13 Arrival

We arrive at the kingdom

We couldn't hide the prince so we left him at camp sealing him from the eyes of the people

Me and Seciel were using hoods

The ones that travellers usually use

I came into a stall which had seasoned skewers

I bought some using my money I had years ago

I didn't expect the skewers to be this good

So I shared some with Seciel, and stored some in a container I made

I past by some people saying "We are all doomed"

We ignored them and moved along, then we we got captured by guards

it seems wearing hoods was illegal now

I was put in jail

Fortunate enough some old guards still remember me, then we were summoned to the royal hall

I saw a familiar face it was the princess Luzara but now she is the queen Luzara

I was questioned why I disappeared

I answered

"I was given a deal to stop the riot of both titan and humans"

when I saw her expression I felt guilt

I saw pain in her eyes

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