop thinking about the last questions that he didn't get an answer to.

After some time, the ball of light returned, it stopped in front of Alex and changed back into the man, but it wasn't the same man. The man or, to be more accurate, the now ancient man in front of him didn't just have long hair but also a long white beard. The robes were about the same, but this man wasn't as extravagant as the first.

The old man looked at Alex and sighed.

"I was a bit late, and it seems you said yes to his question to go to his world, it seems..."

Alex was now perplexed.

"What are you talking about he asked back. And who are you?"

"Me? I'm God. I'm the deity that oversees Earth."

All Alex could muster at this point was an "oh." Nothing more.

"My boy, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I didn't think he would do this.

"What!? He did this to me" the realization started to dawn on Alex.

"Are you telling me that I died because of him?"

God looked a little puzzled and asked.

"What did the other man tell you happened exactly."

Alex started to explain everything, and during his explanation, questions began to form in his mind.

"Wait, did he know you were on your way towards us, and that is why he wanted to wrap up and not answer any more questions and send me on my way? Then did he know how I died? Did he kill me? And why me?"

After finishing his story and asking questions that didn't seem to end, God frowned and started to explain.

"Alex, let's start from the beginning of this. I do not know if he killed you. But he did take your soul away from its original path, which is what alerted me to the situation, and yes, he would know that I was on my way here." God finished with a sigh.

"So why me? What would be the point? It's not like it will help him or anything if I go to his world..."

"That is not completely true. You see, what is about to happen in his world will drain a lot of the energy from the world itself. If he can bring in your soul, he could siphon off energy and bring it along with your soul to that place, refilling it in an instance. He will quickly help his world instead of waiting for it to happen by itself would take a few centuries. But all this depends on which deity it was that took you. In that world, there are far more than one. I guess he is using the situation for this purpose, but the answer could also be something else entirely."

Alex was just about to continue speaking when God stopped him with a gesture of the hand.

"Alex, we don't have a lot of time left. I slowed down the process for now, but I can't stop it or reverse it."

"I thought he at least would explain it to you... now that being the case, do you know where you are going? which world?"

Alex shook his head in a no but answered him with, "He said I was going to a land called the divine continent. I think I have heard of it, but I can't place it."

God couldn't help to sigh once more. He stopped talking for a minute, and it looked like God was in deep thought to Alex. Alex was about to ask something when God looked up with determined eyes as if he had decided on something.

"My boy, the world you are heading towards is where the Tales of Demons and Gods Takes place. Where you on Earth followed Nie Li in the novel, and since he didn't even tell you this and because, in essence, he tricked you, I will offer you one wish, within reason, that is. And also because he stole your soul away from me" He finished with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Alex was now flabbergasted and could feel the excitement starting to well up. That was one of his absolute favorite novels. He dropped it just because of the slow update but was planning on returning to it when it was finished or the release of chapters started to pick up again.

"One wish within reason?" he said, pondering the offer. Then two things struck him, "you mean I could ask for something to bring to the other world or a power or something like that?" The second thing was that why God offered this was more likely to spite the other man.

God only laughed and nodded his head, now that Alex didn't look depressed anymore. He even seemed slightly excited.

The cogs worked furiously in Alex's mind, and he could only find three alternatives. He could one. Make up a power, hope it will help him and hope he didn't overlook anything. Or two and three ask for the power from two of the other novels he loved as much as Tales of Demons and Gods. Those two were Library of Heavens Path and Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World. He started to speak of his choices more to himself and went through them individually. He then skipped his first choice and was left with the power from either of the novels.

God that listened in on him just waited for his answer and was relieved that Alex didn't make up a power by himself, but either of the two he was talking about was truly massive wishes. But he did promise to grant a wish within reason, and they were still within reason to a God like him.

Alex finally finished his train of thought and looked up at God and said, "I would like the Space power from Bringing the farm to live in another world. is that possible?" he finished with the question hoping that it would be possible.

God thought, I thought and said in the end.

"It is possible, and I will grant this wish. I will, however, make some slight changes to the power, but you will have to find out for yourself what those changes will be," God said with a slight smile and paused before continuing.

"The changes will be pretty substantial. The only thing I will say is one of the changes I will make to it, A subspace will be formed, and you can go there by yourself or bring people along when you enter but it will not exists just because you exist. It will be a small realm by itself. It will be like the Tiny World in that essence as long as you agree they can enter, but not if you don't agree to it."

"One thing you should know about this is you will be reborn, and your memories will return to you when you are about 6-7 years old. That is what the other man told you. I will make a slight adjustment to this as well. Your memories will start to come back to you earlier, but the power I will grant you will take a few more years to manifest itself in you. Since it is a rather great power you will receive, this will most likely make you lose consciousness for a while. I can't say how long you will be out, but I'm just warning you ahead of time."

"Now, Alexander Oscar Rogue, I apologize for this, but I hope you will have a wonderful life!"

I read a lot of novels recently because I injured my back, so I couldn't do much other than lay in bed and finally decided to write one myself. I hope you will like my take on this novel with a bit of mash-up of Bringing the farm to live in another world. Regarding updates, I will release one chapter every now and then, but it may be a little inconsistent. Have a lovely day!

Valceencreators' thoughts
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