
Tales of A Drunkard and Cherry Blossoms

disclaimer: every book I post will have a minimum of 5 initial chapters. If the concept is cool to you, and you want to see more of it comment that, and I'll continue posting another 10 chapters. Most of all, I'd deeply appreciate feedback as an up and coming author. Thank you. Ever since Argonauts curse the world has been full of danger, but also wonder. Islands on the clouds Towers that pierce the stratosphere Dungeons filled with frightening beasts Demons, Angels, Gods, Titans, and Magic Beasts Enter- Itami a boy who dreams of being a hero like those of myth. Through his journey he goes through countless trials and tribulations that make him question what being a hero means. Would you like to watch it with me? If so, let's start in the beginning. FROM THE AUTHOR: This is my first novel and I'm posting it to get feedback. I did right the synopsis in a rush, so please don't judge the entire story off that. If you're interested about the full story of the lore the prologue will explain that otherwise skip it. The story takes 7 to 10 chapters to get to the more action portion, and the pace doesn't slow down. Whether it be harsh or nice I will accept criticisms with open arms, and if you have questions please ask. Most importantly, while I have my own vision for this story, I would love to hear yours. ** yes, I have the first 10 chapters done but it's subject to change. ** Let's not just go through Itami's journey, but mine as well.

Harlow_Crownin · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Making a deal with a Senile Magus (chapter 16)

Third POV:

When Itami heard this, he started to look at him in confusion.

'Who is this old coot, and why is he in my mental space? Please don't tell me he is my aspect spirit. Damn it, I would much prefer that book over him. He looks senile.'

"Who's, senile you brat!!" the old man shouted in anger.

"You can hear my thoughts, old man," Itami said bewildered.

"I'm in your mental space, so of course I can hear your thoughts. One more thing, my name is not old man, it's Edward. However, you can call me Sir Magus.", said Edward, with pride.

"Great. I have a grandpa as an aspect spirit and a senile one at that. He even called himself a magus", Itami said, shaking his head.

"One, for the last time, I'm not senile, and two, it's not accurate to say I am your aspect spirit but a part of it." the old man claimed, seriously.

This statement puzzled Itami because he'd never heard of a situation like this before. 

As far as he knew, everyone had one aspect spirit, but Edward claimed that his consciousness was only a part of his.

"What do you mean by that," Itami said befuddled.

"I don't know. Because I don't remember. I only have a feeling," Edward said hazily.

'Great, my aspect spirit doesn't even know he's an aspect spirit. I thought spirits couldn't get diseases. Why does mine have Alzheimer's.' Itami thought, annoyed.

'Like I said previously, just because you whisper it in your head doesn't mean I can't hear you, and I'm not mentally ill.' said the old man in a panic.

"Okay, whatever, how do I get out of here. I don't have time for this". Itami asked, irritated.

"Young ones, always so impatient.', the old man said, shaking his head. "I'm not keeping you here, so if you want to leave, all you have to do is go," said Edward.

After hearing this, Itami imagined himself in his room and went to talk to his uncle.

He explained everything about his spirit, and how he wasn't sure if he'd cooperate with him.

Hearing his nephew's fears, Kage reassured him that regardless, all that mattered now was that he could manipulate Aether and that he could work on connecting with the decrepit old man later. 

After Kage said this, Itami went to the fridge to pull out his dinner.

He ate a boar meat cutlet over a bed of rice and went to bed.

The next morning, he got up and went to one of the mountains.

As usual, he started with his morning sprint and finished it in an hour.

Since Itami created Tsubame, his body went through a transformation because he kept putting it under stress.

Because of this, his normal speed is now 3 times as fast.

After completing his run, he moved 8 clicks away from the house and started Tsubame training.

Currently, Itami's focus for Tsubame is to increase its agility to make it more practical because rarely does straight-line speed ever win you battles, but your ability to adjust on the fly.

In this effort for the last month, he's been tampering with the efficiency of his ether jets.

As usual, to activate the technique, Itami created the bubble and then activated his jets, but in the middle of the jet activation, Edward started yelling.

"How did you do that brat?"

Edwards pov:

'Sitting in the brat's mindscape is boring.

All he's done so far is sleep, train, eat, and talk about training.

Seriously, doesn't the kid have any hobbies? All he does is complain that he doesn't have time.

He's 9!! 

He has all the time in the world. Go out. Get a girlfriend. Do something other than train. Doesn't he have any friends?

On top of that, he's doing it all wrong.

Currently, he's sitting down, meditating, and letting his ether fly out. 

What's he trying to accomplish?

If he's trying to expend his ether to grow his reserves, he doesn't have to sit down while doing it, and I hope the brat is not trying to purify his ether because if so, he's doing it all wrong.'

As I watched him do this pointless exercise, I thought about helping him; something started to form around him. 

'Why is he creating a bubble' I thought in bewilderment.

However, it didn't end there.

For whatever reason he kept building it up, and bursting it over, and over again.

I was intrigued by his goal, so I waited patiently for him to finish until he did something I couldn't have imagined possible.

He created the bubble and then dispersed it very quickly. Afterward, he used an ether jet to power himself and make him move faster.

"That's really strange … if all he wanted to do was to do ether jet movement, then why would he.."

Then I realized it.

Is he performing an astral art that influences his own gravity?

If he is, he's single-handedly solved one of the 13 puzzles of astral arts.

Is this boy a genius?

Immediately I knew I had to know how he created the technique, and what type of bubble he used to induce that effect, so I asked him. "How did you do that brat?"

Third POV:

Hearing Edward's voice, Itami was deeply shocked. "Old man, where are you, and how did you speak to me?" Itami spouted, annoyed.

"I'm in your mindscape. Now, quickly tell me how you did that." Edward said impatiently. 

"Now, why should I tell you that?" Itami said 

"Because I'm your aspect spirit." the old man said insistently.

"Are you? Because I seem to remember you telling me that you're only a part of my spirit. Who's to say you're not the evil part?" Itami said devilishly

Seeing that the boy wasn't budging, Edward decided to bribe the boy.

"If you tell me. I'll teach you how to use Aether properly." Edward said.

Hearing Edwards attempt at a bribe, Itami fake shrugged.

"No thank you. I can ask my uncle about that." Itami said.

Despite knowing that was the furthest from the truth, Itami made the threat in hopes that he could get more out of the old timer, and it worked.

Edward was a magus and a researcher. Any knowledge he didn't know, he thirsted for. This is how he got the moniker, Pendragon's Crazy Alchemist.

Although he knew he was getting played, he wanted the knowledge bad, so gave Itami something he couldn't refuse.

"Fine brat, On top of teaching you how to use aether, I'll teach you how to polish your current skills with it, and in other ways," Edward said desperately.



I'm sorry for not being able to post yesterday. I came under food poisoning. However, because of this, I will be posting two chapters today. Once again, please give me feedback, it's the only way I can improve, and have a good day.